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Posts posted by Jingeh

  1. MC name: Crippledbacon


    Character's name and age: Ibar Elsiol, age 200ish


    Character’s Race: Mali’aheral


    What magic/s did you learn?: Transfiguration, Electromancy


    Who/how did you learn magic/s?:

    Here is a link to my old Transfiguration map from the old magic app system: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/82853-ibar-elsiol-magic-application/?hl=%2Bibar+%2Belsiol


    Using the fundamental principles Ibar learned from Transfiguration, from Ambros, he transferred these same concepts into learning electrical evocation along with watching other electrical magicians and reading a book titled Electrical Evocation.  This ‘self-teaching’ occurred when the magic app was abolished for the first time.


    Offer an explanation of said magic/s you learned:


    Transfiguration can also be called the art of transformation, being part of the school of alteration.  One transforms the aspects or physical appearance of an object via enchanting and transmogrification.  The mage must first understand detailed concepts and principles, however, before attempting any of these spells with any sort of success.



    The art of understanding kinetic energies and electricity in the physical realm, imagining it within one’s mind (the void) and drawing it forth into the overworld to be used by the magician.

  2. Mood music:



    Ibar woke up that evening, still a little drunk that was just how he liked it. It seemed like every other evening, but this time it was a little different… he had always been a jolly drunk, or a silly drunk, but for the first time in a while Ibar’s drunkedness was one of rage, one of contempt and most importantly one of regret. One of his rare moments of lucidity as he dwelled on what had become of him, he once had potential now he was here, a spent cripple- like a broken toy he staggered through the shop door, shutting it behind him. Those in the store he greeted with a rage unlike any other he had expressed in some time, shutting the door behind them. He was fed up with being Ibar Elsiol, the man of many mistakes, the cripple, the fool, the drunk it seemed that these three phrases summarised him, were all that he was in those moments.


    He buried his face in his hands and he let out a sob. He had never been a tough man but he was certainly not the kind to cry, but this evening, he did. Weeping like a child in his own hands. All the people he had loved, all the friends that he had made well they were mostly all gone and done and what remained was a husk. His demeanour became consumed with a contempt, a hatred for himself.


    He looked up from his hands and received a rope from beneath the counter. He was sure, this was to be his last evening on this world. He didn’t take it in or think about it, the only things on his thoughts were what could have been and what was and neither of these prospects made him feel any differently. Throwing the last of his flask of alcohol back he’d toss it aside. Usually Ibar was good with words… well good is perhaps a strong word he had plenty of them and he used them as generously as he drank but not a sound escaped the hunched figure in the Flaccid Hat on this evening. He tied a knot on the rope, a noose after some many attempts. He could’ve reconsidered in this time but he was sure. He looked at it in a battle with himself, a deep inner conflict that spanned decades as he brought his fist down on the counter. Taking the rope and throwing it over the rafters, rolling his trusty wheeled chair beneath it as he’d fasten it. This was to be it, his conclusion, his final act, the last joke. Ibar Elsiol did not write a note that evening, for if he were to leave the things he loved to the people he loved it would be a list so short that in it’s end it became redundant.


    He brought it to his neck and had one recollection before he attempted the unspeakable. His twin brother Barbu, his parents Ellir and Talias, the faces of the high elves he had turned his back on Gwendolyn the Leaf Druid, his old friend Cedric Evelyn, Ryder all of these flashed through his mind, a final image of the Wizard’s Guild was the one he had decided to go out on. His slender figure, standing tall before he kicked the chair from beneath him, it rolled away. He did not resist, it was more painful than he’d thought it would be… longer as he struggled for death where most would for life. “Goodbye.” he thought- the rafter collapsed leaving his brittle almost ghoulish figure on the ground he’d gasp for breath. Getting to his knees, he’d slam both fists to the floorboards with all his might as he’d look to the sky. “Can you not even afford me death?” he’d sob aggressively, an anti-climax to what he'd believed would be his last rambling thoughts.


    Ibar Elsiol died that day, but Ibar did not. He would no longer be what he was, he would be better ,slowly rising he’d let out what seemed to be a chuckle. He’d reach for his flask, toasting to the skies. “You have a funny sense of humour.” he’d mumble to himself. With his bruised neck, reddened eyes he’d simply crack a grin. “I suppose I’ll give this life arrangement another century or two then…” as he’d throw back the last of his flask, dropping it to the ground.

