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Posts posted by Urasept

  1. 4 minutes ago, Man of Respect said:

















    clearly it is not....or is it.... come.. lets take a walk in these dark tree's and figure this out...

  2. 7 hours ago, Treshure said:



    What we'll create:

    - City Showcases

    - Plugin Showcases

    - War/Server History (Crayfishchris did an excellent mini-series back in the day)

    - Lore/Creature Videos

    - Video Guides


    What you'll do:

    - Help Film/Edit

    - Write scripts for videos

    - Voice acting

    - Research lore

    - Build? (if need be?)


    Not sure what exactly they are doing now in terms of media. But I know several times 3 1/2 of these things I put down to them whenever they said "there was nothing to do."  There would be a slight buzz about it for a few hours and never happen. Only things there that wasnt on that list would be the video guides and war. 


    Although i wouldn't really state this as building a team. Because in the end it takes people to do it yes, but the likelyhood of getting acknowledged as a proper team is likely slim to none. Unless you werent talking in terms of officiality.

  3. 15 hours ago, Lirinya said:



    Its a sign, ura. Next thing you know we will be taking back the server and remaking it.




    I recall Availer trying to do that at least once... didnt end well for him lol... such a bully you were. ?

  4. Greetings Lord of the Craft,


    Today we come with the most unsettling of news, that it has been decided to fill the “open” admin spot. With this a decision of who would acquire the spot was reached fairly quickly. Now I am not sure if he hacked my account and wrote this himself, or if this is a legitimate post.


    With this upbringing we should expect a more feasible process of information between the community. As well as a more streamlined flow of information coming out of the staff corners.

    That being said the hat of Community Manager goes to the keyboard slapper, Telinir.

  5. The warclaim at this time stands as denied. There are some points wrong with it but the main are as stand - 


    First - warclaims should be posted further in advance, especially when there is already a WC scheduled for the same time and date. This makes things hard to get people to moderate both battles as people may have plans and as such short notice as given are most likely committed too. This at the earliest should have been posted 5 days before.


    Second - You were originally told not to post this by Pandan who will likely have his own response coming afterward.


    Third - There has been no collaboration between both parties at all.


    Forth - TYPE OF BATTLE: Pillage / Conquest depending on what happens

     It is either a Pillage, or a warclaim not either or. One can and will not go "It's a pillage!" then turn and go "It's in our favor so it's a conquest!" Straight up not going to happen, especially since there has been no collaboration with the other party as stated in reason three.



  6. Greetings Lord of the Craft.


    I have come to apologize for my actions this day when it comes to overturning the decision of the Halfling region removal. This was an action done with the decision of myself and iMattyz, which undermined the decision of a majority of the staff team. I shouldn’t have disregarded their opinions on the matter as well as should have consulted them further.


    This being said after a discussion has  been had and a revote on the matter. It has been decided to follow through with the original judgement of removal. It may not seem like the fairest thing in the world, but all is not lost. Wherever the halflings move too, whether it be elves, humans, or dwarves (assuming would not willingly move near orcs and be a food source) we will offer the aid of WE’ing their houses to said new location. Thus a minimal bump is all the halflings will face at best. Thus it is not necessarily removal of halflings, as much as it is relocating.


    Sorry for the run around, but this is the decision that is and will stand henceforth.

  7. Greetings Lord of the Craft


                  Putting a notice out to everyone that the resource island will be undergoing maintenance in the morning of July 5th(est).  The area's of focus will be the Gravel PitsXOhx6Qg.png


    as well as the sand/sandstone/quartz pit 





    This post is primarily made as a warning for people who may have logged off inside the pits. We are giving you this time now to vacate the pits to save your lives. Should death by suffocation happen we will not be refunding anything as people have been warned. 


    The rollbacks shouldn't take long and the server WILL stay open during them. So most if not all of you will remain uneffected or even notice it is happening.

  8. Greetings Lord of the Craft


    So there is an up and coming need to bring the roof down a bit so we can fill it with more stuff, or people. However in doing so we managed to have an unusually large hole above us, and it the oddest shape that could possibly be. Perhaps it is time to air out the place and input something new. Now even though it is a bit drafty let’s begin with the actual purpose of this post.


    Today we look at an unusually brisk day as air billows through our new yet incomplete sunroof. A day that has an unusual tint in the lighting as we bring in a new member to the team. He has come to us from underneath the rubble and debris and wishes to pledge his service further to the community. Even though he dreads whenever the sound of wind, rain, or woodland creatures are nearby as they can easily get into his place of refuge as he doesn't hide very well, nor do they fear people who claim to be dragons.


    Now maybe we can further the repairs to the lofty hole in the roof by bringing, Kala “omg wears my roof” Moot, out of trial and into the role of admin. With this step we can further progress the server and in filling the fifth admin spot. He will retain his role as GM Lead, however he just passes his blue button for a red one. So other than that there really is no cha- Sorry about that had to step around a board on the floor- change to his position.

