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Posts posted by Tom_Whiteman

  1. Name: S'Kurr
    Relatives: None
    Subrace: Kha' Pantera
    Age: 94
    Skills: ((Having a skill reset))

    - Swords

    - Mining

    - Unarmed
    Weapon of choice: Sword
    Do you prefer light or heavy armour: Heavy
    What is your choice of approach (Speed, Stealth, Tactics or Strength): Strength and Tactics
    Current occupation if any: None
    Do you pledge your life in service to the empire, your superiors and the Tlatlanni: I do.

  2.   MC Username:   thomascovey

    Rp Username (be sure to include the correct prefix, look up on info thread): S'Kurr

    Character Skillset:  

    Farming/Wildlife: S'Kurr has a great respect for wildlife, he merely treats it as another Kha' or Ocelot.

    Minor Healing Skills: S'Kurr is not a adept of healing wounds, but he can tend to minor scratches/cut. He also can keep a major wound under control for a short amount of time.

    Unarmed: S'Kurr has experience with using his hands and turning them into a deadly weapon that may have the power to kill.

    Mining: As a boy S'Kurr was trained by his father on how to swing a pickaxe and how to obtain the ore/substance. His father tought him this because his family was stuck at the lower level (poor level) of Va’ Khajra, they could not make a great living so they had to mine and sell thier goods to others within the community to obtain minas.


    Appearance (age, SUBRACE, gender):
    Age: 94

    Gender: Male

    Subtype: Kha' Pantera

    Info: S'Kurr stands at a resonalble height of 6" 3", he has a bold black coat of fur over his body if you look closely he has grey strands of hair sticking out of the black fur, he has hazel eyes with tiny black strands of color outlining the pupil. He has six bright white wiskers and a pink nose, his ears have grey bits of hair growing out of the center. S'Kurr's tail (if stretched) reaches three feet away from his body, he sometimes carrys a bulky sword made of iron, he only uses this for battle purposes. S'Kurr almost always wears a red and black robe with a half red/black hood, the robe smells of wet cat and is covered with fur.


    S'Kurr gets scared like most Kha' when in-contact or within-contact with other beings (as in non-Kha'). Other than being scared of other races he is very defensive if another Kha' threatens him or attacks him. S'Kurr has a strong belief that all Kha' should have a voice within the community which can lead to him being very defensive when talking to others that are higher-ranking than him in the community. S'Kurr is very strong-willed and a great family man, for he is wise and sort of powerful not over the top though. S'Kurr would not pull out a sword on another Kha' for his thinks it is rude and ignorant, but he would (if pushed to the point) challenge the Kha' to a fight.

    Please include a short bio of your character's life:

    Born umung the poor parts of Va’ Khajra, S'Kurr was forced to help his father mine and sell the goods to walking-by travelers that where not of Kha'. Some where rude and would throw rocks at S'Kurr and his father, they would keep selling to ores/minerals to the ongoing travelers. They would almost make enough minas to fully feed his family for a week, his father secretly saved his money up so he can buy a bigger house to stay in. Finally his father saved up the minimum amount of minas to purchase a bigger house then the current one they owned.


    All was happy. After moving into a new home in Va’ Khajra the family finally mined deep into thier mine and pulled a few jewels out of it. They quickly started to make more money, a distant traveler saw him and his father walk out of the mine shaft with Diamonds/Jewels filling the satchel his father was carrying. He slowly loaded a arrow into his bow and shot S'Kurr's father directly in the head. All the jewels fell out of his fathers satchel. Shocked, S'Kurr stood there watching the man take the jewels off his fathers dead body and stuff his pockets with them. From that day forward S'Kurr swore to look after his family no matter whatever was thrown at them.

    Character's ambitions:  

    S'Kurr has one simple ambition, others he is not to sure about. S'Kurr wishes to be a well known noble umung the Kha'.

    _---Situational Rp Questions---_

    1. As you travel through the Karakatuan jungle, you spot a human trespassing on your nation's lands. He approaches you, obviously distressed, and asks for any food, water, or shelter that you can provide, then tells you that he has been lost in the area for days without any proper supplies. How do you react?:

    *S'Kurr slowly backs away saying nothing he then quicly turns around and sprints away hoping the Human will not follow him*

    2. As you romp through the lands of the "apes", you come across a tavern. Inside this tavern, a Dwarf notices you and starts gawking at you, then begins to speak.

    "Oi! I gots a bowl of cream for you, Kitty! Ha! I'd bet you would make a nice throw rug, wouldn't ya, ya mangy furball?!"


    He continues act generally as racist as possible. What do you do?:

    *S'Kurr slowly cowers into the corner trying to avoid the dwarf, he begins to hiss and claw towards the direction of the dwarf* *the dwarf keeps shouting racial comments towards the Kha'* *S'Kurr assumes the man is intoxicated, he then tippy toes around his still trying to remain a diatance. S'Kur sees the door he used to enter the tavern and inches towards it and slams it after exiting*

    3. One of your fellow Kharajyr and a close friend of yours comes to your dwelling in the middle of the night and begins to pound on your door. After you let him in, he confesses to killing another Kharajyr over a slice of cake. What do you do in response?

