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Posts posted by jtringl

  1. *Fliers are posted throughout the human lands, and the Cloud Temple*

    Anyone skilled in the art of building has a job waiting in House Amedaius. We are looking for skilled workers to help construct the new capital city in Norjun. You will be paid adequately for your work. Send a bird to Casimir Amedaius II (jtringl), or leave a reply on this poster.


    Casimir Amedaius II

  2. *an Amedaius bannerman stands in the Cloud Temple, handing flyers out to passerby's. You notice him, and decide to take one"

    "To those skilled in a trade,

    House Amedaius is hiring many skilled workers to aid in the redevelopment of Seventis. If you are trained in the arts of farming, logging, building destroying, or anything of that matter, please leave a notice with the man you received this flyer from. Thank you.


    Casimir Amedaius II"

  3. MC Name: jtringl

    Human Concepts: (Screenshots please) Crestfall town center and various other buildings in the town.

    Other works: italian_assassin's castle

    Do you have team-speak?:(Microphone not required.) yup

    Posting screenshots is a hassle for me, and I know you have seen much of my work. If you really want some though, let me know.

  4. *While walking through the Cloud Temple Docks, Casimir grabs hold of a flyer sputtering through the air. Smoothing out the wrinkles, he reads the note. His eyes light up at the sight of the name. Reading the rest of the note, he shoves it into his pocket and heads off for home. Sitting at his desk later that evening, he pulls out some fine parchment stamped with his family crest and a quill. Dipping the quill in ink, he carefully begins to write.*

    To my old friend Sean Bradshaw,

    It is a pleasure to see your name. I hope you have done well over these years, aswell as your kin. I hope that the ship building business has done you some good too. I write to you in request of an apprenticeship to you. As you may know, I am a fine builder and architect. My daughter Gwendolyn has a love for the sea, and has some of my traits in building. She is only fifteen, and I wish for her to get a start on a career. I would like to apprentice her to you, so she may learn the trade of a shipwright. Please, send me a letter and we may talk more about the matter.

    With hopes,

    Casimir Amedaius II

  5. official_blason_paris_coat_heraldry_symbol_france_poster-rc1d74dcaefe9497abc078d587c663ccd_q7ud_400.jpg

    +_The Consilium_+

    +__Construction Company__+


    For all your designing and building needs.


    Do you require something built, but are not confident in your abilities to do so? The Consilium Construction Company will do it for you. We take measurements of the land you have, talk to you about your needs for the structure, what materials you prefer, the size you want it, what you want to do with it, and much much more. From the information we gather, we custom build your structure to your needs. We can build it for you, or send you a detailed blueprint of it to do yourself. Not one of our buildings are the same as another, unless you of course request so. We work at low costs, to provide you with the nice home you want for cheap.

    Not only do we design buildings for people, but we will also work with the land for you. Our employees will clear land, dig rivers and irrigation, landscape around a structure, repair scarred land and also help existing structures flow with the land better.


    Work Order


    IC Name:


    Kingdom your plot/land is in:


    Type of Build(House, castle, etc):

    Amount of land:

    Use for this structure:

    Location of land:


    Land Work

    IC Name:


    Kingdom your plot/land is in:


    Type of Work(fixing landscar, digging river, landscaping, etc):

    Amount of Land:

    Use for this land:

    Location of land:

  6. *pins up a response to one of the fliers in Solace*

    Hello, I could very well do any construction work you require. I have designed many structures, including a castle for Prince Alexander and a manor for Baroness Ari Hightower. I would be glad to do this construction for you. Please send me a bird for more information.


    Casimir Amedaius II


  7. *pins up a note over the last mans*

    I am surely the architect you desire. I can build anything you wish, given the materials and the pay. Let me know what exactly you want and I will build it to your specifications. Let me know if my services are needed.



  8. *walking through Arethor, Casimir notices a flyer posted near the tavern. He stops to read it, and decides to reply*

    Hello lad, I am Count Casimir Amedaius II. I wish to employ you in my lands as a farmer. You will be supplied with the materials for farming, aswell as food and shelter. Send me a bird if you are interested.

    ~Count Casimir Amedaius II of Salvus


  9. Sitting within his manor, enjoying midday tea, a white dove arrives at the window. Standing up, Casimir goes to open the glass and removes the note from the dove's leg. Reading the note, he smiles and walks out to the balcony overlooking the town. He begins shouting out orders.

    "Men and women of the Amedaius banner, today we shall set forth for a grand meeting with the Emperor. Tiburon, Helmjot, prepare the horses! Tanith, pack food and clothing for us. Galdor, ready the soldiers. Lilian, you can wait with me."

    Casimir continues to watch as the town bustles with the excitement of travel. Turning back to his office, he collects his papers and straps on his shiny golden armor. He heads back outside and mounts his white stallion, Zephyr.

    "And so we set forth! Mount your horses and be sure the wagon is secure!"

    Casimir, riding a white stallion, and his two children Lilian and Galdor mounted on dark black horses, set off through the gate. With them are four armored guards upon horseback, and a horse drawn wagon containing their house servants and supplies. After a long trek, they arrive at the tent camp holding the meeting. Casimir begins to bellow out more orders.

    "Soldiers, pitch the family's tent, one for the house servants, and one for yourselves. I am heading off to the meeting. Galdor, keep an eye on the men and your sister."

    Walking through the crowd, Casimir comes upon the large imperial tent. He enters, greeting the other members of nobility, and takes a seat across from Quintus.

    "I wonder what this is all about..."

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