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Posts posted by Samler

  1. Sylvan Alchemy - Fix

    Spring’s Touch




    Base: Ground up seeds mixed with salt water

    Earth: Rigidity x1

    Mundane: Endurance x2

    Mundane: Peace x1

    Spring’s touch




    Base: Ground up seeds mixed with salt water

    Earth: Connection x1

    Mundane: Endurance x2

    Mundane: Peace x1

    Nymph Dust



    Base: N/A

    Air: Reduction x2

    Air: Swiftness x1

    Mundane: Balance x5

    Mundane: Agility x2

    Optional: Mundane: Endurance x4

    Nymph Dust



    Base: N/A

    Air: Swiftness x1

    Mundane: Reduction x2
    Mundane: Balance x5

    Mundane: Agility x2

    Optional: Mundane: Endurance x4

    Currently these two alchemical creations are quite difficult to make, the alchemical nature dye requiring a dwarven nose otherwise being unable to be made seems a steep price for a tier 1 creation, which is essentially just a dye. Connection has a similar meaning to Rigidity and kept the elemental aspect of the creation, it is now able to be made with Tippens Root.

    Meanwhile Nymph dust is quite a bit harder to create, with no herb, cannibal alchemy, gunpowder, or even rare metal able to produce Air: Reduction, seeing as it already has another air component I propose that removing it from Reduction should be a suitable fix, making this whimsical hair addition available once more.


  2. The blonde elf Seth ventured to the aviary, once more checking up on when his construct was to be commanded by the human he had sent upon the journey of learning the arcane, once more no bird with his name marked upon it, he took in the sight of the nature around him, a gentle wind brushed against him as he focused down on his companion, Rameethar the black leopard. "I am starting to think the servants of Xan disregarded my offer of aid. Yet curious Albus wouldn't pen that." The panther simply looked up at Seth, a moment of silenced passed. "Rameethar, we go down." Of course these words needed not to be spoken, yet the great act regarding the panther must continue and the construct never to aid Albus in battle.

    The great mage was one of many names that Seth had met, yet one which would be remembered for at least a century unlike many others.

  3. The final missive - Year 1973 - 177 SA




    Students of Larihei, people and creatures within the walls of Tahn’miar.

    I was often struck down by sickness, causing inability to teach often, the few lessons I managed to compose were mostly with a small handful of listeners. I handed the duties to another and corruption took root, despite my health I obtained the blessing of elMalauriran to retake my duties but by then it was too late.

    I will take my departure from this Tarnished Empire. To many younger readers, this appears most terrible, yet it is a pattern which can be traced through history to Uradir.

    To any and all true students of Larihei, the aviaries should still be able to carry notes and letters to my door, as I continue my personal studies for the reemergence of Haelun’or. Should you be stricken with questions, puzzles or simply requiring aid then know that I still care and aid my kin.

    At this time I fear there is no candidate to fulfill the role of Maheral among you. Appointing one too young, as we have seen with Arasdir, only serves to squander their potential. For one must not pluck an apple before it is ripe, or it will rot. In this time of relative peace, with the cultural threat of the second Uradir conquest nigh forgotten, I place my trust in you all to uphold Larihei's legacy. Until the time another Maheral rises, remember, young ones, The Maheral simply is.



    -Malaurir Seth Calith.

  4. Terrestrial Conjuration - Non-Combat Variant - Non-Combat / Enchantable* / Dependant Summon*


    Old Lore

    - While normally a creature must remain in direct line of sight in order to be maintained, a Conjurationist may command a single creature of no greater than small size to travel to a location the Conjurationist has previously been to, and is aware of how to reach from their current location. The Conjurationist must maintain focus on the creature for the entirety of this time. Functionally, this allows the Conjurationist to create minute messengers, so long as the creature summoned is summoned specifically for this task. If they choose to send a letter with the creature, the writing of the letter must be done separately from the emotes to summon it, resulting in a minimum of four emotes before sending it off.

    New Lore

    [Removed that section.]  



    This part of life evocation existed when many other spells has ways and means to flavourfully do different kinds of bird aesthethics before the Aviary System. Current Aviary rules allows life evocation to by-pass the plug in as 'In-game private messages (/msg) are considered out-of-character (except where explicitly permitted for magic/lore).' https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/213173-aviary-plugin/ 

    In addition it also breaks the consistency of voidal magic always requiring line of sight, life evo breaking it 'just because' is silly.

    Lastly, it has been too long since the last nerf of voidal magic so I made my own.


