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Posts posted by Eleatic

  1. * Comes to meet Relgard and tells him of news. . . *

    Relgard. . . The time is soon at hand. . . where we shall rule this land and destroy all who oppose us (( Soon as I get my VA ^-^ ))

  2. Name:

    Truename ((MCName)):borgtrek7


    How can you declare you are Mali'thill: I was born and raised by two upstanding Mahi'thill's Cornelius Norwing and Lorina Norwing they both taught me the elven language and told me the rules and customs of which the Mahi'thill should Abide by .

    Why do you wish to become a citizen of Haelun'or: To connect with my race.

    What is your personal vision for our blessed race: To see it blossom into a towering moon over the lowly Impurities

    What does maehr'sae hiylun'ehya mean to you:To gain knowledge and spread it to others.

    What Elven phrase do you particularly take to heart? Please explain why: iyath & iller To gain and to give knowledge

    What is the subject of the first book you will submit to the college: A thesis on the races of Asulon.

    What would be your reaction if you ever saw a human, orc and unknown Mali'aheral travel the roads from Alras together: I feel disgust but I would not get involved as it would cause more problems

    What home would you like to receive: (if left blank you will be granted one of the free residences, if one is availible).

    Are there any other details about yourself you wish to relay to the council:

  3. Dear fellow mahi'thill I have been writing for a long while. . . I have decided to share my works with the public!,

    A book of poems ( Each is different ): 50 minas

    A book of fables: ( Each is diffrent ): 100 minas

    A story of which I have worked for many years . . . : 200 minas

    A book of facts ( Each is different ): 20 minas

    A guide to the races of Asulon: 400 minas NOTE: This is a very in-depth guide

    A guide of the guilds of Asulon: 300 minas NOTE: Indepth and very precise

    A journal of impossible things ( A fairy tale . . .) : 500 minas for the set of the 5 books in the series. . .

  4. Event Planners, MC Names: bogtrek7

    Event Date: Whenever you choose ;)

    Event Type: Entertainment / Fun

    Players/Nations effected by the event: I want all of the nations to have atleast 10 bards for the event ;)

    Event Location: Every major nation Hell if we can sing in menocress we will do it =P

    Summary: The time of death and despair (( Pertaining to recent wars )) Is over now is the time for laughter and excitement in asulon wether it be in Krug or Normandor! Us bards usually sing in taverns but we have decided that we should take our music to the world to bring cheer and laughter to the merry folk of Asulon,

    Other Information: Everyone who does not rp a bard arealdy needs a new character

    Bard Application

    RP NAME:

    MC NAME:

    Character bio

    Traits of character:

    What inspired him/her to sing:

    I want at least one rp reference for each bard ;):

  5. Name:

    Truename ((MCName)): borgtrek7


    How can you declare you are Mali'thill: My mother and my father were Mahi'thill, I have always loved learning and exploring.

    Why do you wish to become a citizen of Haelun'or: I wish to meet my people As I have been wandering the world for so long And I have not seen our blessed race or one of them for far too long

    What is your personal vision for our blessed race: I hope to see it prosper into a ever shining beacon over the smaller races in Asulon

    What does maehr'sae hiylun'ehya mean to you: I never learned much elven but from what I can tell this means Wisdom Branching into... the rest I sadly cannot translate

    What Elven phrase do you particularly take to heart? Please explain why:iyath & iller that means in common To Think And To Give

    What is the subject of the first book you will submit to the college: I know many things of the other races so I could write a history and mythology of all of the major races Mori/ Human/ Elven/ Dwarven

    What would be your reaction if you ever saw a human, orc and unknown Mali'aheral travel the roads from Alras together: I would feel slight disgust as some of my....... unkindly opinion of the men shine though but during my travels I have learned humility

    What home would you like to receive: (if left blank you will be granted one of the free residences, if one is availible).

    Are there any other details about yourself you wish to relay to the council:

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