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Arbrek the Ancient

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Posts posted by Arbrek the Ancient

  1. Wouldent religious RP be better for the Dwarfern community if such a temple was kept small and depended of the guverment for suply's? you say "the Clergy is extremly low on supplies and I've been unable to get any help whatsoever." wouldent this be due to you'r living in solitude (not the place) within Mount ire away from most people dwarfs (as far as i know).

    I see no reason whatsoever to indicate that the temples being small, an extremely uncommon occurence with temples, or that depending on the government for supplies, would in any way shape or form help RP.

    Also, we moved into Karik ages ago with the rest of the Dwarves.

  2. Support from ol' Arby that's for sure!

    As I often like to remind people, I'm quite Egotistical after all, I remember RPing with Geo outside the gates of Hanseti before he got his VA. At the time, my character Arbrek encountered you outside and you tried to bite him or something if I remember correctly. Arbrek the proceeded to beat the ever-loving **** out of you, hacking at you with his ace, kicking you, slashing at your stomach and back, all as Cast attempted to hold be back and you lay there mewling. That was to this day one of the best RP sessions I have ever been privates to Roleplay in, and it showed your endless amounts of responsibility and maturity.

    One of the the best candidates for GM we currently have I'm sure.

    PS: You never did hunt Arbrek down like I had hoped you would. >.>

  3. Also I find that your making the Clergy far too exclusive, it seems as if your attempting to build a miniture city within the temple, the Clergy should use the Kingdom supplies and goods along with the workshops and forges that are available there.. The Clergy doesn't require its own everything as prophets can live within the housing district like any other high ranking offical that is in the Dwarven Capitol, the demands and plans for the temple make you seem like a demanding King who wants his own castle.

    Ah, you understand that amoung most religions it is the norm for priests to sleep and live within their temples? That way they can preform morning rituals, evening rituals, see to it that the temples are secure, etc, etc.

    As for the forges and supplies, I have long since arranged with Tortek that the golem and runeforges as well as, I believe, forges for high ranking members of the Smiths Guild and smithing related knowledge are to be put within Yemekar's High Temple, seeing as Yemekar is, in fact, the God of Smithing. And as response to our using Kingdom Supplies, that has never worked out. Ever. It didn't work for any Dwarven Guild that I've ever run. And even now, the Clergy is extremly low on supplies and I've been unable to get any help whatsoever.

    Lastly, I'm not "King trying to get his own Castle", all I'm doing is trying to ensure a good Roleplay environment for religion and the clergy, without having to depend on the government for everything.

  4. Why don't we simplify the temple so that it will be based on shrines in place of work and war? I find that a large temple is rather unnecessary, and from the Description it seems to use a lot of Iron which I believe we won't be able to use much of as the build team creative is locked so builders cannot specifically spawn in minerals, bars or blocks of any metal to prevent a economy flood, also Iron towers or structures are never pleasing to the eye other in terms of curvature and placement thus meaning we cannot make a "Large" tower, nor do we have a place to put it in the city.

    As I understand it, the city has yet to be built, so there is no way to determine if we'd have space or a place for it. As for having the temples reduced to small shrines scattered about, I must say I rather dislike that idea. The Temples are place where the Prophets live, conduct worship, store the various knowledge and relics of their Patron, as well as hold shrines to each Patron's Paragons.. Having that become various small shrines I'd a bad idea IMHO, and limit the RP. This would be especially true in the case of the High-Temple due to it is where the Clergy is based, stores all Clergy wealth, information, relics, forges, and lastly, subservient Clergy Orders.

    As for having the tower made of Iron, that is mostly a concept. I thought it would look cool, and it would emulate Khaz'A'Denn'Trumm. Should it be impossible or look ugly, there are other ways to build it.

  5. I have no issue with that - it is just a concept. But - just throwing ideas around here - could we make the arena part of the temple? Dungrimm worship through the spilling of blood?

    Hrm, I like that idea. We could put the Temple of Dungrimm in the direct back of the High Temple and have the arena there.

  6. Bael, you've taken Orzammar and smashed the Guilds into it. While it is a nice idea, the Temple District is to be a improved version of what we have now, IE: Giant central tower (made of iron) that serves as the High Temple with smaller Temples to the Patrons arrayed around it. So, if you replace the Arena with a large extension of the cavern with the temples there, I could see that as working.

  7. Bael, you've taken Orzammar and smashed the Guilds into it. While it is a nice idea, the Temple District is to be a improved version of what we have now, IE: Giant central tower (made of iron) that serves as the High Temple with smaller Temples to the Patrons arrayed around it. So, if you replace the Arena with a large extension of the cavern with the temples there, I could see that as working.

  8. As Kazraden travels through the city to meet the populace and give out blessings, he notices the notice posted. Shocked that Hiebe would allow the inferior races to defile the Arena of Dungrimm, and even WIN the competition, he immediately goes and writes an Edict.

    ""Blessings of the Brathmordakin be upon you,

    On this day, by order of His Holiness, High Prophet of the Brathmordakin, Voice of Yemekar, Arch-Bishop of the Dwarves, Thane of Clan Starbreaker, Kazraden Starbreaker, it is decreed that by the allowance of inferior races to participate in the Tournament is Blasphemy against the great Dungrimm and is to be halted immediately. While the Clergy consents to allow other races to observe the event in respect for the great King Hiebe, to allow them to participate is to far.

    Dungrimm be Prasied."

  9. "What teh 'ell are ye doin', Bael?"

    Standing at the doorway of his small brightly lit Clan Hall, the High Prophet glowered at the young Dwarf acting like a fool to Phelrin, a Dwarf quite senior to Bael in age and placement within the Clergy, and tossed him a coin.

    "They left three. One in teh door of the Gate, one in th Vault Door, and one in the chest. I have engineers craftin' new doors an' gates fer us as well."

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