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Posts posted by Goliath

  1. Yeah. One time. I stepped out of line that one day, by saying that one status. Which let me tell you, that both sides reacted badly. Exams suck.

    And if you were to step out of line one time, one day whilst part of the Forum Moderator team, what then?

    Based on quite a few immature comments on your behalf dotted around the forums, I must say I do not support.

  2. This man knows what he is talking about. The only current FM's who don't seem to be on their period 24/7 are Boomack, Hiebe and Syrenne. The rest of you take your jobs WAY, WAY, WAY to seriously. Actually, now that I think of it - Syrenne actually posted a picture that sums up the situation quite nicely a while back.

    Please keep in mind that you may either +1 / -1 this application and refrain from ridiculing the current Forum Moderator team.

  3. Actually, this is also happening even if you are not using the forums from a different device. Different browsers do not really affect anything as well. It's primarily a forum issue itself. With our DDoS protection provided by CloudFlare, it constantly switches IPs to mitigate attacks. Because Tythus added this new "one-device-only" add-on, it is recognizing new IPs as different devices; ergo, it is something that cannot be fixed ourselves.

    I've tried to contact Tythus about this, but he's a bit... lax to say the least.

    I'll yell at him this time.

  4. This is a small procedure in order to keep this sub-forum clutter free.

    Once the trading has commenced and the items for sale / wanted have exchanged hands, please state so in the topic title by simply inserting a [sOLD] or [bOUGHT] in order for the FM team to archive the topic in order to prevent unwanted clutter. If the topic is a finished auction, simply use [FINISHED] in the topic title.

    Thank you for your co-operation.

    - Goliath

  5. Goliath circles it gently, his eyes fixated on the wolves. "Now stay." he whispers in a heinous manner. His left hand presented, he urges the wolf to step forwards. It does so in unison with his call. "Aren't you a tame thing." he spits in spite, ushering it closer. A shallow growl escapes from it as it ponders. "Continue as you were... small one." it continues its ascent towards the circling Goliath, its claws sliding forwards in defense. He pauses, stopping dead in his tracks as he admires the beast. "Stay-" he urges it, extending an idle finger in its direction. It does so.

    Cautiously, he flicks his cloak aside, revealing a blood-stained pouch. "Stay-" he reiterates, desperation in his voice. Gently, his free hand slides within the tattered pouch. "And what would your name be?" he speaks in a shrill tone in order to pass time. He forces himself to stop as his grubby fingers cling onto the meat rapped within his pouch.

    After a few seconds pass, he removes it. Accustomed to its smell, the wolf whines softly, eyeing the meat. "You're going to come with me... mm?" he mutters sadistically, throwing the meat towards the wolf, who aggressively tore it to pieces. "I like the look of those teeth-" he admires, grinning. Glancing upwards, the wolf allows a flow of howling to emit from its core, standing on its hind legs in Goliath's direction. He takes a step backwards, frowning.

    It takes another step forwards, its tongue at work ridding its jaw of the left over remains of the pork. Acknowledging its tameness, Goliath falls to one knee, ushering the wolf towards him.

    It obeys.

    [[i am interested.]]

  6. Nikias you have upheld this position beforehand and done it superbly. I believe you deserve this position once more as you are both active and will be a great addition to the team (once more). You have my wholehearted support and I wish you the best of luck my dutch friend.

  7. -Various posters are slapped against areas surrounding the cloud temple. Trees, cities and sign posts house similar posters. It begins-

    "Looking for body guards.

    Must be strong, must have a carefree attitude and most specifically, must condone my criminal ways.

    Send a bird to Goliath Orman and we can discuss this further. As for pay- I will give you what you wish as long as you sign an oath to protect me."

    [This is only a small post as you can tell, but it's only a small message.]

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