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Posts posted by jtringl

  1. Hello there. My name is Justin Longfellow and I am currently looking for 4 people to play my children. The story will be that I was once married to your mother, but she fell ill upon having the last of the four children (youngest).

    I would prefer the kids to be between the ages of 8 and 15. I do not care which age you choose, as long as it is within that area.

    You may pick your own name, but the last name has to be Longfellow.

    I do not want villains to play my kids.

    You also MUST BE HUMAN.

    If you are interested, post a reply. Write a 1-2 paragraph bio of your character please.

    Any questions, just contact me ingame. Username is jtringl.


  2. Military

    Think you have skill with a sword or a bow, eh? Well, stand up to one of our Legionaries and see how tough you are. With one of the strongest militaries in all of Aegis, BlackThorne has the ability to take on any force or foe. With strict leaders and intense training, we will whip you into the best soldier you could imagine. Divided into Regiments, each lead by its own Centurion, serving under the three Generals, we have a very diverse military system. Here is where I will explain it all.

    Generals: With three of them in the military branch, the each control one of the regiments. They are the highest ranking officers, and strict leaders. They are also some of the best warriors you have ever seen.

    Centurions: There are 3 Centurions in the BlackThorne Legion. They each lead a regiment, giving the orders in battle and directing them on what to do. They are responsible for all of their men, and take good care of them. I advise you not to cross their paths, because each one of them is very well trained with either bow, sword, or axe.

    Now I will break down the regiments for you. Each regiment has soldiers, captains, lieutenants, various officers, and their centurion. They are all housed in their own garrison, sporting their own banner and animal guardian. I will describe the ranks starting at the top:

    Centurion: In each regiment, the Centurion has the job of keeping peace and order. They control every aspect of their soldiers lives, from when they sleep, to what they eat, to what they wear. The Centurion has full control of his regiment, unless a General orders him to step down and takes the lead. High officials of BlackThorne also have the right to take over a regiment temporarily. In the absence of the Centurion, the lieutenant will take over, and so on and so forth down the line of ranks.

    Lieutenants: There are two of them to each regiment.They are the second in command of each regiment. They can do anything the Centurion can do, and also handle smaller matters such as assigning new recruits to a battalion, or making sure that there is enough gear in the armory for each soldier.

    Captains: With 3 to a regiment, the captains each preside over a battalion. They are there to keep their soldiers in line at all times, and making sure they are being taken care of. They also have the sole power of kicking a soldier out of the legion, since they are very close to all their men and know what is best for them.

    Grubmaster: With one to a regiment, they have the responsibility of feeding the soldiers. If they need help, they may take on one legionnaire to help them with kitchen duties.

    Quartermaster: There is one quartermaster to each regiment. They have the responsibility of taking care of the housing of each and every soldier. They also may take on one legionnaire to help with their duties.

    Armorer: The last of the regiment officers, this is the person that takes care of providing weapons and armor to each soldier. They are allowed three legionaries to help them with their duties.

    Legionnaire: These are the fighting force of BlackThorne. They also serve as guards for the city and the Baron. Each month of serving in the legion will get you another star, which can total up to five stars total. At three stars, you are eligible for any opening in the upper ranks.


    Thoughts anyone? =D

  3. MC Name: jtringl

    RP Name: Justin_Longfellow

    Town Name: BlackThorne

    Why are you/your character starting this town? What role will it play?

    While walking through New Oasis, the Verge, you overhear a mans exciting proposal:

    Throdo, my cousin, it is not safe to be here any more. Not even in the verge. All of Aegis has gone to hell. I propose we get out. On my travels, I have come across a whole new land. We should hire a captain and a ship and set sail. Together, we can colonize the new lands. I already have plans for a city, which will be named Blackthorne. With sturdy gates and high walls, we will not only be the most secure civilization in existence, but we will also be the smartest and most intelligent, if we bring along the people of New Oasis. We cannot leave them here, we must protect our citizens. There is a new hope out there for the people of New Oasis, and we must reach for it. Not only must we help the people of New Oasis, but all of Aegis needs help. BlackThorne will provide just that. In the new world, we will provide food, shelter, and protection to all those in need. The city will be the community center of the new world, ready to help all that follow us there.

    What type of political system is enforced in this town? Is this town under the reign of any other nation at this time?

    You hear the voice of Baron Justin Longfellow, as he sets the ground rules for BlackThorne:

    Men, women, and children alike. Before we set out to the new world, there must be ground rules in place. If not, our own greed will overthrow us. I believe in power to the people, but also the need for a strong leader. That is why we will have a Baron, to lead us through the rough times , and help us through the struggles. In order to keep myself from getting corrupt, we shall implement a democratic council system, made up of seven councilmen and councilwomen. These individuals will assist in any major decision making involving the town. If myself, the Baron, goes corrupt, they may vote me away, and pick a new Baron out of the seven. We will have an election for people to gain a council seat. The people of BlackThorne will vote, and a fair vote it will be. Also helping the Baron will be Advisors, Aides, Diplomats and Knights. These are all hand picked by the Baron, but hold no power, just respect from the people. Although we respect each nation individually, none of them rule over us. One day, perhaps, BlackThorne will become the capital of its own nation. Also to help manage the town, we will be divided into seven different districts. These will be the Castle, the Golden District, where the high officials will live. Following that is Maywind District, which serves as the market. The two housing districts will be GrayBeard and NightingHall Districts. Bordering all the others on the outside of the walls will be the farmlands, serving as its own district, and then the great forest.