  9. Greetings Lord of the Craft,
    I am here to announce an exciting opportunity. We have been approached by a youtube project that is rather large in scale and is asking us for our aid. It is a minecraft originated roleplay project and they came to us because we are the largest MC-RP community.
    This isn't entirely a one sided matter of we help them and we get nothing out of it. In return for assisting in the project, we are getting advertisement in a way broader than before. Even broader than when we hosted a Yogscast Halloween video.
    So I hope as many of you partake in the project and help out where you can.  Below is a message sent by the person behind getting in contact with us, Peraldon. 
    Hello there Lord of the Craft community!
    Me and the wonderful admins here have been in talks for a couple of weeks now over something that I'm extremely excited to finally announce - and invite - to you guys. 
    Myself and a talented team are in the latter stages of developing a fully realised, roleplay series for YouTube. Think Game of Thrones meets a Let's Play. We have a plethora of large names from the YouTube community who're going to be involved in this, and each will play one of the central charactors:
    They have a combined monthly view of over 50 million, which is not that far off the population of the UK. For me, that's one part motivation to make this amazing, and one part scaring the hell out of me. Either way, this series is going to be insane.
    Now, the reason that I'm writing this, is to see if anyone would be interested in helping out on this series, and to convince the rest of you that it's a great idea. We'll be needing a lot of people to 'act out', if you will, the background charactors for this series. Some of these charactors will just add flavour to the world, and others will be pivotal to the story and the direction it's heading in. And this is where the real fun kicks in:
    The series - called 'Clue' - is a myster who-dunnit, set in a broken world. Opening upon the kings murder, the story follows the 7 suspects as they try and find out who is the killer, while also attempting to clear their own name. However, the odds are against them, as a plague has swept through the city, bending the once mighty capital city to it's knees and locking down it's doors in massive quarentine. Broken, the people try and survive the onsuing bedlam, and, as so many maggots eating at a dead corpse, society rapidly collapses into the mawing pit of theft and cold-blooded murder, district by district.
    Instead of imposing existing charactors upon people, with reems and reems of existing world-lore, I want to develop the afore-mentioned with you all, and that is what we will do coming up to the first filming of this series.
    Filming will be done live, sometimes the YouTubers will record an episode seperately, if their story allows it, but often they'll be groups of them. It is our job, as the actors, to ensure that the plot is heading in the right direction, as to keep it a genuine as possible, the YTers have no idea who the killer is, and the story unfolds for them as it does the audience. Actors will be briefed as to the story for that episode in the hour or so leading up to recording it, and we will then form groups to help guide each storyline, with 1 story-lead per plot. This'll all be organised over TeamSpeak. 
    Recording will happen around East Coast US afternoon-evening, so ensure that you can have free time around here. Should people not be available to fill a role for the recording, someone else will step in; in this way, charactors will pass hands (with everything being kept track of via a Google  Spreedsheet). 
    Anyways, enough of me blathering on, here is the application if you wish to be involved in this. It's fairly short; just create a charactor in this world that we may use, and give us your contact details to get you on Skype (we're gonna have a big group, looking for upwards 75 applicants). https://docs.google.com/forms/d/11C9UY6mVKZYZaHKGFevZdhSe0H9qbm1aKFVH_zVNO0M/viewform
    If you're interested in seeing more of Clue, then feel free to check out our twitter here: www.twitter.com/ClueSeries .
    Jed | peraldon
    N.B. If anyone is wondering the legitimacy of this series, then feel free to check out who follows, and is followed by, the Clue twitter. You'll notice everyone involved.
  10. Greetings Lord of the Craft


    A lot of these threads seem to be created as of late. But alas it is needed to happen again. As some or all of you may know Sky has departed from the Admin team. If you did not know here is the link This leaving a hole in the Community Relations area. I will say this we will not be promoting another Admin to fill the space. But as time goes we lost our CRM’s, Danny, Rittsy, and now Sky. And we be driven to move forward. That being said is for this announcement.


    Readicti who has focused on the AT and working for player retention will be picking up the other half of the duty of player retention. And will be absorbing the duties Sky has had. With her we can move forward and move on for the betterment of the server, and relations as Sky has tried. I would like to invite anyone with community relation problems, concerns, or just comments to send her a message.

    With that being said I hope you all accept her in taking this position, and help improve the server.


    Lord of the Craft.

  11. Greetings Lord of the Craft


    I come today with good news, and it isn't a rule change! We will be undergoing scheduled maintenance at 6pm est. Upon the completion of this maintenance we will be updated to 1.8. The server may or may not be somewhat unstable for a short time afterwards. Should any problems or glitches arise I urge everyone to bring these issues to a developer so they can be fixed. We hope this will be a smooth and easy transition.


    Thank you for your patience and cooperation. 