  3. Vomiting rather wildly, partY invitations would seem to spew from Ibar Elsiol's mouth with each wretch, his pompadour bobbing as slowly his office floor became littered with crumpled and spit-coated paper. He'd slowly raise his head up glancing to his door where the bony and shady silhouette of Ambros's stood laughing... raising a finger as if to challenge his master it would waver and fall to his side as invitations fell, a slow-walking Ambros wandering off as he left his apprentice... "Wizard's Guild rules..." he added with a raspy croak, one that seemed to echo through the Guild's halls this day...



  4. "I guess it's almost time to go..." the decrepit goblin said, as he glanced at his now empty tavern, his brothers grown, his bastards sown. THere was no more a need for Jingle Claw. His purpose was long since gone, a changed goblin he was. The young goblin who wandered around in Jesters garb and a red nose had long since wandered off into the horizon. A sickly old husk of him now lay there, through his life he had been many Baron, Admiral, Alpha. All titles that once lay before his name now gone, as he was. Now he was naught but Jingle. Not Jingeh, just Jingle. The curtains had almost come to a close on this old Goblins remarkably long existence. But in his eyes was not... regret, it was acceptance. He was sick and he was soon to meet the death that he so craved as his mind fell into shambles. He looked to the ceiling with an exasperated sigh letting out a wheezy breath as he spoke  "I'll be with you again soon..." he said to the faces of his past...



  5. Why hello there, it's me, 'Jingeh'... again. After the abandonment of four drawing threads due to a spurt of procrastination and all around laziness I've returned. Now I'll probably procrastinate and forget to do most of them but alas t'is the nature of I. Need some practice so I'm going to need you guys 'ta pop in some creative requests.


    To see my previous works, rather than copying a surplus of image URLs here's my deviantart.


    So, you know the drill at this point, pop down a little application for what 'ya want and I'll get on it as soon as I can.

    Physical description:
    Type [signature, profile pic or otherwise.]:
    Other details:
    As is the nature of request threads some will be better than others that is for sure.
    Also, be patient 'ya rapscallions ;)
  6. *Jingeh reaches into the inside pocket in his crimson trenchcoat, producing numerous oddities as he rifles for his ink and quill, he finally produces them, mumbling swear words as he crudely scrawls the name "Jingeh." he quickly tidies the two away into his pocket, furrowing his brow as he mumbles, scratching at his finely braided goatee and his mutton chops before strolling off swiftly.*

  7. *Jingeh strolls past the poster, scratching at his goatee " Sounds like Jingeh 'kud make some 'buzinezz at this 'bash..." his hand slowly moving to scratch at his mutton chops, he furrows his brow  at himself "'Nu.... 'Nu 'buziness.... ROMANCE." he says  with a wild grin as he comes to the conclusion, he reaches into his lapel to produce a dead rose, blackened at the edges, he frowns at it "Perhaps 'romanze has taken a little longer than Jingeh would like..." he says, tossing the rose to his side "But 'nuw Jingeh 'muzt get his facial hair 'presentable'...." he turns on his heels, his thick red coat tail, sweeping behind him."'Dere ain't no parteh like a Jingeh parteh..." he mutters strolling off into the distance*

  8. *You stroll up to a notice board in Salvus to see a loosely pinned leaflet,

    you lean in and take a look, arching a brow*




    *Beneath lies a loosely tied note, messily tucked behind the original leaflet


    "Have you ever been robbed, attacked or hurt.

    Is the perpetrator out of laws reach, or even your own?


    Well, I 'Alpha' shall see you through, I and my league of cohorts shall have the utmost experience in solving mysteries.

    We specialize in all mysteries, let none fall amiss.


    To find us simply leave a note below, giving us a time, date and location where we shall arrange price and begin preparation to solve it.


