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Posts posted by Auvreaeath

  1. Out-Of-Character

    Main Minecraft Account Name:


    Alternate Minecraft Account Name:


    In your own words, define what the act of Roleplaying is:

    Roleplaying, is to act out a being, fictional or non-fictional, and taking that being and acting it out. Examples can be found below,

    1) This Application for Example, I am creating a Dwarven Character who I will be playing out throughout the lands of Asulon and/or the future lands that come.

    2) If I were to picture a Rock in my head, Of course I wouldn't be able to move or speak, as that would be powergaming unless in a fantasy based situation/environment, I would only be able to think to myself, and watch. That is, with the belief that Rocks are living and can see.

    3) A Cat, for my third example, if I were to walk around school on all fours, purr and meow like a cat, I'd be playing out that role.

    So to further conclude my answer, Roleplaying is the act of stepping into another's shoes and making their life, your own.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Metagaming is:

    Metagaming is the act of using knowledge given or learned in an OOC (Out of Character) Environment and transferring it into an IC (In Character) Situation. There will also be three examples given below.

    1) Jacob: ((Hey! We're going to go raid Hanseti tonight!)) William: ((Alright)) William then proceeds to log in later that night minutes from the raid, he then walks over to Hanseti and waits for them.

    2) Robin: ((Tythus, we are making an event, and we need you to Roleplay there)) Tythus then turns on Gamemode and flies there ICly.

    3) The Reviewer of this Application: ((Hey look, Auvreaeath's made a new account, let's stalk him)) The reviewer of this application then logs on and looks for a Yerdok, he then finds me and shouts, "Hello Yerdok!"

    In your own Words, define what the act of Powergaming is:

    There are about 8 Branches of Powergaming, which we (The Application Team) have discussed that at least four of them could be thought of in terms for Lord of the Craft. This includes,

    1) God-mode'ing, the act of making yourself invincible to defeat; "As the Sword pierces his stomach he gets up and walks away"

    2) Forcing an action out upon another without allowing them to react; "He slams his hammer down upon the Orcs head instantly killing him"

    3) Possesing/giving your character power/skills he has not learned/achieved; "In a matter of two seconds he learns the art of magic and summons a "komay komay hah!" ball.

    4) Roleplaying another players actions for them; "He swings at the Dwarf, The Dwarf dives into it"


    Character Name:


    What Race are you?:


    What Sub-Race are you? (note, you aren’t required to have a sub-race):

    Cave Dwarf

    Biography (Please make this at least 2 paragraphs long. This must include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.):

    I am setting up the Biography as My Main Auvreaeath, asking Yerdok how his past was, that way I can say I RP'd with a Dwarf on Auvreaeath, and I can answer the questions.

    Auvreaeath: "So Yerdok, I am deeply curious, and you may reject my question if you find it uneasy to answer, but how has your past been.?"

    Yerdok: "I was born into a smaller family, his mother Kathy, his father Algrim Irongut, and his older brother Skippy. We lived out in the wilderness, in the middle of no where. They told me mine birth date was on the First of Malins Welcome 1988, wether this is true or not, I'm unsure if this was true, but that's what I've always went by.

    Auvreaeath: "Ah, so, why are you in the Cloud Sanctuary currently?"

    Yerdok: "Well.. Tis a longer story lad, but I will tell you mine past. Like I said, I lived with mine parents, and mine brother. We lived there for a few years, seventh-teen I think it twas until they attack. Worshipers of Iblees, or.. What we called them back in Aegis, "Undead", attack our home.. We never found out why, but they just did.

    Auvreaeath: "Ah... It is a shame my good friend.. I am sorry"

    Yerdok: "Mine mother died then.. Twas running an she tripped over an fallen branch.. We think she tol' us to leave, but we never really new.. I was only about thirty when it happen, so my legs couldn't carry me far. After a few miles, I was running behind mine brother and father, I called out for them but they didn't hear me.. They were gone."

    Auvreaeath: "That explains it.."

    Yerdok: "I hate to skip around so much, but I've got to go very soon, so I'll tell you mine end in Aegis now. Years later, the Undead fell, and we were all rushed to the docks.. The last thing I remember there were the Champions coming out of the portal runnin.. We all ran to the docks, and.. We waited to set sail."