    *S'Kurr narrows his eyes on the Kha' and sits him down at his dining table. He chews him out and asks him why he would do this and what good it has done. After the conversation S'Kurr dismisses the Kha' and closes the door and locks it. A day later he sent an anonymous letter to the guard stating who did the crime.*

    Do you swear to follow the Tlatlanni and uphold his law, and do you swear to hold Metztli and all of her actions as sacred?  S'Kurr agrees.

    Please include a screenshot or 3D render of your character's skin

    Link: http://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/709357/khajiit-in-the-dark-brotherhood/

  3. *Walks back over to the poster to check on his latest comment, he spots a comment asking for a trial. He raises a brow and scratches his chin he then takes out a peice of paper and quick scribbles down a comment."


    "Me too Polgrath I would like to partake in this trial." ((ill be on tmrrw as in the 30th of Jan))



  4. Name (MC and RP):

    Mc: thomascovey

    Rp: Orodreth


    Race: High Elf


    Desired Position (If any): GroßKomtur


    Preferred Weapon (If any): Dagger.


    Non-Combat Skills (If any): Orodreth is not the strongest but wise, if he desires something that another has he will most-likely not hurt them for it.


    Previous Work (Past groups or jobs): Golden Thorns, Orodreth currently works at an association of robed librarians/magicians.


    Your most valued trait from list below:

    • Honor
    • Loyalty (Questionable at most times)
    • Intelligence

    Have you interacted with the Order before? Explain if yes: Orodreth has never.


    Have you visited Hanseti before? Explain if yes: Nope.


    Are you willing to take an oath?: yes I am willing to.


    Moral boundaries (What you will not do): Orodreth has a soft and swift step, hes almost impossible to hear at most times.


    Do you have a VA?: Blacklisted/Revolked until the 13, Feb


    Additional information: No.

  5. ((I know this Topic is questionable, as in why not do this ICly? Well problem is it has been EXTREMELY HARD to find a Overseer or a teacher. I might have one for Evocation-Water, but I want to learn Evocation-Fire at the same time. Also I have asked almost every teacher in Kalos and Esilum (did I spell that right O.o) and they have said no or no reply or haven't been on in a while. So yea read on))

    *A message is stomped into the gravel pathway off the Mali ship in Kalos. You pick the message up and brush it off and you begin to read*

    "Sir, I have been studying Evocation and I haven't gotten far at all. That being said, I need a Overseer also known as a Teacher. If you are up for the task can you please give a reply to my bird and he will return to me. Thanks!"

    *You look to your left finding a sleek black bird that is staring at you and tilting its head*

    -What do you do. Reply, or Ignore?-

  6. OOC

    MC Name: thomascovey

    Reasons you wish to join?: Mostly to have a fun RP experience with my High Elf character "Orodreth". Also to share my knowledge of Dark Art's history to the librarians and write up some journals about how I came to this knowledge.

    Do you believe you can provide enjoyable and interesting RP to the community as well as the Association?: Yes I believe I will.


    Character Name: Orodreth

    Character details(race, age, gender, etc.):

    Race: High Elf

    Age: 456

    Gender: Male

    Info: Orodreth stands at a average height of 6" 7" he weighs 170lbs and has sleek black hair. He mostly wears a hood and the same robe every day that smells mostly of rotten meat, he also has a mixture of green and black eyes which makes the a dark-green color. His hood is made out of smooth cloth and has a golden trimming around it. Orodreth carrys a somewhat small satchel which carrys his basic writing supplys for letters and notes.

    *New* - A short bio/roleplay event describing your character, and how they came to discover the poster.

    Orodreth was on his daily stroll through Malinor to go get some lumber for his nightly fire when he came across the notice board. He stroked his chin and pointed his finger so that it can direct his eyes. He spots a poster which has a bright flashy trimming around the edges of it, interested he takes it and begins to read it. He raises a brow then wipes his nose then puts his finger to the poster to guide his somewhat weak eyes. Orodreth nods and makes a humming noise in agreement, he then bites his lip and pins the poster back on the board. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out some parchment paper, he then reaches into his satchel and brings out a quill and some ink. Orodreth quickly scribbles down on the paper writing down in a letter format. He reads over the note and makes a few corrections, he whistles loudly which brings a bold and dark bird that comes flying towards him. He throws the parchment paper in the air directly at the bird, the bird catches it and flys over his head. It banks to the right then flying North into the sky.

  7. I have a solution, people say that Elysium is very packed (Alot of mobs spawning), and they hate the volcano. For the mob spawning DEAL WITH IT, for the volcano the event team should do some acting and some how fix the volcano. I know this sounds stupid, but it will be very cool if like- well, the event team actors play out some acended characters and fix the volcano. That would be so cool and start some roumors and talk about them like "are they coming back?" or "were they always here with us" that would be so COOL in my eyes. (who agrees?)

  8.  Okay, literally I enjoy some PvP once in a while, but making a whole island with PvP is too much, but sure I would like to try the chaos side were people can preform evils without having a VA. This might not be the best idea though because, no offence, but some people have very bad RP and letting them do these actions could lead to alot of PG and MG.

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