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Posts posted by Dash_Rogers

  1. *A fortday later Dash returns to the note and jots down her contact information and returns home where he can properly write letters back and forth. Looks as if he is about to say one of his thoughts out loud, then just writes.*

    "Dear Celia Windsworn,

    I wish to purchase all three for me and some new friends of mine. It has been noted though that in times of war, elven made armors have been known to malfunction whereas your people make the best lightweight armors available, the same cannot be said about your heavy sets. If the sets do not measure up to code, I will either bargain with you for a more fair price, or not buy at all.

    Lord Dash Rogers."

    MC: Sandy_Bandit

  2. Personally, I love Asulon exactly how it is and will love to keep playing on it and prefer not a change because of the well worth hard work that was put into it.

    If the map had to change, the only thing that would make it better is if we had 1-2 kingdoms, that can still have a large worldly map like Asulon, but make it so we all have allegiance to our kingdoms completely. Limited settlements.

  3. One of the reasons they would be changing maps is because Asulon is too big. It's beautiful, but huge

    The hugeness makes it feel like we live in a world with multiple biomes, terrains and everionments. The problem with Asulon is the 100s of establishments across those landscapes. We can still have a large map, for realistic caravan travel and such across vast endless wilderness, with a few stray settlements or branched kingdom cities. So we still feel like we live in a world but will only divide the player base up enough so we don't experience day one of Asulon, 300 players in one block, everyday high speed rolling chat feeds.

    If we have a small map, things will get boring real fast. I still have not been everywhere possible in Asulon. There is so much to see and do.

    I love the travel distances in Asulon, like a lord of the rings. journey when going from the vale to Alras. You should try it. Oh the sights and sounds, truly epic.

  4. For map 2, going along with my idea of one united kingdom, where all players live under one banner and work for the sake of the country, one of those land masses should mostly be the civilized land. The main capital city surrounded by the peasants lands and such, then the rest and majority of the map is the wilds owned by beasts and other great evils but also great rewards.

    No one builds in the wilds unless sanctioned by the king as mining outposts or expeditions into the wilds. Often events will take place where the civilized lands fall under siege from boss monsters or we go on the offensive to take out boss monsters. There's always a new enemy like werewolves coming out at night eating villagers and peasants till the king gives the order to do something about it, or a witch some where has a tower hidden deep in the wilds who kidnaps young girls to steal their youth and the king sends a questing party to find and eliminate her.

    I imagine though that the king won't be the only one giving quests. Historians hearing tale of locked away libraries and need protection getting there. But most people will be home advancing our kingdom, training the best military force, large scale mining expeditions, vast farmlands(Gms could thrown in excitement and actually cause devistating winters and destroy the crops and cause a drought since its just one kingdom that every player is involved in advancing, where now its impossible for Gms to control that since there are farms everywhere and we will never be low on food in Asulon. Gms will be able to have full focus since its just one kingdom.

  5. But is it still okay if we bully Dash Rogers? <3

    Honestly, that is where I got my Forum Title from. "Butt of the Joke." Cause of you, Vardak, DecoLamb and plenty others! Always picking on me Q~Q! Cutting my hair into a mohawk and dying it, calling me Rainbow Dash Rogers! People harassing me about my fishing rod, people pushing me in while I fish, the list goes on.



  6. Good idea but where goes the diversity? Conflict between races ??

    Okay here was my full Idea, Either we do two Kingdoms and split the races (based on relations) to choose sides just so we can have large scale wars between the two, or we have it so we have a common enemy again, Dragons overpopulate the mainland and we all live on ArmaLuna or somewhere and often send a large army comprised of nearly all the players who can fight to try and win back our land against a large force of dragons and monsters.

    Kings and Queens will be able to properly acts as such with guards constantly guarding them since we will have one military and a lot of players who are warriors to join the ranks. There will always be players on the city streets to kneel as a king and queen passes by, everyone can play a part doing something original.

    I plan to live off my boat as a fisherman and be sort of like columbus with my skills as a cartographer and make multiple expeditions to try and find more land for us.

    One or two taverns means people can actually play as barmaids, tenders, musicians and have business constantly.

    Committing villainy will be that much harder and as such you will either be public executed in front of 100s of people or become feared by all.

    EDIT: okay that was not my full idea but the a larger jist of it again. I want to see a bustling market place, a proper armed guard force, a true royal family, and an active prospering city overall.

    EDIT2: Oh and what is your poll for I do not understand the question.

  7. One Kingdom I say. Condense everything in a way where we can run a whole kingdom properly. Only a few shops and taverns with constant activity because they will be the only ones. If we change anything at all we should do this. Perhaps we all leave for ArmaLuna.

  8. I'm all for it. Diamond armor moves and slays like a tank, it will be more strategic the way you have these armor plugins working. This will make it so that not everyone is wearing diamond during war, there will be more strategy behind your choice of armor set.

    Sieging a castle for example in terms of defense.

    Archers along the walls with chainmail helms and leather armor so they can move along the walls quickly to get all the vantage points, people in Diamond armor at the gates and bottle necks holding a firm line, Iron armor for those common troopers who need to deal with w/e and Gold armor are the commando heroes and kings I guess.

  9. one down fall.

    -scratch that I must have glitched into the dirt or something-

    And If you do not wear a helmet with your armor you are not effected by slowness which sucks because people are obviously going to abuse that part of the plugin.

    Arrows head shot.

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