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Posts posted by Jingeh

  1. *You see a multitude of leaflets barraged around the major towns and cities*



    *Beneath the leaflet a small note is written*

    "Come one, Come all to the grand Freak Show of ringleader bones come see these monstrosities of nature, these deformed creatures and disgusting men, Let us educate you on the disgusting and the grotesgue

    Disclaimer: We are not responsible for your limbs or other floppy appendages if per chance you are to place them in one of the cages a replacement will not be given and most importantly DO NOT FEED THE FREAKS"

  2. Because back in 2011 when He played Jingeh in Aegis there was no MPM so there was no direct way of knowing size so many did not know or care. and it has come up now. Cause TONS of people are running around with MpM halfing for Goblins running amuck.

    Actually the problem was that when I joined there was only 2-3 sentences of lore for Goblins and they were only described as "fickle" and "small".

    And also regarding the stupidity I'm not exactly sure why the Goblins have done this I mean the Claw family, which is just a family of whitewashes are generally silly or stupid because despite their capability for intellect they were just not educated and were left to their own devices which turned out to simply be their drive for lust. And our family is generally small as they are all quite young and Jingeh is just generally shorter.

    Also I understand where Mog is coming from but the problem is that it was not made clear at the very beginning and I believe that rather than the new Goblins reading the updated wiki they just went by what they have seen and what they believed to be Goblins.

    Apologies for posting considering I'm a whitewash some of these things may have already explained I just felt like I needed to give my input.

  3. Name (MC and RP):

    Race:Jingeh am 'gubu

    Preferred Weapon (If any):Jingeh liek tu stick da axe in head of people whu dizagree wid hib.

    Non-Combat Skills (If any):Jingeh like tu danze and mate wid wuman Jingeh hab lut uf babeh chillun.

    Prefered rank:Jingeh wunt help wid entertaining 'n 'tuff, 'bud Jingeh could alzu seduze women and du politikz.

    Your most valued trait from list below:


    Are you willing to take an Gobonic oath?:Jingeh am willing tu say wurdz

    Do you have a VA?:[Nope]

    Additional information:Jingeh am two 'undred and mi am da alpha-Claw of da 'Gobo claw famuhler.

  4. I must say I quite like this idea, perhaps a change of name would be necessary so you don't receive too much criticism ;), but all in all I like the idea quite a bit, and I'm sure the rest of the event team will feel the same and be happy to help.

    I also think that boxing could be a suitable event :3.

  5. I wish people would stop suggesting it's anonymous, they are hacktivists and DDoSing this website won't help much and if it was anyone from anonymous it would most likely be some wannabe hacker who thinks that they are somehow part of it. The best bet would be a group of banned players or some rival community who have been payed absurd amounts of money to some hackers to DDoS us. But luckily if their's anything Vaq knows about it's hacking and DDoS attacks considering all the previous ones :3

    Ps: If theirs any mistakes or things that don't make sense I wrote this from my Ipod, so it's to blame ;)

  6. *The writing seems to have been done with a finger and ink, it is almost unreadable and contains numerous spelling mistakes*

    Name:Baron Jingeh

    Race:Mi am 'gubu

    Age:Mi tink mi am coming tu one hunderd tenty years

    Short description of yourself:Mi am Jingeh da alpha-claw und rightful ruler 'ob da 'gobos.

    What are you trained in?: Jingeh am good bartneder und womanizer, Jingeh serve drinks und talk tu females tu see if dey will hab Jingeh-Babies

    What kind of job are you looking for?:Jingeh wunt be bartender 'ur maybeh Jingeh can sell alcohul tu people.

  7. *Galdan looks onto the noticeboard as he profusely picks his nose, he lets out a yawn and continues walking down the path happily as he heads to Foscos burrow where he is staying*

    [[i'm living in the same burrow as Nikias right now so no worries there, just need perms :3]]

  8. *Galdan Sleepyfoot rises from the Salty Salmon his beer-belly protruding as he stretches and lets out another yawn after the seemingly long journey, he walks away from the boat as he rubs his beer-belly counter-clockwise and rubs his goatee with his other hand, He lets out another large yawn as he walks towards the Tavern, he walks in and falls unconscious on the nearest table as he drools onto the table and mutters beneath his breath “Ale.. Cake… Woman…”*


  9. What's your MC name? My MC name is kyleinator

    What kind of events are most interested in? (Playing as a temporary faction, creature, Antagonist etc..)

    I would be most interested in playing as a creature in events as I find rolep-laying them to be quite fascinating it also brings about quite alot of RP whether it be people interested in the crature or people looking to enslave the creature I am also very happy to play the smallest roles if need be.

    What kinds of influential RP has your current LOTC character been involved in?

    My main character Jingeh has not been very influential as of late but he was once a large part of a town by the name of Minatheal and is currently the "Alpha" of a Goblin family by the name of the "Claws"

    What in your opinion, makes a good event?

    A good event is an event in which people walk away with a smile on their face and they feel that they have accomplished something or been part of something which is truly bigger than themselves. I also feel that meeting new people and forming bonds IC and OOC play a large part in the success of an event.

    Let's say your playing as a wolf, wandering outside a village and you smell cake from within a bakery that seems unattended. Inside the bakery the cake sits on the counter. What do you do and how do you emote?