    Note: Im trying to veer away from the word Baron as leader, so any suggestions are appreciated =D

    What sort of behavior will residents exhibit? (Race relations, nation relations, etc.)

    Although we are peaceful toward everyone, and accept all races into our town, we do not have any tolerance whatsoever for villains or undead. If seen in our town, villains will be arrested and put in jail for 3 IC days, or executed on the spot. Undead will be killed on sight. Any Orcs are welcome to join the town, but must be at their best. Because of a bad history with a group of Orcs, Justin Longfellow is not very friendly toward them, and will not hesitate to throw them out. Regarding nations, we will give honor and respect to any high official of a nation that enters our town, but they must realize that they do not rule over us, and respect that. Anyone official from another nation that disrespects the Baron, an official, or the town itself, will politely be asked to leave.

    Where would you prefer the town’s region be, and how large? Including a screenshot of the land would be nice (of game or map).

    Since I do not have access to the new map, I would just like to get an idea of the location I am looking to place BlackThorne in. My preferred setting would be a large valley surrounded by mountains, with a river or two running through it. Snow or not, that is my only real requirement for the location.

    Any other details (architecture, races, culture, etc):

    The architecture for BlackThorne will be very similar to that of New Oasis, the Verge. Houses made out of normal logs, planks, and cobblestone. Although based off the buildings of New Oasis, I plan to add a bit of difference to BlackThornes structures.

    We accept all races into BlackThorne, and hope that all will come. Just the Baron has a personal distaste of Orcs, so they should be sure not to cross him.

    For the culture, I want the town to be like nothing you have ever seen on LOTC before. I expect the town to be 100% self sufficient. This means it will sustain its own economy, and not have to rely on any nation for support of any kind. I want a tight-knit community, where everyone knows each other. It would be nice to have families in town, not just individuals. Although we welcome everyone to town, we expect all to pull their own and live mainly in BlackThorne. You will be welcomed, but not really accepted right away. You have to gain everyones trust first.

    We also will hopefully have enough jobs for everyone in town, so everyone is earning a wage and helping to support the town.

    Players who have agreed to sign this charter (15 name minimum):

    - Justin_Longfellow

    - Lirinya

    - JPenguin

    - SA_General_Storm

    - Alwe Cobnar

    - William Talbot

    - Tiant

    - Redbain_Adelban

    - Ben_Powell

    - Tiant

    - Goblin

    - Awren

    - Jullian Septimus

    - Arbrek StarBreaker

    - zurics

    - Lupus

    - Corlark

    - Valen BlackAxe

    - Sritka

    - WhiteMamba98

    - Mage Deltaro Black

    - Yusoyung

    - Pinsir99

  4. While walking through New Oasis, the Verge, you overhear a mans exciting proposal

    Throdo, it is not safe to be here any more. Not even in the verge. All of Aegis has gone to hell. I propose we get out. On my travels, I have come across a whole new land. We should hire a captain and a ship and set sail. Together, we can colonize the new lands. I already have plans for a city, which will be named Blackthorne. With sturdy gates and high walls, we will not only be the most secure civilization ever, but we will also be the smartest and most intelligent, if we bring along the people of New Oasis.

    ((the following is ooc))

    The city of BlackThorne will be a well developed city by cousins Justin Longfellow and Throdo Therving. The town itself will be divided up into multiple districts, which will be divided up into streets and addresses, etc etc. The center district will be the castle. There will be four roads out of the castle district, each leading to another district. There will be the Golden District, which will consist of manors and mansions and estates all belonging to high officials of the city. Another district will be the Market District, which will have shops spread all throughout it. The next district will be GreyBeard District, followed by NightingHall District.

    Outside the walls of the four districts will be the farms, mines, and factories. Here, the city will hire workers to tend to crops, mine ore, and create things such as weapons, armor, and potions. All of these people will receive a salary based on how long they work. Past that, will be the Great Forest, where the Barons will allow their hunters to gather food from. Also here, people may buy a land permit from the Barons to be able to build on a parcel of land.

    The government of BlackThorne will lean toward a monarchy, with some diplomatic points. Here are the ranks in government as follows:



    Barons Advisors

    Barons Aides




  5. I have quite a few openings, all doing tasks for me in the verge. Payment would most likely be in land (also in the verge), and seeing as you and your brother are looking for a home, there is one right near me you can have. Although im in the verge, im maybe a minutes walk from the portal, and only 5 blocks away from two major verge towns on each side of me.

  6. I need someone to cut wood, but it is in the verge. Payment would be a nice piece of land, also in the verge.

    NOTE: Although in the verge, im maybe 50 feet away from two successful towns on each side of me, and Im right by the portal.

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