    *Two goblins seem to be eyeing you up from afar as you put the leaflet on the thread, you lock eyes for am oment, the two seem to wink at you before turning on their heels and striding off*



    [[Picture done by Abysmall]]

  9. *Ibar Elsiol sits upon a cushion in the atrium, his legs crossed and his eyes closed as he meditates in the atrium, suddenly he begins wildly gagging his head jerking forward and his eyes flashing open. Head jerks forward towards the floor before him, suddenly a saturated piece of paper sit there in a pool of saliva. Ibar quickly unravels the ball of paper before him, he inspects it closely holding it with his one hand, some saliva dripping to the floor. Ibar lets out a long winded sigh unphased by the occurrence  getting to his feet and shouting at the top of his lungs throughout the college:

    "You could've just told me Ambros!" *

  10. I most certainly support Grim, over my time in LoTC I have seen him play numerous characters , simply for the enjoyment of others. He will most certainly fit into the team well if he is accepted, which I most definitely hope he is.


    +1 from me.


    Yoshilol [The Hero Of Time], never forgive never forget

  11. Aye. This is greatly needed.

    Would it be possible to change the colour of the usernames above our heads while we're in this rank? I know it's been done before for GMs. It'd just mean that players know when we are who we RP as, because when they see a random player roleplaying as some odd creation, they may start shooting around all sorts of accusations.

    This, most certainly this, if implemented this is one thing that is also a necessity it helps people know who we are and draws attention to us so people know whom exactly we are.

  12. Yes, simply yes. This is absolutely necessary, I am sick to death of having to rely on GM's to get the rank and then getting no response. This will most certainly fix the inactive problem we seem to be experiencing as of late.

    TL;DR: We don't get this, the event team is useless.

  13. Jingeh was born a whitewash his parents were incredibly stupid and the mother was obese they served no purpose, so they were made unwelcome. They were not exactly exiled but forced out in a way from the constant harrasment. Jingeh remains a whitewash because he has become fond of freedom and does not agree with the Orcs brute mentality, mostly because he possesses little strength himself. He also tends to stay away from them because most of his encounters with them end with a few minor head injuries and amongs other things.

    If insufficient I will do my best to develop it.

  14. Out-Of-Character Details

    Alternate Minecraft Account Name: Crippledbacon

    Already Accepted Minecraft Account Name:kyleinator

    How old are you?:15 years old.

    In-Character Details

    Character Name:Ibar'Elsiol

    Character Race:High Elf

    Character biography - Make this at least 2 paragraphs long, which must explain your character’s history, appearance, personality, age and any other details you deem necessary: Ibar Elsiol is a young high elf in his mid 30's, Ibar was born into the wealthy and dignified family of Elsiol along with his twin brother Barbu. Barbu and Ibar although slightly similiar in appearance were very different people thus why their names are Ibar-White and Barbu-Black. Ibar has always been a scholarly child, taking after his mother the most always striving to learn more his brother Barbu however took after their father whom was a grand warrior whilst Barbu honed in on his fighting skills, Ibar studied all he could find.

    As Ibar became older and older he grew apart from his brother both in appearance and relationship, Ibar had become scrawny and frail although considerably more intelligent than his brother whilst Barbu became strong and buff. Soon Ibar began to strive for more, the libraries of Haelun'Or held no more for his mind, he hungered for knowledge so one night for the first time in his life, he stepped outside Haelun'Or with a bag on his back and a pocketful of dreams, without alerting anyone he set off. Ibar first visited Malinor where he met numerous Elven scholars and studied their libraries, Ibar was truly happy. Although Ibars prosperity would not last long, he was soon robbed, he was left with nothing but his scraggy old white robes. Ibar was left alone, no maps, no food and not a minas to his name. Ibar eventually found haven in a small settlement in the wilds, after a couple of days Ibar got back on his feet with some food and a fairly old map, he continued travelling for years to come only stopping in one place for days at a time, his lifestyle became nomadic almost. Eventually Ibar began to become homesick and decided he would make his way back to Haelun'Or.

    What are your characters ambitions?:Ibar hopes to become a high elven scholar or a diplomat of some sorts.

    Please provide an in-game screenshot of your skin here:cd6Ll.pnguiRzm.png

    Is there anything else you would like to say about your character:


    Anwser at least two of the below questions with a minimum of one full paragraph, and detail the scene you are given in the way it would happen in roleplay. These questions should be answered in first person. Be detailed, not short.