  12. Don't really care, just happy we got some form of explantions to why they were picked like I wanted with the last time we had promotions :)


    But it does seem the age of the Menarra has begun... :/


    Maybe we will get some more representation where it is needed (doubtful) but whatever lets see how many more elfs, shades and 'Holy' Orders see don the blue tag.


    Age of Menarra? No he simply finished the post I had written and posted it.  I had to step out to deal with medication and couldnt be around for a bit, so he posted it for me. Besides lets be honest I posted 7 things the other day, last thing you guys would want is another post from me right? :P


    Anyway, I took note of the communities request for explanations, so made sure to have them inputted onto the thread.

  13. -War Rules-


    These rules apply war-like conflicts in game. Breaking or loop-holing through any of these will result in appropriate punishment as deemed by the moderating or administrative staff. Reading these rules is mandatory, and it will save you some confusion in the future, we also do not accept ignorance to theses rules as an excuse. They are subject to change and modification, so check back often.




    There is currently a system of Forced Conquest on the server, which can be read up in more detail in the following spoiler tags -





    In this system of ‘Forced Conquest default’, the main mentality (much like VA’s), is that leaders will be trusted with the right to force conquest in order to promote roleplay, but with the caveat that this right CAN be taken away if it is abused it to a ridiculous extent, similarly in concept to villainy blacklists. However there will certainly be exceptional objective circumstances where forced conquest can be taken away and will NOT be allowed.


    Base Rules:

    (Forced Conquest is by default allowed until one of these rules has been broken.)


    • When the Casus Belli for the beginning of a war has been blatantly meta-gamed or has been obtained through the breaking of server rules in any way.


    • In the case of blatant OOC harassment and outright bullying by the conquering side’s leadership and command structure, who simply want to take the territory because it would be funny to simply exterminate a group. (i.e, be civil OOCly, don’t shitpost!)


    • In addition to these rules, a conquering nation or force must take adequate measures in-game and on the forums to occupy a city and/or territory and provide some form of roleplay to the inhabitants of that city within a week of the conquering, or else grant civil control of the area back to its original leaders, and the area will be unconquerable by the same force for another month. (The human vassalization of the elves is an example of decent post conquering RP.)


    There are two cases in which this rule can be rendered null and void:

    • The original inhabitants of the conquered territory OOCly do not co-operate simply to receive the lands back under their control, halting dynamic RP in its tracks.

    • The region was originally in the sphere of influence of the nation/entity which is now attacking it.

      • In these cases, the territory in question will remain indefinitely in the control of the conquering force, until an agreement is reached. Particularly concerning OOC halting of RP.


    Types of Conquest

    Conquest is a broad term, and has been divided into two sub-sections. Provisions have been put in place to prevent the destruction of unique racial RP and the destruction of highly populated and active cities.



    The incorporating of another nation’s sovereign territory into your own nation’s sovereign territory by either use of military force, or diplomacy. This is the only type of conquest allowed on the following:

    • Racial Capitals

    • Player created cities or states that have proven to remain active throughout a relatively long period of time.


    If a playerbase is both high in numbers and maintaining high activity, the complete destruction of its city is counterproductive and most often detrimental to the server’s population and RP as a whole.

    That said, to prevent the complete barring of dynamic RP, these cities are still liable to be conquered by invading nations and have new leaders and laws imposed on them as well as military occupation.



    As stated, the destruction of a city/town/village/plot and displacement of its population, does not apply to capital cities, but is eligible for any region that doesn’t fit the two criteria in the above Vassalization section.


    • If a “vassalization-only” region is conquered and vassalized, it may become liable to destruction and displacement by its new occupational state if it declares a state of open rebellion. The occupying force will not be allowed to destroy its vassal cities in cases of isolated unrest or violence, but cases of consistent, organized, escalating attempts to throw off the occupiers rule will result in the occupying nation being freed of any OOC restrictions in how they choose to end the resistance.







    You need a just RP reason, or 'Casus Belli' to declare war. If there’s no reason for a war, it’s dumb, don’t do it.




    If you do not have an adjacent region to your target, you cannot wage war on a territory, unless you have permission to pass through adjacent friendly territory.




    To fire a siege engine in war, it must be legitimized by a GM (must be well-constructed in a manner that would hold true in roleplay) and the necessary costs for operation paid (a sponge block will be placed under the siege engine). These correspond with the following costs:


    Ballistae or player-focused siege engines = 350 minas

    Trebuchets or building-focused siege engines = 500 minas




    If one of three predeclared state officials (as determined in war claim) die in battle (Marshal, King, Chancellor, Emperor, etc.), they can be forced to /roll 20, and if it’s 14+ they are to be captured and imprisoned by the other faction at the end of the battle if they win. This is not a mandatory rule, and is to be decided on in the war claim itself.




    A Treasury system will be implemented to encourage wars to be both concise and decisive. If a nation runs out of treasury funds, the belligerent must seek a peace (almost always out of their favor) and end the war (you can’t fight a war without proper logistics, and this acts as the appropriate simulation). Cost of war is 2500 minas per week charged to the aggressor, and 1000 minas per week charged to the defender (The defenders will only have to pay upkeep AFTER the first official War claim battle is fought.).




