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Posts posted by Goliath

  1. Environment__Winter_Village_by_I_NetGraF


    The breath of man and horse mingled, steaming, in the cold morning air as the party of twelve approached the neglected, desolate façade of the chalet. The grass, glazed with frost crunched at their feet as two robed men led their mares to a set of wooden pickets, securing them there. Valzar, the eldest, stout, bronze bearded and with a weary cast to his sunken crimson eyes trudged closer to the door, admiring the carved runic inscriptions. He craned his neck aside just as a brisk winter gust blew by, exclaiming to the party in a monotone roar “Snow’s Maidan, a bastard it is.”


    “He does not welcome visitors” insisted the hesitant, ebon haired adolescent at the back of the group, gesturing for Valzar to cease his actions. Valzar paused and despite his thick beard, matted with soil obscuring any sight of his mouth, a broad grin could still be seen forming. “He welcomes blood relations and comrades, comrade Oswin.”


    As the door swung open Valzar stepped in, kicking the soles of his shoes against the worn, bristly doormat that greeted him. The rest of the visitors repeated his actions, each admiring the interior of the ancient chalet.


    Almost immediately upon entering, for the room was minuscule in size and fairly desolate in its own right, the party were able to catch a glimpse of the throne, despite being layered with dust, dirt and dreck that sat at the far corner of the room. The border, tarnished, unalluring gold. The words, though incomprehensible for some, read “Elkin’ Nage.” above the man who sat, as white as the snow of the north, withered and bordering skeletal appearance. The man was Goliath. His neck appeared to be contorted aside, resting on his shoulder with a chin slicked with drool and idle, glazed crimson eyes that meekly watched the group of men, women and children who came to greet him.


    Valzar swallowed deeply in concern and compassion, shakily raising a hand in greeting. “Brother…”


    His actions were disrupted by a faint stammering sound, which soon evolved into something far more persistent, growing in volume. In astonishment, each member of the twelve man party glanced to the source of the noise; pots, pans, books, all in unison; Shook. Valzar glanced back to his brother in shock, flailing both hands out of desperation as the stammering continued. “Cease this at once!” he bellowed over the sound, his eyes showing only signs of fear and discomfort as he could have sworn that even the room itself seemed to shake, yet far less aggressively. “Stop this… At once, brother Goliath!”


    And so it did.


    The shaking subsided. Books fell back into place and pots and pans clattered back to the floor. Goliath blinked hard. Once. Twice. He glanced back to Valzar. With a faint, fragile and hesitant voice, Goliath spoke. “Wh...Why does th...the family w-who on-n-nce abandoned me… return?”


    “Sorrow. Guilt.” Valzar responded frankly as he took an idle step closer to his brother. “We appreciate that you have aged. A man who onced aided us now requires help from those closest to him… or those who deem themselves closest to him.” with two hefty tugs at his buckle, Valzar adjusted his gut, awaiting a response.


    Goliath twitched faintly, guiding his sluggish eyes over his visitors as he contemplated his response. “Th-The onl...ly way y-you can help, is b-by curing me of th-this disease they call ageing. If-f you wish-sh to help me… help me avoid this-s death...th I have been unjustly forced to meet.” His jaw hung loose as the words fell from his mouth; hollow and cold.


    Valzar paused as he mulled over the repercussions any potential response may bring. Eventually, he decided upon the action he should take, responding with one frank yet heartfelt line.


    “It shall be done.”


    *Nailed to trees, noticeboards and littered on pathways in every nation except the Orcs are identical pieces of parchment. In some instances, some individuals may be present during one of many public speeches outlining the same request.*




    At the request of a dying man; wizard; lord. A method of age regeneration, prevention, or immortality is requested. The request may be unethical - perhaps frivolous to some but it is of dire importance that a remedy is formed in return for priceless, ancient arcane knowledge and power that a select few have the honor to behold. May birds be directed to Mr Valzar Orman and with haste! WITH HASTE!

  2. I would like to see plots returning and minas for each donation level. The idea of NPCs returning after the invasion of them during 2.0 might not be such a good idea. The novelty of having one around is pretty nifty but that wears out very fast when you have constant chat spam and the same "Shop Keeper John" watching you with those vacant, eerie eyes and the same three recycled catchphrases. 


    A quick one regarding a mina perk:


    It has its pros and cons, really. Like the other perks, some people would naturally complain that it gives donators an unfair advantage; so be it. However, financially, having a mina donation perk will more than likely convince a greater sum of RPers to donate. I'm not the guy funding the server or taking home any left over revenue but from one guy to another... it'll fill your pockets. With an arguably iffy economy, giving this monetary perk to the higher donators can also have a positive effect on the economy with more minas in flotation which will mean more trade. But how will this make sense in roleplay, some may ask. It doesn't. Many things don't make total sense in roleplay but if the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, I see no problem with it.


    Just my view anyway.

  3. Awh, well that was never the intention. :o

    I thought it was okay, maybe I was a bit nervous but I didn't think I was talking down to you. o-o


    It probably wasn't and it was no biggie. Changes look good and they were all well explained, just something small I noticed. Don't pay attention to me anyway haha. Good job again.

