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Posts posted by Auvreaeath

  1. Auvreaeath's Event Team Application

    I told Native this in Teamspeak, but I told him, that I'm still going to be helping with Events after this Application anyway. <3

    Builder Application

    What kind of builds do you enjoy doing the most?

    Well, it’s hard to say.. Back from another server I had once Applied for, they taught us three elements of building, Organic, Structural, and Terraforming.. I would say that I like Structural and Terraforming the most. You Native have seen me in those two categories as well.

    To extend that basic information further out though, I would like to say I enjoy any form of Building where I can simply build as I want. Not have to worry about the outcomes of the build until after it’s built. In the events I’ve helped with already, Adyton Island, Adyton Island Dragon Edition, Asulon Tournament, and a few more, I’ve had that freedom of simply building how I want and then after I finish I get to know what you think of it.

    Provide an example of a mine-craft build that looks "Aged" or "ruined" that YOU have built.

    I actually don’t have many of these currently, I could build one in the next hour or so. But, I believe you’ve seen my work on the Adyton Island and for the Dragon Edition, which never took official effect yet. :P

    Please provide any other projects you've done or inspirational screenshots of things you're capable of creating. If you have a save file, please provide atleast one screenshot of the build aswell.

    Here is my Entry to the Asulon Tournament: Boat Competition.[http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/58086-asulon-tournament-boat-contest/page__p__453160__fromsearch__1#entry453160]


    This is for an idea for a few events, that can be seasonal, this has been sent to Native and was built the night before the Event Team was released to the public.


    This is the Map Download for the Asulon Arena Tournament Event, I assisted with building the Tents, and I was the one to submit the Boat Entry, though I did not build the Arena nor assist in it.


    Native knows this himself, but I was one of the first (Third I believe) to start working on the Adyton Island, I built the closer Kingdom right next to the Mines and I also assisted in the Adyton Expansion adding in the newer Dragon Town.

    What makes your building style unique?

    Heck, I wouldn’t be able to answer you were my life dependant on it.. When I build I don’t think cleverly about something, I simply allow for my creativity to transform and meld the blocks together. I’m not the best builder, and I’m definitely not a good builder, but I could continue learning from those who are and greater my own skills in the art.

    Something I’d like to add in though, is, if I want to make a area look trashy and dirty, I don’t simply spam click random blocks everywhere, I manually hand place each and every block of each different type in order to achieve what effect I’m looking for. I don’t use World Edit for my builds, as World Edit simply soils the mind, and makes you dependant on it.

    Actor Application

    What's your MC name?

    Auvreaeath, Yerdok, Euronian, and DRC1969

    What kind of events are most interested in? (Playing as a temporary faction, creature, Antagonist etc..)

    Random Events of all kind, I love to bring people a random surprise that'll instantly catch them in it. Where they become excited and want to Roleplay in that event.

    What kinds of influential RP has your current LOTC character been involved in?

    I can't really see myself to be in much influential Roleplay in all honesty, most of the time I'm simply in it to give a new spirit to the Roleplay.

    What in your opinion, makes a good event?

    Surprise and originality, it is never exciting to see the same thing happen over and over again so I would try and switch things up a bit. First off, If we were extending an event, like Bandit raids, I wouldn't have the same thing happen over and over again where they come in and come out successful, I'd have them lose a few times, hide a few times, and maybe even take over the town for a brief amount of time.

    Let's say your playing as a wolf, wandering outside a village and you smell cake from within a bakery that seems unattended. Inside the bakery the cake sits on the counter. What do you do and how do you emote?

    I would begin barking to gather attention and I would run towards the window where the scent of the cake is coming from. I would then run towards the door, now seeing people gathering around watching me. I would bark at those watching trying to get them to open the door, when one of the finally does. I would run in and sprint for the cake. Almost reaching it one of the clerk would notice and she would sweep the cake away setting it higher and getting a broom to sweep me out.

    You're playing as a necromancer hiding out in a graveyard, in search of a relic. Two armor-less players enter the graveyard to revisit an old friend. What do you do to create an experience for them and how do you reveal yourself?

    I would look over to the two players as they approach the graveyard, and the first thing I would do is wait for them to reach the grave. Once they do so, I will make an attempt to move the body within the grave to where the hand will come out of the ground reaching towards them. After that has worked out, watching the two players jump back I will make an appearance.

    "Greetings" As the two players back up I will extend my arm towards them, "I am in search of something.. I am curious if you would.. to "Help" me.." After watching them slightly tilting my head I would turns back the their friends grave and extend my arm towards it, making the other arm come out of the soil, I would then tell them a lie to try and deceive them, "If you help me, I'm sure I could make an arrangement with your friend"

    If they were to accept he would have them begin digging up the graves eventually finding it.