    The warfront size and location is decided by the two parties and an unaffiliated supervising GM. Before the first battle, it will fall short of any targeted settlement and only include no-mans-land and war camps, only after the first battle will it be determined which direction the warfront will advance to contain the targeted settlement.




    Battle progression best practices are as follows. The first battle is to be held in no-mans-land, between the target and the assaulting party’s camp, a skirmish to establish a war camp near the target. This battle will decide whether or not the attacking/sieging army advances or is pushed back, and will determine the direction of expansion of the warfront. Wartime raids etc. may only occur inside the warfront, and it begins in central no-mans-land in a region determined by the leaders of each side and a supervising GM.




    Redefining the pillage claim: Upon victory, the victorious party will be given permission to unlock lwcs for 1 hour. What is done during that period is up to the victorious party’s discretion insofar as the stripping of valuable resources, theft, and minor vandalism/the setting of fires through RP,  but remember to respect other players’ RP experience. If this takes place during a military campaign, the losers are advised not to build in the pillaged land until the resolution of the war, and the aggressors are advised to set up an advanced tent warcamp allowing for another battle if there is a target further into a territory.




    GM assistance for door breakdowns, siege equipment, tunneling, and TNT aren’t guaranteed in raids on the warfront, but are in war claims (Outside of the warclaim battles, if you can't get in MCly, you can't get in RPly, locked doors and no perms withstanding.).




    During war claims, siege machinery with realistic mechanics can be utilized to their full effect, as directed by a supervising GM (Trebuchets/Catapults/Onagers have /roll 20; 1 is breakdown of the engine, 2-10 is a miss, 11-16 is a hit, 17-20 is a critical hit, these are controlled with 3-5 sized WE/Voxel air brush sizes, a ballista is controlled by the same ratio and is a 1-3 wide sheet of fire, simulating RP damage from the bolt). Battering rams on entryways are allowed on the same roll ratio.




    Racial and Sub-racial Capitals are subject to addition rules in regards to warclaims;


    1. TNT can be denied by the defenders unless the staff intervenes. This is to prevent excessive griefing upon the city.




    "One day alts" or any similar alternate characters and accounts made specifically for use in combat alone are strictly banned


    -Raid Rules-


    'Regardless of intent, provocation or reasoning, attacking the settlements, headquarters or base of another faction or nation in an impromptu manner (meaning without a warclaim, etc) is and will always be considered a raid. And thus will be subject to the same terms and conditions that raids are.


    An exception to this rule will be in effect when the 'defending' faction has, in proper roleplay, provided an immediate reason for the attackers' need to get into the fort, such as the kidnapping of a member, etc. Just being attacked on the road does not count towards this exception.'


    In addition,


    'Should a skirmish start on a road and one side retreats into their settlement, headquarters or base. They have lost that battle. If they use the forts battlements or exit the fort and restart fighting they are breaking rules as they are starting a new engagement.'


    Raids  are only allowed regularly during wartime and at extended intervals with small parties in peacetime, in the following manner:




    Revamped Raid Rules

    Main points -

    • The warfront system will not apply to raids, as it has next to never been used and seems to be cumbersome above all else.

    • Two rulesets based upon the RP situation.

    • All server rules still apply to this. Trolly, un-RP happenings won’t be tolerated such as spamming, obvious real life references, etc.

    • Focusing on nations, official nation recognised and supported assaults will be given more freedom than simple erratic brash raids.

    • Raids are classified only as attacks on populated settlements, marches through general enemy land are not raids and have to limit, except the usual server rules.

    Varieties of Raid

    There are two types of raiding; Nation-endorsed and Impromptu. The use of these two separate types will depends on the state of conflict between the would-be attackers and defenders.

    Impromptu - The state of raiding that exists when a non-nation affiliated guild, group or faction decides to raid another, or when permission from a nation leader is not given. Assumed to be less organised in strength and more hodgepodge than an assault backed officially by a nation’s military. Only a small amount of raiders may partake in this type of hasty attack on a populated structure or settlement.

    • A maximum of 8 raiders.

    • Looting of unlocked chests in any non LWC accessible areas is permitted.

    • Group must have a legitimate RP reason for raiding said defender, simple banditry would suffice for a reason in an impromptu raid.

    • Cooldowns before a given group can raid again ->

      • Defeat in raid - 48 hours

      • Victory in raid - 12 hours.

      • Indecisive - 24 hours, 1 day.


    Nation endorsed -

    A more organised and coordinated force with the official support, armaments and troops, perhaps even a section of a nation’s army itself, decides to raid another immediately before or during a state of war. Permission to undertake such an action would be given by the leader of the faction in question. In such an organised raid, a much larger amount of soldiers may assault the target.

    • A maximum of 20 soldiers.