  4. Character Name: Goliath Orman
    Nicknames: "Crazy Old Mage"
    Age: 453
    Gender: Male
    Race: High Elven / Human
    Status: Alive

    Description -

    Height: 6 ft 2
    Weight: 160 lbs
    Body Type: Slender
    Eyes: Crimson
    Hair: Pale white
    Skin: Light skinned
    Markings/Tattoos: Charred and tainted hands and wrists
    Health: Pretty damn shoddy 
    Personality: Frivolous yet sadistic in nature. In most cases, short tempered. His morals knows little bounds, meaning he would likely sacrifice a friend at his own personal gain. Has a guilty pleasure with playing with others emotions (often winding them up for his own entertainment.)
    Inventory: Goliath carries a golden staff, its head replicating two serpents intertwining, each with crimson eyes fairly similar to his. Within his cloak pocket a supply of stale, spoiled bread is always present.
    Further Details: His teeth are sharpened to the point of disgust. (Picture inserted below for reference.)



    Life Style -

    Alignment*: Neutral evil
    Deity*: Iblees
    Religion: None
    Alliance/Nation/Home: Among the Delvers
    Job/Class: Mentor at the Delvers
    Profession(s): Teaching selected Arcane Magics.
    Special Skill(s): Adept in two magical arts.
    Flaw(s): His self obsessed nature can often lead to him overlooking certain details. (I.e: An arrow being shot towards him during a bragging episode.) Easily lost and poor at "keeping" conversations with others.

    Current Status:
    Masterful. Self-proclaimed "Dark Wizard."
    Arch-type: Arcane
    Sub-Type: Conjuration / Water Evocation
    Rank: Teacher
    Weakness(es): Often takes time conjuring beasts. 
    Strength(s): Is able to evoke/conjure for an extended amount of time in comparison to other magic users since reaching the masterful "tier." 
    Current Spell(s): Well, once the MAGIC PLUGIN is introduced I may be able to answer this.

    Weaponry -
    Fighting Style:
    Trained Weapon[s]: Staff. Previously sword.
    Favored Weapon: Staff.
    Archery: F*cking useless at it.

    Biography -
    Parents: Hileia Orman {D} and James Orman {D}
    Siblings: Valzar Orman, Hileia Orman (2nd) and Alara Orman.
    Children: Damien, Retlin, Gawin {D}, Valendil, Lavinia, Syla and Oswin.
    Extended Family: -
    Pet(s): Amber, his conjured serpent.

    History -






  5. Where do their loyalties lie, what is their allegiance? 


    They tend not to have an allegiance to a specific "superior" or anyone really for that matter. Each Orman is loyal to one another (except for a few of the current already RPed children of Goliath.) Rupert would intervene and help out any family members in trouble or any of his dwarvern friends but he's fairly free lance. He'd care more for an ale than any "superior". Hileia is much the same. She is loyal to her family but because she spent so much time as the figurehead for her siblings she had no one to look up to. She can be loyal to her friends and perhaps the king of the kingdom she finds herself living within but again, no one in general. Syla would be loyal to any of his elders. He is still rather young and unscathed by life so is drawn to any figure head he would instinctively trust and seek guidance from. Like the others, he is loyal to all of the members in his family.

  6. vxFiaJk.png?1


    The Orman's


    Quick insight: The Orman's, a bloodline shunned in most instances from society. A disproportionate percentage of the Orman children suffer from a hereditary sociopathic nature. They tend to be malicious and cruel, with but a few exceptions. Most "true" Orman descendants inherit Patrick, the first recorded ancestor's instantaneously recognizable features; those being his blood-red eyes and pale white hair. Their sadistic sense of humour and dashing good looks are also a recognisable trait most Ormans carry. Their ancestors comprise of High Elves and Humans, oddly enough. Perhaps that explains their sense of superiority toward others.


    Orman's available to be RPed:


    Rupert Orman:




    The eldest recording living Orman descendant. Witty, wise and equipped with an arsenal of insults, Rupert tends to spend his days drinking ale and visiting the Dwarves for a fair bit of boysterous "banter." Despite being alive during Aegis's early days and with an age so grand even he couldn't care to remember, he looks and feels quite well for his age. He rarely speaks with his grandchildren, tending to prefer the company of elder, wiser folk whom he could get up to mischief with. 


    No skin has been made for him, yet. 



    -White Hair

    -Red eyes

    -Mostly human but has some high elven blood running through his veins. His ears are ever so slightly pointed.


    Hileia Orman





    Born in mid Aegis, the eldest sibling of that Orman generation. Her parents, James and Hileia (Mother, whom she was named after) were slaughtered from a unforeseen attack, leaving her to nurture her siblings single handedly. Hileia is often considered to be the mature Orman, quick thinking and a talented archer. Her time is often spent mounted on a horse roaming Anthos and spending time by the sea.


    No skin has been made for her, yet.



    -White hair

    -Red eyes

    -Tall and slender

    -Half High elven, half human.


    Syla Orman




    Like the like the majority of the sons of Goliath, Syla was conceived in a wh*re house. Born the twin of Gawin (unbeknownst to the two) and adopted by his uncle Valzar from birth, he grew up un-tormented unlike the rest of Goliath's children and is disputably considered the sanest of Ormans. Born in Asulon, Syla is intelligent and like his father was, talented with a sword. He tends to refuse to take orders from others and therefore prefers to make his own decisions and set his own path in life. Not deterred by his fathers pessimistic attitude.


    No skin has been made for him, yet.



    -White hair

    -Red eyes

    -Well built and toned.

    -Quarter High Elven, three quarters Human. 



    Note: Despite the eye colour's being what they are in the drawings, all of the Orman's will have red eyes.



    If you would like to RP one of these characters then simply state so below. You will need to find your own skins. Any questions? Shoot.

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