    You're playing as a drunken sailor. You have to tell players rumors of treasure but accidentally, how do you go about doing this?

    Lightning cackles about the sky, the night black and restless, outside of the walls of Roseus Aquilla the guards can hear the groaning of mobs keeping them awake. As the rain begins to pour over Asulon, the tavern in Roseus, quiet and gloomy, begins preparing to close for the night. As only about twenty three are still within the tavern, a large amount of feet are heard on the front porch as a crew of merely eleven come into the tavern rowdy and starved, at the end of the crew the captain enters.

    As the tavern becomes more live, people begin noticing the crews appearance, bruises can be seen all over their arms, their clothing ripped, and blood stains all over their remaining clothes. They also notice a purple liquid on the captains shirt. Curiousness growing in the tavern, someone begins to speak, “Get kicked outa another Tavern alreadeh for startin’ a fight?” The entire crew mutters their own reply in a collaboration of responses. Realizing that no one in the tavern understood a thing, the Captain sitting in the corner alone with a giant mug in his hand stands up and begins to speak.

    Lishen up ye all, I’ll tell ye wha’ ‘appen ash long as ye ‘elp ush spread te word, we wer’ sailin back to te’ shoresh of te Clou’ Templ wen I’ attackd ush. Meh crew an’ I didn know wha’ te damn thin was’h. Weh onle new tat’ it mean’ to kill meh crew an’ sink meh beauteh! S’ho we fight it back! I order’ meh crew to geh intu dere positsions wen i’ firsht destroy me ship. Un’ of ish big tentacil t’ings swashed at te foremasht. Meh crew an’ I den unshath or shords and weh swing at te tentacils! Te ting act jush like Ibles te day we beat tat damn facker! Inshtantleh te tentacils shtarte’ swingen all round! Te nex’ ting I know, two mebers of meh crew are thrown o’er board!

    Weh manage to cut one of the tentacils and ith fel inte te dark wa’er. On’ of te tentacils rip of meh Mizzen af’er tat. Te worsh par’ wash when te damn bugger broke meh damn figurehead of Aeriel! Oi, tat had te lash in for ‘imself. Weh loade on’ of te cannonsh in te gunport .. Ash our youngesh lass fire’ te cannon te damn ting ran! I dun no iv’ weh ‘it im or iv te loud noish mae ‘im run. Buh ‘e weren’t gon fer long. Af’er scarin te damned ting of, I’ came back again!

    Wen I’ came bak, weh were almosh at te Sanctuareh docks. Te ting ripped off our Rudder and it smash’ a tentacil inte te shrouds shnappin tem like te sho’ of eh bow string. Weh were defenshless ten, weh couln’ reload or’ cannonsh and weh didn’ ave eny bowman! S’ho in ordeh te save meh crew, I unshathed meh shord, went to te bak of te Quarterdeck and I raished me shord at te beashts tentical and I tol’ im! I tol’ im good! “Ye’d besht be gettin’ of’ meh crew and me vesshel! Or I uh gonna go af’er ye and kill ye mehself!”

    Buh, I din know wath te ting wash’ mae o’ and I shaw ish red eysh glem through te dark wa’er. Te tenticalsh al wen back into te wa’er and the beash leh ou’ wash shounde’ like a roar and a scream. Weh ‘ad to cover our earsh it wash’ sho bad. I looched’ bak at me crew matesh, tey wer’ all bloodeh and beaten. S’ho I raished meh shord and gavem all a roar ash tey di te same.

    Wit wha’ te beash didn deshtroy weh contined to sail to te Sanctuary. Weh tink da’ it migh’ be protecti’ sumthin and tha’ ish hiding shomthin from te’ land.

    Create a small paragraph describing a quirky character that could provide roleplay for players.

    A Ill Beggar, The Beggar walks down the street stumbling over several times and looking at those finely clothed around him. He continues to ask for Minas but none of the people offer them to him and they run from him because of his foul stench.

  2. Here, is a recreation of one of Sillouete's Ship Bundle, to prove that I spent the last two hours building this by hand, you can see the map I am building on is where the Boat will be located. I did contact Native and he teleported me to the island allowing me to get a World Download of it. I do hope you enjoy T_T This took forever and a few hours to build.

    To find all of the Images Grouped, Click Here!

    Below in the Spoilers you can see the Images One at a Time.

    Originally beginning to build the ship,


    Below are three different viewpoints of the ship completed.




    At Natives Request, I have the Map Download for the Island, both "un-built" upon and one with the ship built in it. The reason why was so I could show a Before and After effect. I may be working on the map lateron tonight as well to see if I could help Native with the Tents. <3 I do hope you enjoy, also, Booger if you want the maps for yourself, drop me a Private Message here, I'd like to state one more thing though.