    • Group must have a legitimate RP reason for raiding said defender. Simple banditry will not suffice for this type of raid, it would have to be a reason of war, harrying enemy forces or harrassing defences, etc.

    • Looting of unlocked chests in any non LWC accessible areas is permitted.

    • For a raid to be classed as nation endorsed, a state of conflict must be declared in roleplay (On the forums, most likely) between said attacker and defender, by the nation leader. Such a declaration would most commonly be a declaration of war. It must explicitly state that such raids are permitted.

      • By declaring that these raids are permitted in his/her name, the nation leader takes indirect responsibility OOCly for any actions perpetrated by the raiding group as a whole.

      • Only the leaders of the Humans, Orcs, Dwarves, Elves, Caliphate and Salvus may endorse these larger raids.

    • Cooldowns before a given group can raid again ->

      • Defeat in raid - 72 hours, 3 days.

      • Victory in raid - 12 hours.

      • Indecisive - 24 hours, 1 day.


    Victory - Breaching the settlement in question and destroying or capturing a significant amount of the defending enemy force, before withdrawing. If the entire defending faction’s force is caught outside their settlement and killed, raid will be classed as a victory regardless of breach.


    Indecisive - Only a couple people on each side are captured or killed by the opposing force and no pivotal breach in the raided settlement is reached. If a stalemate occurs for more than 20 minutes with the defenders held up in their settlement, then the attackers must retreat and the raid will be decided as indecisive.


    Defeat - The defending faction manages to sally forth and rout the attackers, forcing them back to where they came from. If an attacking force is defeated in such a manner, the defending force may counter-raid once, with an unlimited number of soldiers if they so wish, a raid not subject to the standard cooldowns.


    A faction may only break the properly of their enemy without permission if it is NOT in their region. All destruction RP of enemy property outside their own region MUST be done properly with a GMs RP help, etc.




    Raid baiting is not allowed, unless it is for the purpose of raiding within the raid rules. Definition of Raid Baiting: 3+ enemy-affiliated players not contributing to non-hostile RP and refusing to leave when requested.




    Horses in Wars, Raids, or any other conflict may not be used as a means to jump over walls or other fortification 3 or more blocks tall.  It may be possible mechanically but it makes no sense in RP.  People found doing so will be banned for the duration of the conflict they are participating in, and perhaps longer if they are a repeat or problem offender.


    Last Edit:


    6/11/2015, 9:45 PM EST

  14. -Region Rules-


    These rules apply to the many regions throughout the world. Breaking or loop-holing through any of these will result in appropriate punishment as deemed by the moderating or administrative staff. Reading these rules is mandatory, and it will save you some confusion in the future, we also do not accept ignorance to theses rules as an excuse. They are subject to change and modification, so check back often.




    Unclaimed areas outside of regions will remain in the global region unless an /topic/121666-nexus-region-modifications-additions-and-alterations/"> is purchased. 




    Unless there is a severe land scar or there has been a mistake with a plugin such as Voxel or Worldedit, GMs will not remove buildings or rollback any areas in a region.




    GMs will not transfer ownership of a region to another player unless sufficient permission is given. The original owner must PM a GM through the forums specifying who is to be the new owner of the plot. Screenshots of Skype will not be allowed as sufficient permission.

  15. -Combat Rules-


    Everyone will get into combat on this server sooner or later. Breaking or loop-holing through any of these will result in appropriate punishment as deemed by the moderating or administrative staff. Reading these rules is mandatory, and it will save you some confusion in the future, we also do not accept ignorance to theses rules as an excuse. They are subject to change and modification, so check back often.




    In order to engage in PvP you must have sufficient roleplay to do so, even if a player is running from ‘Halt!’ you may not PvP them. If the roleplay beforehand is major (e.g. a conflict) and they run from roleplay you may drop them but you must revive them.




    In a PVP encounter with more than 8 people, statuses are required to ensure a clean, fair fight.




    Abusing statuses will not be tolerated, such as switching rapidly or not having one during a skirmish/large battle.




    No soulstoning or logging out, unless combat has been over for at least 10 minutes. You aren’t allowed to combat log or escape combat by running into a combat-restricted region. If you need to go OOCly then state so in OOC, do not just log out.




    In most cases, combat is done via roleplay (text based combat), however people may opt in for PvP combat (mechanic based combat). If both parties cannot agree to the combat method, then the combat will default to PvP (mechanic based combat).




    Once the choice of combat has been decided, it cannot be changed unless all parties involved agree to the change.




    A five second countdown must be given and both sides must state they are ready if the combat is mechanics-based.




    If you run away from combat with little, or no roleplay, those involved are allowed to stop you. This generally means they will knock you down using PvP. Then they must revive you, so that the roleplay may continue. To be clear, killing anyone with no roleplay isn’t permitted.




    The abuse of racial benefits is simply not allowed. Selecting a race which is not the same as your characters race is considering abusing plugins for an edge in mechanic based combat, doing so will result in the deletion of said persona (persona being the mechanical representation of your character), with no refunds in skills or items.




