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Posts posted by Dash_Rogers

  1. *As Dash makes a pass through with TAC mask on and functioning and a tight cloak over his body, the gold note catches his eye. He thinks out loud,*

    "How is one supposed to send a bird to a man who has not given the location of his whereabouts and what use is this second note? The original poster has no reason to retun to this sign he has made and even more so he has no way of answering to it other than posting another note right after it in hopes the nameless questioner comes along in this hostile infected zone to read the answer. I have wasted my fresh air speaking to myself. I wonder who the real fools are in this world."

  2. ((*Le sigh* I can confirm myself as a name. So this should clear things up. One of my master thieves members was a former pirate of Skullport (not giving his name for meta, its vital I keep it a secret please) and after the Karik job and we stole that dwarf ship, we sailed to skullport to dock. We know how to get to Skullport IC and after meeting IC with the Crimson Pirate that Slap plays as and discussion our new alliance they requested that we take them to Skullport. We minecraft boated right there. So yes they have IC knowledge of Skullport. You can cross this off in your case against this warclaim.))

  3. *Posted right next to the painting and writing of the foreseen event, a scroll is unravel and placed on a nearby counter top. It reads in fine black and gold lettering*

    Dear Asulonians,

    These prolonged dark nights can only mean one thing, to celebrate the shrouded and mysterious ways of our world. To best execute this celebration, a masquerade ball room dance will be held in the new tavern town of ShadowVale, just down the road from cloud temple heading to the Dwarves.

    *The notice goes into great detail along with some loose sketches on how to find ShadowVale*







    Be careful though, the road is very dangerous, but once you are inside, we have the greatest and best defended walls.

    Everyone is invited wether you are of nobel blood or not, as long as you have a costume, if you cannot find a costume in time, full gold or diamond plated armor, or at least the head dress will suffice. For without a costume, you may be subject to denial to the ball room area.

    This promenade will feature all sorts of activities for you. Number one being Dance and music ((Go to teamspeak channel ShadowVale for the music))

    There will be dancing all throughout the night for the most part, once we have max capacity, we will move on to the games which may include finding a yourself a close partner.

    Afterwards we will all head down for the grand dinning feast with cake.

    Simple as that, bring a date or come alone and never reveal who you are!

  4. I persoanlly dont look in calendars due to the metagameish nature, and since Haelrayne just reveal there is a solar eclipse happening there I feel like most of the excitement of not knowing what could happen is ruined :/.

    Ohh and Dash, it is 11 PM For me if I were to be able to attend your event.

    Which is impossible since I got school the next day.

    Down with the school system I say. Originally, I thought the calendar events acted like ingame broadcasts in a way. It's common ic knowledge, as if these holidays always existed. It would seem we have been treating it like that for every previouse calendar event so far, no one ever said the black moon was any different.

  5. Because isn't the whole point of the Calendar events supposed to give players time frames to celebrate good times and have events of our own?

    I am just thinking of what is fun for the community. Give us stuff to do. I can see how it can be seen as meta gaming but really I had been planning to throw this on my IRl birthday but the ball room was not complete at that time.

    I just figured more players would be on, but with nothing to do cause then only the Mori and Orcs would be having fun at this time.

    Who does it hurt to have fun at the cost of doing something at the borderline of meta if it is not some information used to get an advantage over other players. Metaing this information to throw a party that everyone benefits from? I only mean good by it.

    We will be so drunk on good times and mostly indoors to notice something is actually wrong anyway.

  6. Thats why I put on the start of the post that Incase we don't know this as a IC thing then I am just throwing a Masquerade to celebrate the final construction of the ball room in ShadowVale.

    Im a Lord I do what I want. Or maybe I am celebrating my IRl birthday in a belated fashion and its just a coincidence that the night is extended.

    W/e the reason, ICly I am throwing a Masquerade and all of Asulon is invited. It wont be called the Black Moon festival ball. Just "Vale of Shadows".

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