    The Total Prize is 15000 Minas, may be going to Malinor -shrugs- Auv has no reason to <3 you Sythra, and the rest 5000 will be to ensure that the Cost to travel there is free. Thanks once again.

  3. *While walking around the Elven Lands Auvreaeath comes across the sign and laughs to himself looking around to see if the person posting the sign is still nearby.

    "What fools our own have become, do they not listen to anything?"

    *Walks off to fetch Dante and show him the sign

  4. For all of you that are to lazy to find the links, there's now a section at the bottom of the page where you may click on each button and it will redirect you to the vote location of each page. For your convenience as well.. >.> It opens a new tab, keep the votes coming everyone and I hope you enjoy the rest of your night!

    I did ask Vaq before I gave this gift to you guys and he said go for it.

  5. *Stands leaning against a tree he laughs at the foolish man shouting towards small Halflings threatening them, seeing the rider he believes was sent by Godfrey he mutters a thank you

    "Thank you Godfrey, your ears are wonderful to mine voice, I've spent enough time of my life protecting the halflings and even without me they would have made it through this."

    *He looks over to the shadowed Halfling in a cloak and gives him a smile

    "Good job... For all of you.. "

    *He looks down and mutters a few last words

    "Good job Graeme.."

  6. You've spent your time with members from the application team and those else willing to help as well to perfect your application and truthfully the effort you have put in has shown a great effect to me. I am 101% positive you can do great in our community and so I have no choice but to accept this.

  7. 5mYxL.png

    Please wait for a GM to promote you in game soon!

    In all honesty.. I feel as if you should be Denied.. It seems as if you rushed this application and I really don't think I should be doing this.. But for the fact you're respected as a Good Roleplayer and I myself have experienced your roleplay before I feel as if you can easily pull this new character off.

  8. ddie2.png

    The Dark War

    For Centuries, the Dark Essence of the Game Moderators has been spreading across the lands of Aegis. The legendary group of the Forum Moderators, stood strong fighting against their ranks, winning many wars, and losing thousands. As both sides pushed on, Aegis fell apart.. It began to crumble beneath the feet of it’s members, the Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, and Humans, all saw it..

    The time of the Dark War was to come to an end soon..


    Suffering, still suffering.. It is all around us, the air... The water... The earth... Aegis is shattering.. Crumbling to the Coding of Vaquxine.. The tides have turned for the Forum Moderators.. They’ve retreated to the last welcoming home of Aegis.. The Game Moderators have withdrawn from their caves within the coding lands and have come out striking all who cross their paths with /kill and /lightning..

    Some have been lucky though.. Many Game Moderators have made mistakes.. Using the wrong comm- Spells and casting them upon the single members of Aegis with certain letters or numbers in their names.. They have /give ‘d items to random players on accident and never found out who. These items have been given to the Forum Moderators in evidence of Ban Reports.

    Many have begun to suffer.. This is all we’ve gotten from this war.. Is the chance to suffer..

    A Change in Heart

    As the legendary Robin Drake has betrayed his fellow Game Moderators and joined the Forum Moderators as their leaders, he has given a speech that has brought all of Aegis together. All of the Forum Moderators have heard this tale.. And all of them recall it everyday.. It can be found below.

    “My Brothers! I see in your eyes, the same fear that would take the heart of me, a Day may come, when the courage of Aegis fails, and break all bonds of Moderation, but it is not this way, an hour of work, and shattered warns, come crashing down, but it is not this day! This day we fight! By all that you hold dear, to your titles, I bid you stand, Forum Moderators of Aegis!”

    As Robin had finished his speech.. The traitorous Alan had betrayed us all, shooting Robin with a bow and running.. Luckily.. Robin had survived, and using his remaining power from Game ModeratorShip he cast a lightning bolt of immense power upon Alan instantly killing him but Accidentally killing Alien1WorkShop1 at the same time. We all feared Alien were to be slain in such a way.. But not that day.. We mourned his death.. And soon later a Halfling by the name of Roen took his place in our hearts.

    The Forum Moderators took one final stand that day..

    The time is ours

    As the rain poured upon them, the rows of Forum Moderators marched toward the heart of beautiful Malinor where a portal towards the coding had ripped open. Robin leading on his galient spawned in pegasus, and the other forum moderators marching in eight lines of three behind. As Robin threw his mighty staff in the air, he rode toward the coding hole and roared like a boar the Forum Moderators charging afterwards.