    The use of fast travel during or for combat/raids/war is strictly prohibited.

  16. -Villain Rules-


    These rules are for the villains of the server, it is mandatory you read these before committing any sort of villainous act. These rules apply to all mediums regarding to Lord of the Craft and its roleplay, and are expected to be upheld.




    A villain’s duty is to provide fun roleplay for other people through conflict. If you wish to take up this role of a villain for your own personal “gain”, keep in mind that you are not welcome in that regard. A few qualities to a good villain OOC’ly, is being rational, fair, and even giving the upper hand to the other party for the sake of enjoyment on all fronts. If someone is uncomfortable with the current situation, try and create an alternate way of RP’ing it. This can include but is not limited to a villain becoming too descriptive in their roleplay. Keep in mind, this does not excuse an individual from being robbed, tortured etcetera.




    Villains are never to return items upon killing another, especially not upon instruction from that or another player. It makes absolutely no sense to return items when considering roleplay logic. In addition, it sets an unsavory precedent. With most issues, however, there are obvious exceptions; if you’ve killed someone who happens to be carrying their life savings, you can return a portion of it.




    It is required villains make it clear they are not truly a guard or other cliche position when trying to falsify identity. If this instance of falsification is the case, it must be clear your name cannot be changed to emulate that cliche role, such as ‘Guard_Jeff’.




    Stealing from unlocked chests is allowed. Any unlocked chests, regardless of in a freebuild or protected area, can have the entire contents stolen. Despite common sense factor!




    Donation chests and locked chests may not be stolen or lock picked from under any circumstances. If the chest has a password on it and you know the password, then this is the only case where stealing is allowed.




    Item frames may only be stolen from freely if the area is unregioned. Otherwise you must be on the region in question to take from them.




    Locked chests in the wilds with inactive owners can be opened upon making a modreq if the chest has not been accessed in over one month and the owner has been offline longer than 1 month.




    Horses may not be stolen under any circumstances.








    A GM must be present for all attempts at picking a lock.


    After emoting the attempt, the player must use /roll 20. The result will determine success.


    Players may use named ‘Lockpick’ items in their attempts to breach doors and chests, and doing so will lower the required roll to succeed.


    Of any given group, only 3 members of it may attempt to pick any given lock.


    A player may pick 3 separate locks (as an example, two doors and then a chest) with three attempts per.




    Lockpicks will be custom-named items purchasable from shops for a small price. At first, the shop will be found within the vicinity of the Cloud Temple. Settlement owners may have one such shop placed in their settlement by contacting the staff.


    When picking a lock, the overseeing GM will take one pick from the player per failed 


    If the player does not have the shop-bought lockpick on them, they must meet the rolls for ‘lock breaking’ to succeed.




    If a player wishes to bypass a door, the following rolls must be met.



    Wooden Door - 10 or higher.

    Iron Door - 15 or higher.


    Lock Breaking

    Wooden Door - 17 or higher.

    Iron Door - 19 or higher.




    Chests may only be picked in search of specific role-play items, such as books or special named items (An example being a specially named sword).


    Before picking a chest, the player must inform the overseeing GM as to what they are looking for.


    Materials such as Iron, Logs, etcetera may not be stolen. Nor may armor or weapons without specific rp background (Such as the aforementioned specially named sword).


    Once the GM has been told which specific item is being sought, players may emote to attempt to pick or break the lock. If this is successful, the GM will check the chest for the item sought. If it is present, it will be removed from the chest and given to the players. Players will not be given access to these chests.


    Chest rolls are as follows.


    Lockpicking - 15 or higher.


    Lockbreaking - 17 or higher. A roll below 5 will result in the lock being too damaged to open, and subsequent attempts being barred.




    Arson is not allowed unless in a war claim or with the plot owners OOC permission.




    Slaughtering animals in a pen or stealing or letting them out is only allowed with proper roleplay and RP signs must be left. No more than 25% may be killed or let out of the pen.




    Destroying blocks such as fences or walls in order to get around locked gates or doors is not allowed.




    If you are imprisoned, you can only soulstone away if left for 20 minutes or more without roleplay.




    No villainous acts may be performed inside of the mine worlds. This includes banditing, murder, theft, and so forth.



  17. -Roleplay Rules-


    These rules apply to all roleplay mediums of Lord of the Craft (server, forums). Everyone is expected to follow them. Breaking or loop-holing through any of these will result in appropriate punishment as deemed by the moderating or administrative staff. Reading these rules is mandatory, and it will save you some confusion in the future, we also do not accept ignorance to theses rules as an excuse. They are subject to change and modification, so check back often.




    Things we absolutely do not allow in RP:


    Abusing glitches


    Hostile, toxic or satirical memeage

    Breaking server lore






    You need to keep in-character at all times. If you need to use OOC, you can either privately message the player using /t <minecraft name>, or by using Local OOC. This channel can be accessed by putting double brackets before your speech, like this EX: ((Like this. Don't spam Local OOC. Use PMs.))




