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Posts posted by Goliath

  1. *posters dotted around every nation and along the Anthos Highway*


    "The Sale of Obscure Items!"


    *A small list of items are jotted down beneath the title*


    Soul Sand:

    Quantity: 64

    Price: Name it.


    Odd Looking Skull (Wither):

    Quantity: 1

    Price: Name it.



    Quantity: 10

    Price: Name it.


    Odd looking coin:

    Quantity: 1

    Price: Name it.

    (OOC screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/oU4jpe6.png?1?6027 )



    "Sign your name and the item/quantity you wish to purchase below and a bird shall be sent to you if the price is tempting enough."



  2. *posters in all nations and along the Anthos Highway.*


    "Looking for a house or manor!"


    "Currently I have a budget of 3,000 minas along with three emerald blocks which may be of use to the city or nation owner. The house would be required to fit a large family which also has some room for storage.  A bonus would be that of a bathing area included with the purchase. Send a bird to Goliath Orman (JoshIsTooCool) or sign this poster if a house or manor matching this description is available."

  3. *A reply is pinned upon the noticeboard beside the anonymous message.*


    "For far too long have the Druidic Order shunned those alike me. They have deemed us "unnatural" and the plague of these lands.


    Several confrontations with members of this Order have led to dismay and severe threats so I must say with all aspects considered, one would rather be consumed by the taint first hand than partake in any deals with the Druidic Order. We certainly do hope that the sword is used to inflict pain upon others, for the war mongering tainting this land is far more deadly than that of any blade.


    I bid you well.



  4. *posters are plastered within every major nation and along the Anthos Highway*


    "The Sale of A Godly Relic!"


    "The sword of a necromancer, embers seemingly infused within the sharpened wood; it would make any great swordsman greater!"


    "One cannot comprehend its complexity, yet it is known that at a single strike the embers within this sword have the ability to burn, or even set an unknowing warrior ablaze! How this sword was discovered is unknown at the time yet its powers certainly are. Whilst it may be constructed out of a material which would otherwise be of no match to that of iron or elements alike, this wooden sword bares a magical element unseen thus far upon these very plains.


    The sword is of no use to I, and so I shall sell it to the highest bidder. Once a substantial amount of minas has been met, the sword shall be sold. In one Elven week shall the highest bidder or biddee receive their sword. ((Sunday the 30th June.))


    *A painting of the sword is below.*


    ((For OOC purposes of the illegibility of it~))


    "The bidders may sign this poster with their name, the order they are part of (if any) and their purposes for this sword."


    "Bidding starts at 1,000 minas! They may rise 100 minas at a time!"


    -The posters are unsigned.-



    ((Current highest bidder:


    Delric: 4500 minas.))

  5. "Plague"'s eyes trail over the Nation's Crossing coolly. Amongst the tree's branches it feels a sense of homeliness as it gazes upon the tainted plains that surround him. It waits patiently, fondling with a miniscule gem in hand. "The entity has been secured..." it mumbles along with a high-pitched childish snicker. "We have it..." it mumbles once more, standing to its feet, watching Horen's spawn aimlessly battle with the Dwarves of Anthos with scornful eyes. "They shall feel the brute force of The Vielxa..."


    ..."Only time will tell."

  6. "Plague" scampers toward a nearby poster in a primitive stance, eying it coolly. It allows a thick chortle to pass from the depths of its mask as it trails its finger over "Famine's" reply and makes several identical indents under his name. Swiftly, the slender figure dashes back into the shadows, nothing but its incomprehensible cackling remains in the desolate streets.

  7. 1443346-dark_wizard_by_jimmygzon.jpg


    (Posters in every nation, as well as various trees along the Anthos Highway.)


    The Vielxa



    We seek destruction, we seek power and we seek knowledge.


    What We Are:


    Currently the lands are plagued by the ever growing population of tainted souls.They have not received the blessing, for they are unworthy. We do not value them, nor do our gods. They are not by any reckoning of use upon these lands and as the days dwindle for them we grow relentlessly in power. Many have attempted to trick our gods into thinking they are worthy but their pitiful attempts have been unsuccessful. We are hallowed entities and we shall fight as one in curing the lands of the taint that engulfs it. We are stronger. We are wiser. We are the mages of Anthos; they are those individuals who Iblees deems unworthy, not blessed and tainted. We work in unison in order to drive a stake through the hearts of the citizens of Anthos.


    Whilst we do not house a constant home, we gather in secluded areas in peace. Together we plot and work toward the demise of the non-magic users. We are a brotherhood, a family.


    We welcome only men alike ourselves, with similar motives and similar strengths. The goal is simplistic yet grueling to obtain yet the combined strength of us is one hard to match. Our name is little known throughout Anthos and our goal is deemed obsolete. Oren and nations alike reject our kind; they see us as a great threat and we shall reinforce this belief. We shall stand together and whittle the inhabitants to a mere few, and then continue whittling. We are a brotherhood. We are a family. We are the Vielxa.




    Are you magically adept? Do you deem those without the gift beneath you? Do you wish to empower Anthos, with you and your brethren at the head of this new world order? If the case is yes, simply sign this poster and you will be considered.


    A bird will be sent if you face acceptance.




    There is no system of ranking for all brothers bar one are equal. One single master shall dictate the ploys we undertake.


    Thou shan’t harm another brother.

    Thou shan’t openly preach the cult’s motives to others.

    Thou shan’t steal or be deceptive to another brother.

    Thou shan’t partake in any killing without another brothers consent.

    Thou shalt practice a magical art.

    Thou shalt enfuse the utmost trust into another brother.

    Thou shalt discriminate against those who aren’t blessed.

    Thou shalt kill those unworthy.

    Failure to follow these rules will lead to the removal of thyself from the cult and a brutal death will be faced.



    Given Name (Minecraft name):

    True Name (Character name):

    Magic Art Practiced (and current tier):

    Do you condone villainous actions? (Do you have an accepted villain application?):

    Short biography of thyself:

    (Villainous Evils required: 2a, 2c, (3a if you decide to worship Iblees as he provides you with the strength to excel at a magic subtype [Optional]) and 4a)



    A work in progress, subject to change.

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