    The Final War has Begun

    The Forum Moderators ran through the portal seeing Freya transmuted into a Wolf, instantly they saw Vaquxine shooting scripts of coding towards Robin as Robin raised his staff into the air creating a sphere of light firing the scripts back at him. As Clumsy Vaquxine saw the script coming back at him he instantly gave himself Gamemode and ran away, but Robin was to smart for that, and at that moment Robin withdrew Vaquxine’s gamemode and Vaquxine was tangled in his own script.

    Freya charged at the Forum Moderators but was instantly shot down by an elven Moderator named Arik who withdrew from formation and charged toward the giant keep made out of Bedrock world-edited in by the Game Moderators. Arik drew back his bow releasing a volley of arrows towards Seventh, who was asleep on the ramparts. Instantly Seventh was shot in the head, stomach, and knee, but he was in Gamemode. Seventh muttered a booming Laugh and Urasept and Latsi flew over the Ramparts attacking the Forum Moderators.

    Instantly, Robin used a impossible command as he powergamed his perms back into place and he enchanted everyone's weapons to hurt others with gamemode. Arik shot Seventh two more times and Seventh instantly fell to the lava moat below, with one final wish, Seventh used the /kill command upon Arik who crumbled over in a heartbeat. Soon after Hiebe and Repiteo charged at the flying Latsi and Urasept, cutting away at their feet cutting off their toes. As Urasept and Latsi realized what Robin had done, they merged together in a final effort and turned into Latsept.

    Latsept instantly threw a magical fireball upon both Hiebe and Repiteo and incinerated them both.. But in a final vain attempt, Repiteo uttered two words, and the mighty NekoDanie came around the corner in her Dragon Form and Game Moderated him. Instantly, seeing how Repiteo was a traiter, Auvreaeath charged at him, bow in hand three arrows nooked on the string at once, and a long dagger at his side. Auvreaeath let all three arrows fly at Repiteo instantly killing him. Latsept saw what happened and he threw his arm straight towards Auvreaeath, but the elven Forum Moderator was to fast.

    He took out his dagger and shoved it into Latsepts arm as it came by, Auvreaeath then jumped onto his arm as Latsept threw him around in rage. With a vain attempt, Auvreaeath drew one more arrow, he let go of Latsepts arm, and as he was thrown back into the depths of coding below, he released one last shot, straight into Latsepts eye, instantly blinding him. Auvreaeath then fell, into the darkness below.

    As the Forum Moderators saw Auvreaeath’s Actions they charged at Latsept in their remaining 7 rows of three and shot a volley of arrows and swung a dozen swords into the beast. As Latsept fell, the mighty NekoDanie called forth her remaining Army, and out came Shiftnative, Mogroka, and Lirinya.

    As the Four flew towards the marching Forum Moderators, Robin Drake teleported Boomack21 to the scene, Robin hit Boomack21 on the back of the head and told him, “Late as ever” throwing him with a command towards the oncoming Game Moderators. Boomack21 screaming in terror collided straight into Lirinya sword in hand and stabbed her straight through the heart, but it wasn’t a good thing for Boomack, as they fell through the air into the darkness below. In an attempt to save her ShiftNative cast a final spell killing Boomack but hitting Lirinya at the same time.. They both fell numb to the vastness below.

    Now three Game Moderators left, Shiftnative, Mogroka, and NekoDanie. Gathered in a triangle at the top of the tower, and instantly began a spell. As the Forum Moderators saw what happened, Robin Drake bestowed a power of greatness upon them, killing himself in the process, his last words, “For Aegis..” He exploded into a million stars which now glimmer in the realm of Asulon today.

    The Forum Moderators, gathered in one giant Circle, and directed their gaze where Robin last stood, they uttered two words, “For Aegis” and the Coding Lands began to corrupt upon itself. ShiftNative and Nekodanie, instantly threw Mogroka off of the tower they stood, and Game-modded him back to Survival teleporting to the test server. The Forum Moderators were trapped, but they realized Robin did more then just allow them to do the corruption, in a gathering of stout Dwarves, strong Orcs, and Humans, the Forum Moderators exited the Coding lands and ran to the members of Aegis, screaming for them to get on the Ships.

    We’re off to Asulon. The Forum Moderators have won.

    The Dark War was written based off of the server, but not necessarily from roleplaying perspectives. This war is a fictional war based upon the Forum Moderators and the Game Moderators, bringing a gruesome fight to the death. While this is not roleplaying related it is based off of a few wars we've had in the past and I'd rather not have people steal ideas of mine from Roleplay into their own. You may re-create this or do what you will with this story when it is finished though.

    I hope you enjoyed the read, and I hope you liked the version of the Undead/Aegis war.

    There are two quotes from the story, both originally from Lord of the Rings but one inhibited by Lord of the Craft into the Escape to Asulon trailer. I do not own the speeches nor did I come up with them.

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