    Multi-boxing - Using two of your own accounts to RP with yourself or having having two of your own characters interact with each other in any way.




    Structures that defy the laws of physics, underground or automated farms/furnaces, floating leaves and strip-mining, are not allowed.




    You need to use a roleplay-friendly skin! This means a skin that illustrates your character’s appearance. Also, you must not use a skin that is obscene, offensive or not related to RP, such as a Batman skin. With that said, you may not steal another person’s skin and use it without their permission. If you need a skin made, please use the forums to find a skin-maker.




    You're only allowed to play as one of the approved races - they're listed on the wiki.




    If you want to play one of the more exotic races or creatures, such as Golems, then you must contact the player who leads them or a Lore Master.




    Explicit roleplay that either involves a character's sexual organs or exposure (revealing) of said organs is not allowed. If a sexual act is required to progress RP (such as conceiving or giving birth a child), then 'Fade to Black' (FTB) can be used, where you simply pass over RP'ing the act and RP like it happened without emoting it descriptively. FTB actions must be consented to both IC and OOC. Additionally, Sexual FTB is only allowed between three members of the five main races, not Event creatures! Finally, brothels and trade revolving around sexual acts, even if done through FTB, is not allowed. Rape, intercourse with a character younger than 18, prostitution, bestiality, necrophilia and pedophilia are not allowed.




    You can't go back to where you died until 30 minutes after the event of your death has passed (If you die in battle, you must wait 30 minutes after the battle ends until you may return), unless the place of death was your home. In which case you may go back if your home is not under siege or in a warzone.




    Any character that spitefully dies in RP (i.e- “Kill me, I’ll just wake up at the monks.”) is considered suicide, thus a permakill, and shall be enforced with provided screenshots of the entire roleplay. These players will not be allowed to bring back their characters.




    Players who willingly kill their characters (i.e forum post/RP.) will stay perma-kill. The only way to revise this is to meet certain requirements and gain staff approval. This does not cover suicide however, if your character continuously kills themselves, they’re perma killed.




    Consistently depriving another player (or players) of their fun for your own personal gain or amusement, even after receiving appropriate warnings, is punishable if deemed necessary by the moderation teams. This may also be considered harassment. Essentially, don't be a troublesome player that only plays to annoy others or be a nuisance. It is under the discretion of the moderation team to decide the level of punishment.




    When you die in-game, you are forced to forget the roleplay leading up to said death. Acting on information during this “death-time” will be considered meta-gaming, and is severely punishable.




    You may not return to the location of your death before 30 minutes have passed (unless it was your home); if you died in battle, you must wait until the battle ends before beginning the 30 minute timer.


    You may not abruptly end or void an unfavourable or disadvantageous roleplay situation by mechanically escaping through means such as the soulstone or a warp, without proper roleplay.




    You must follow established lore while you roleplay. Using or creating something that is not lore approved can lead to the entire session being voided, at the discretion of Lore Masters (LMs), and/or Admins.  If you are unsure if something is allowed by lore, ask a LM, or Admin.  Ignoring the decision can lead to a warning or ban.




    Your characters cannot inter-mingle. This covers actually being with eachother, giving eachother things, fulfilling ambitions, or contributing to a personal rivalry. The exception to this rule is being able to play your own children if the need arises.




    The abuse of racial benefits is simply not allowed. Selecting a race which is not the same as your characters race is considering abusing plugins for an edge in mechanic based combat, doing so will result in the deletion of said persona (persona being the mechanical representation of your character), with no refunds in skills or items.




    The use of alt characters in order to stir up trouble and/or a reaction from another player/faction in order to benefit your main character or main character's faction is strictly prohibited. ex: A player is part of the red faction. The red faction wishes to attack the blue faction. The player then makes an alt character that is a part of the blue faction, and proceeds to attack and or incite the red faction on the blue faction alt. 

  18. -Global Rules-


    These rules apply to all mediums of Lord of the Craft (server, forums, TS) Everyone is expected to follow them, wandering souls included! Breaking or loop-holing through any of these will result in appropriate punishment as deemed by the moderating or administrative staff. Reading these rules is mandatory, and it will save you some confusion in the future, we also do not accept ignorance to theses rules as an excuse. They are subject to change and modification, so check back often.




    Do not change your username to anything which could be offensive, vulgar, or inflammatory, on any LotC medium. Breaking this rule will result in a ban of 30 days (the amount of time it takes to change your name via Mojang). Impersonating a player/staff member will result in a more severe punishment.



    Cyber bullying is strictly prohibited, and will not be condoned in any shape or form. If you promote, or take part in cyber bullying amongst the community, you will be punished just as severely.



    You may not share any LotC accounts with other players. Actions committed by others on your account (including people living with you at home) are your responsibility. If your account is hacked, however, you may appeal to a Moderator or Administrator with proof of said incident.