    Upon entering the Mighty Human City of Arethor, you come across a shop-keeper calling out to sell his wares to passers-by. The shopkeeper is not a Human, he is a poor dwarf looking to make a living in a new city. What is your response?

    The scraggy old dwarf waves over the passing Elf, he grins as the elf approaches, his rotten teeth showing. “G-Good evening 'sir'?” he says as he looks at the man confused “If you could call yourself a sir, that is..” he mutters beneath his breath. “Would 'yer care 'ter buy some lov'erly dwarven wares? A fine elf such as 'yerself sould not be 'su bland!”. Ibar looks down at the man unimpressed by his attempts to sell the scraggy wares, Ibar looks at the man confused again as he attempts to deciper the muffled noises coming from within the mans beard. “How much..?” Ibar asks, hoping that it was the question intended.” 'Twenter minas 'fer dis fine neck'o'lass” he exclaims with a grin hidden beneath his scraggy ginger beard. Ibar begins to dig through his pockets and produces a pouch he begins rifling through the pouch he eventually presents the man with 20 small glimmering coins. The dwarf hands Ibar the necklace, upon closer inspection Ibar notices the chain links are rusted nd the gold is covered with numerous stains. Ibar walks off far beyond the man before he drops the necklace at his side and mutters “Dwarven craftsmanship...”.

    You’re wandering the Oren Road late at night, when a large Orc begins to threaten a nearby dwarf. There is no help nearby, and the situation looks like it will escalate into violence soon, what does your character do? Ibar nonchalantly strolls down the road as he whistles an old tune his mother used to sing him, as he continues down the road some shouting can be heard in the distance “Dir'eh 'Uruk what'chu 'gun do choke 'mer with 'yer big green 'ands 'eh? 'ow can 'ya even use 'dem big stubbeh fingers!” The Orc stares at the man with his fists clenched behind him, his nostrils flaring like that of a bulls the orc opens his motuh and roars “Mi well teer 'dat beerd frum lats chin and pud id duwn latz thruut!” as he makes a wild grab for the dwarf, the dwarf backs away just in time and then chuckles madly, saliva spraying across the road. The Orc makes another grab for the man he misses yet again, this time the dwarf grabs his battleaxe ready for the next blow. Ibar approaches the two apprehensively he mtuters to himself beneath his breath in a muffled tone “By Haelun, if I get decapitated this will be the last time I help the lesser races!” he approaches the two and grabs their attention with a whistle. “Now, now you two ther is no need to be argueing, what seems to be the problem?”. The Orc with tears welling in his eyes points to the dwarf and says “Dis 'stowt were 'makin fun of 'mer skin colour!” the dwarf grins madly his hands still on his battleaxe he turns to the orc “'An so what if 'ah did Greeneh! 'Eh whatchu 'gun do 'klomp' meh 'tu death? Ah'd like to see 'dat!”

    the orc turns to the dwarf angrily his fist clenched he leans forward in an angry jerk. Ibar yells “Oi!” right before the Orc hits the dwarf, Ibar mutters to himself, “Did I just say 'Oi'?, Oh my I'm practically butchering my vocabulary with each passing moment...” he turns to the two again “Alright here is what's going to happen “You” he says as he points to the dwarf “go that way” he proclaims with an assertive tone. The dwarf looks to him and grips his battleaxe even tighter and says “And 'wh 're 'ya going 'ter do if I 'dunt Elfie?!” Ibar looks down to the dwarf and says “Fine then if you feel like starting a war go ahead because if you lay a hand on me, those in Haelun'Or will find out and will not be very happy with you at all...” the dwarf glares at Ibar “'Yer win 'dis time Elfie lad, 'bu if I catch 'yer backtalking 'meh again I'll be coming 'fer 'yer!” the dwarf lets go of his battleace and turns he stomps down the road his footsteps thumping against the stone. The Orc turns to Ibar and says “Lats 'ib 'ukay twiggie, 'su I 'wunt klomp latz.. 'dis time..” the orc turns and walks the other direction. Ibar lets out a sigh of relief and grabs his neck “Alright everythings still stuck together, good...”

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