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Status Updates posted by ScreamingDingo

  1. My dwarf was killed by the plague, Quite viciously too :P

  2. Off to school on my kangaroo, Then I'll review apps in about 8 hours :P

  3. It seems like I should stop reading up Sword-Fighting Techniques and ditch my drill-master character for one that's uninteresting and cliche', But I'll get more RP with that character ._.

  4. I'ma Little Tea-pot~

  5. I want a Fancy Fedora 3

  6. Time to sleep... -Snores loudly-

  7. Would I have to "train" in shamanism to be a witch doctor or can I say I came from a family that's be with medicine and shiz...

  8. ~Eat Mogroka 2012~

  9. -Cries- Stupid laptop overheating.

  10. I might need a GM to help me with a small event for either today or Tommorrow, Though it involves lots of signs at the temple .w.

  11. Well I've had a fairly **** long rp session... -Facedesk-

  12. Hmmmm. To maybe make a backstory for a brewer or not....

  13. It's fun rping a villain who will die permanently through a RP kill.... Well I have to wait until a certain person comments on a certain RP post. Well also I'm saddlin' up mah kangaroo and goin' ta school bruh~

  14. Silly people raging because they plagiarize and can't apply again~

  15. Anyone need skins activated and edited for More player models? Just PM me the specs and I'll do it.. Since I'm bored.

  16. Dat crashin' MC 3

  17. I need to start writing a Mori app... But I haz writer's block ;-;

  18. I wonder what the next team will be....

  19. I wonder what the next team will be....

  20. Thank you E-team for the event with the Navy, It was quite bloody fun

  21. Timmee to swwweeeppppp ZzZzZzZz

  22. great war NATO v USA omg!! :3

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