    Destructive hacks such as kill aura, auto-mining, and free-cam, among other plugins granting an unfair advantage are not permitted. Approved add-ons will be listed [here].




    Pm’ing a GM over an issue will, most often, not be responded to. Common courtesy is to make a modreq and wait for it to be handled. Modreqs are a waiting list, and Pm’ing a GM only makes it harder for the GM to get through said list.




    If a mod gives you an answer you do not like, you can not continue pushing the subject, or go to another GM in hopes of getting another answer in your favor. This is called modshopping, and will be met with a warning and ban if continued.




    Arguing with a GM when an answer is given, is not only rude, but wastes modreq response time. If a GM says no, it means no. Continuing to argue will result in a kick or temp ban at the GM’s discretion.




    There are absolutely no GM refunds for items. If you die anywhere on the map, you will not get items refunded.




    Anything that can be done in game, either by a VIP or through professions will not be done by a GM. This does not include event items. (i.e- renaming items, gate signs, locking chests, soulstone pillars, enchanting, etc.)




    LotC does not condone account selling or trading with the intent of trading personas, skills, items, whitelisting, or the like.  If an account is sold, it's personas will be wiped.




    It is the responsibility of the player to maintain understanding of the existing rules as the Staff Teams update them.




    Even if you do not technically break any listed rules, either from walking the fine line between breaking the rules and not or from consistently jumping through loopholes, it is a moderator’s right to warn or ban you if they deem it necessary.




    The act of using alternate personas with the same name simply for the advantage of either, racial buff or professions, is not allowed. Meaning that if it is found that there are multiple personas that you own that all share the same name, traits or role played as the same character as the original, they will be deleted regardless of inventory or professions experience.




    When a ban comes to implicate 10 or more people and a Global Moderator is present, they are obliged to give a broadcasted warning to the group about the current breach of rules. Should any members of said group continue to go ahead with such actions then they will be punished as to the GM's discretion at the time. If such an occasion occurs that no global moderator is present to observe a scenario unfold/give a warning then with sufficient screenshoted evidence the selected leaders of the group will be only ones punished and for double the usual period, i.e.: Fast travel, two weeks instead of one. It should also be noted breach of rules such as pugsy and no-RP may result in the banning of all members of the group who participated within such actions without warning.




    Come the resignation of a nation leader, resources may only be taken of a maximum of 10% with proper role-play overwatched by a GM at its time of occurrence. If the nation leader comes to be PK'd through various means, then no resources may be taken.



  19. Greetings Lord of the Craft. 
    Today we have some things to share with you as a result of our latest GM meeting. We’ve reviewed the your view’s and have given a response to the ones that seemed more pressing. This does not mean we did not look at other Your View’s, however these were the ones that popped out in a more pronounced fashion, or were repeated amongst a few threads. This is not all that was discussed, just what is needed to be posted.
    Nexus plots- GMs can and will discuss a plot if it is not being utilized for more than holding land. Should an agreement come to pass that it is this way they can motion to revoke ownership of the plot to open the land up for someone else to use it. If this happens and chests or materials will be considered forfeit and will be claimable by the new plot owner. Again this is for land that is not being used for more than holding land. 
    Don’t ban for PMs - This will not be happening. If you are on the server you are to be abiding by the rules set in place that should have been read. This being said, if you are on the server, forums, and ts we expect and will hold you to following them. Should you say something that has been determined not to be said / done you should expect what comes from your actions.
    Alternate accounts - It was once set in that we would only be banning alt accounts of banned players with blatant evidence, such as a matching IP. Well, now we will be moving this a step forward. If a GM is sure that an account is the alt of a banned player, it can be banned. If a GM is witness of skype logs first hand, as in they see it posted or hear it by the banned player themselves, and not through a middleman (AKA quote, gyazo, voice recording, etc) they have the authority to ban you.
    Anti-cheat - This will not be a thing. Apparently it is really laggy and bad for the server. However as we have a larger Moderating team we can be in more places to watch for said cheats / hacks. 
    Mods we allow on the server - (now keep in mind this can change at any time to add or remove a mod if it’s of any benefit or being abused at any time) With that being said, the list we allow are:
    Schematica, More Player Models (or MPM), InventoryTweaks (W/o Auto armor), Damage Indicators, Minimaps (Rei’s, Journeymap, etc.) aesthetic mods.
    Autofish is only allowed should you be roleplaying. If you simply plan on going AFK while using it, you will be kicked.
    If you have any suggestions or ideas to mods that we did not cover that are non-harmful you may send them to a member of the moderating team VIA forum PM to bring it up for further discussion.
    VPNs - If you have a vpn on, and a gm requests you to pop it off for a verification of your identity you should comply. Failure to do so will be seen as hiding something, such as being an alt account of a banned player. And as such could find yourself in a situation that may be less than pleasant. Players however can be approved for the use of VPNs.
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