  5. 6 hours ago, Pengin said:

    Can you elaborate more on this? Is it because it uses an Ancient Elven term or because it'd be giving a defined name to fae/druidic energy?

    It just ticks me off in some way that is bound in no logic. :P Closest thing I can get is it's already being used to describe mana in general, tieing it specificly to one magic (voidal or otherwise) feels a bit wrong on a OOC level. I do also think I am the only person on the server this rubs off in the wrong way. 


  6. I get the using of Tayna to describe the mana, but as an elf player practicing voidal magic I feel an instinctive calling to oppose it. This might be entirely illogical.

    Seems off that lesser souls CAs (Musin, Hou'zi) can learn this magic.

    Wyldburst seems incredible powerful, I feel it would be more inline if it was 3 emotes: recurve/longbow 4 emotes: Crank Crossbow 5 emotes arbelest, meaning if connected you do still outperform the mundane counterpart, untill the 5'th spell as then you would have no more 'ammo'. 

    Boomvoice, makes sense to add Atronachs to the immune list I guess?

    Trickery I feel as if it shouldn't affect voidal conjurations, as to disrupt a dependent summon is practicly the same as disrupting an evocationist's spells, as they are not given commands, they are being directly manipulated. Can't comment on other dependent/independent creature sources with my lack of knowledge on how they are controlled/bound.

    Didn't read the rituals, all in all the magic seems very neat. 

  7. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Seth Calith


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?

             Voidal Artificer


    Teacher's MC Name:

             Anddupsilon, BakedPotato7, Rhettthecoldone and obelisk


    Teacher's RP Name:

             Mahina, Lillith, Faeran'duil and an obelisk.


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  8. 3 hours ago, Karina said:

    In the early morning, scattered missives were thrown from horseback around the Silver State.



    By the gates of Haelun'or stood the ancient high elf Seth Calith clad in his blue robes, crimson cloak with his rather tall staff with a blue crystal mounted atop, with a quiet word to his mute bodyguard Abbu, a 5'3ft tall person whose race was entirely hidden behind the Haelun'orian Sillumir armor lifted a lever, heavy chains pulled upon the mighty front gate. "Karin'ayla Avernir." Seth said with a small nod.

    What is your name, reason for visit, race and alligience? Also, I would request for you to dismount doing the gate process." The elf said courtly as the armoured man joined Seth's side by the hole from which he could look down upon whoever attempted to spread missives inside of the gated community.

  9. 55 minutes ago, JayonG said:

    hey there! im new and i have no idea how to advance forward, and i was wondering if anyone can help me figure out how to have a profession? or how am i able to achieve one? is it through commands and if so what do i type. i was looking forward to be a miner.

    It's a no longer in place plugin. Defunct.

  10. 14 minutes ago, MeteorDragon said:

    I get it for atronachs, but I don't like the idea for Voidstalkers. Not all potions are combative after all and it feels weird to make it so they basically cant use the feat

    I am just getting the unwritten rule written, I too also think it's dumb but it's even dumber that Voidstalkers are power gaming by not reading ST chat history from a year ago.

  11. Meant to go to Core Alchemy III

    Originally: [spoiler]
    Potions being primed would stay primed for two emotes, until once more becoming inert. Once inert, a potion must be primed again to be activated. Drawing/Throwing a potion does not count as priming a potion.

    Potions would go inert and unable to be primed when their holder connected to a magic, or used an enchantment. Potions remain inert until two emotes after the user disconnects from a magic or stops using an enchantment.

    New: [spoiler]
    Potions being primed would stay primed for two emotes, until once more becoming inert. Once inert, a potion must be primed again to be activated. Drawing/Throwing a potion does not count as priming a potion.

    Potions would go inert and unable to be primed when their holder connected to a magic, or used an enchantment. Potions remain inert until two emotes after the user disconnects from a magic or stops using an enchantment.
    [Added]Atronachs and mages with the Voidstalking feat always count as being connected to a magic or using an enchantment, thus are unable to prime potions.

    Currently the only way of knowing that an Atronach or a Voidstalker is unable to prime a potion is through word of mouth or finding a message in the Story Discord from literally a year ago. 


  12. Standard in the tavern of Haelun'or, the ancient elf shook his head lightly as he read the missive out loud to his trusty companion Abbu the mute bodyguard, upon finishing it he took only a few moments to declear. "The writer is an elf but not a Haelun'orian. Or mayhaps a darkspawn, attempting to goad Starland. None the less, I think this missive may do more damage than good." He commented out to Abbu and any other Haelun'orian which might be listening on the Maheral's take on the missive.

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