    Auvreaeath: "It was a very long wait my dear friend"

    Yerdok: "Ye, so when we sailed off.. It took a long time, but when we found Asulon, I fell overboard, and none of mine kin came for me. It took me a while to get to shore, I don't want to tell ye much about it. When I got there.. I was lost.. It turns out I was far North of te' Docks! It took me months to walk 'ere where I am today, but I hope, it was worth it.. The pain of surviving out in te woods.. I just want to find mine brother again now"

    Auvreaeath: "Ah... Thank you Yerdok.. Your time is appreciated, I suggest you go to the Dwarven kingdom in search of him.. Perhaps he will be there, fair winds and safe travels"

    What is your Character's ambitions?:

    To be successful with mining and to meet his brother once more.

    A screenshot of your skin (must be in proper format):

    Other Information about your Character:

    There is no other information I can tell you about my Character.


    Answer at least three out of five listed

    Whilst traveling from the Cloud Temple you see a small halfling, being harassed by two armed warriors. They appear to be trying to steal money from him, how does your character respond?

    Yerdok, being stout and bold, would run up to the Warriors and punch the closest one in the groin.. But Yerdok also being a fool, will be caught by the other one, they will then proceed to beat him mercilessly as he struggles to break free from the pain. After hours of beating him, they leave him be. Bloody and Beaten, Yerdok will give a faint smile facing the stars and chuckle saying, "Atleas' that Halflin got away"

    Yerdok will then proceed towards the Monk Sanctuary slowly by crawling, after reaching it, he will seek out a monk and ask him for assistance.

    Your character wanders into Alras, and comes across a small stall, behind which a well dressed man is standing. He’s offering various wares, the merchant turns to you and says in a posh accent " 'ello there, what can I do you for today?" What is your character response?

    Yerdok, never being very happy about rich people that own expensive items, will walk up to the table, standing on his tip toes to match it's height and speak to the Merchant, "I'll by thee close from ye ya dirty scum" He then walks away without looking back, hoping that the Merchant doesn't own a bow.

    Whilst wandering in the wilds, your character comes across a small hut, which looks abandoned. Inside it you see a chest containing a few iron bars, and a golden sword. How would your character respond?:

    Yerdok will look in the chest, his eyes will glow at the sight of the Iron, and his mouth will begin to drool. As he goes in to grab the pair of items, the owner of the small hut returns from a hunting trip and he has his club out and ready. When the man walks in on Yerdok going for his items, he swings his club straight down on top of Yerdok's head knocking him out in an instant.

    After knocking him out, he will toss him outside not bothering about the body, the monks will aid him to the temple

    Sighing as they realize this is now twice he's come to them in this Application

    and help him recover, once Yerdok is back on his feet he will once again move on without bothering to know what happened.

  2. Accepted,

    You've tried nothing but to better your Application and for this reason I feel you are ready for the server, good luck. You have a good friend, ;) who begged me to look at this for you, that will help you along the way no doubt.



    After re-reviewing your application is had been decided that you have not put enough of our Lore into your Biography.. :/ Please make another application and add lore of our server into your Biography.

  3. HAzBt.png

    In your own Words, define what the act of Power-Gaming is: Power gaming is the opposite of meta-gaming and as I understand it is forcing actions against another player. As so if in real life you would not instantly kill someone. Take their money and walk away with no harm to yourself.

    Powergaming isn't exactly the opposite of Metagaming, but your definition beyond that is correct.

    Your are missing two question from your Application..

    Your Biography didn't really change.. All you did was fix the names... Please try and edit that..

    Still your formatting is very unreadable and I ask that you check such out.

  4. HAzBt.png

    Have you previously made an Application? If so could you link us to your last Application?:I have not made any other applications.

    Please be truthful within your Applications, lying does not get you anywhere.

    You may apply one more time but be truthful within your next and last Application to the server.

  5. HAzBt.png

    Twas a good application, but here are the things that I found wrong with it compared to your last Application.

    • First off.. You still are not following the 24 Hour Rule..
    • Your Powergaming definition still is not exactly right but it is sufficient enough.
    • In your third Open Response Question, you need to remember that Stealing from the Wilderness still requires a Villain Application.

    Other then these few things, your application was pretty sound and I enjoyed reading it, goodluck!

  6. What your wiki name will be (case sensitive):

    Pft, I'd like to say this is a hard one :/.. I'll go with Auvreaeath <3

    Why are you trustworthy?:

    I don't really know if I am trustworthy to you Alan, we've worked together quite a few times (Twice) and everything went well back then.. Other then that I don't have much to say, you have to decide whether I'm trust worthy I can't change your mind. :P

    If you do need me to try and give reasons though I guess I will..

    I just thought, hey, why not give it a shot?

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