    *The Wolf slowly lurks through the village turning around corners with a graceful swerve as his upturned nose follows the scent of the sweet succulent cake*

    *The Wolf slowly moves towards the bakery like a shadow, lurking in the shade*

    *The wind whistles through the air as it blows through the wolfs hair as it creeps towards the open door, as the door swings in the wind*

    *The Wolf moves into the bakery upturning its nose as it sniffs the air around it the scent of the cake lingering in its nostrils*

    *The Wolf catches sight of the cake and with ease like an owl catching a rat attacks the cake with ferocity as its instincts take over, forgetting all its previous efforts of stealth*

    *The Wolf quickly looks around as the morsels of icing drip from its snout*

    *The Wolf, realising what it has done quickly dashes out the door as it descends into the darkness from whence it came*

    You're playing as a necromancer hiding out in a graveyard, in search of a relic. Two armor-less players enter the graveyard to revisit an old friend. What do you do to create an experience for them and how do you reveal yourself?

    *The Necromancer sits on the grave of an old sailor as he grins maniacally thinking of what horrors he can create when he uncovers this fabled relic*

    *Steps are heard as they crunch on the gravel approaching the graveyard *

    *The Necromancer with its lanky limbs grabs onto the tombstone and hurls himself behind it maintaning his grin throughout*

    *The Steps edge closer and closer as they come to a halt at the very tombstone this long-limbed Necromancer hides behind*

    *The Necromancer supresses a laugh as he thinks of what horrors he can achieve with his powers*

    *The Necromancer with his cruel sense of humour summons the occupant of the very grave he is hiding behind and slowly ascends from behind his hiding place*

    *The Minion mimicing as the Necromancer does begins to waves his arms about with grace as he gently waltzes around the people*

    *The Necromancer halts his foolishness and drops the spell, the minion falling to the ground immediately*

    *The Necromancer grins at the two people with his maniacal grin still intact as his beady eyes center in on the people, he utters "Good evening gentlemennnn" with almost a hiss in his tone as each word slithers off his long tongue*

    You're playing as a drunken sailor. You have to tell players rumors of treasure but accidentally, how do you go about doing this?

    *The hearty drunken sailors voice booms throughout the tavern as he gloats of his adventure*

    *He takes a large swig of ale and grins, showing his incisors and the golden wisdom tooth on the left side of his mouth*

    *He roars loudly, spitting saliva everywhere with each syllable "'Ye tink ye're a grater sailor Dan I ya sayy? I can tell 'ya tales dat 'you've only e'er heard in sturies 'ya wee Whippsersnapper"*

    *The sailor leans into his friend and begins what he thinks to be whispering but in fact is a large roar*

    "Tell meh exactly nuww, how much treasure do ye know off, for I know 'da location of treasure"

    *takes another swig of ale and roars at the top of his voice "Tell meh nuww Laddie 'ey?"*

    *The Sailors friend stands up and thumps the man right in the nose with his fist and walks out of the bar in rage with a frown on his face, sick of hearing this sailors old fishermans tales*

    *The Drunken Sailor in shock takes the punch and falls backwards off his seat, hitting his head off the adjacent windowsill with a loud thump*

    *A rolled up letter describing rumours of treasure lay rolled up in the pocket of his large trenchcoat, peeking out the top*

    Create a small paragraph describing a quirky character that could provide roleplay for players.

    The Illusonist

    The Illusionist is an odd quirky man with his greasy red hair tied up in a ponytail with a bobble of gold. His large blue eyes following things across the room. The Illusionist wears a large trenchcoat filled with dozens of inventions and potions. The Illusionist is a mischevious and odd character he is always found causing trouble or mischief whenever he can. He is known for starting fights and simply dissapearing from them with ease. He is also often found scamming people and pick-pocketing. His maniacal grin sits upon his face at all times as he experiences no other emotion than happiness. The Illusionist holds no regard for the safety of himself or others and will often cause mischief even at the expense of himself and others. The Illusionist does not speak with words but with actions. But the Illusionists tricks or not all that they seem most of the time they are simply slight of hand and tricks of the light. Once the Illusionist is caught he is caught as without his tricks he is nothing but a lanky mute man with a maniacal grin on his face and no way of defending himself.

  10. 1. Do they speak blah? I wasn't able to find out if Goblins had tusks or not, in reference to that as well. Do they have pointy ears as they are the descendants of Elves?Goblins are able to speak Blah and Common fluently in most cases, some of them have small tusks but they do not impair their speech too much.And yes they have rather pointy ears.

    2. In terms of combat prowess, how would a Goblin be viewed. In reference to this, how would a goblin go about making weapons such as cannon for the Orcs? Is there a sort of secret laboratory for Goblins or what? Goblins can be quite good at combat in some cases due to them being nimble and considerably more intelligent than their orc brethren and as far as I know there is no secret laboratory

    3. Can anyone make me a good Goblin skin?

    My IC brother is rather good at making Goblin skins.


    4. Just in general, how should a Goblin react to certain races as well as other Goblins and even Orcs for that matter. That depends on the Goblin to be honest.

    Also I am the leader of a whitewash Goblin family if you're interested :3

    [[Click on "DA CLAWS" in my signature to get to the post.

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