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Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)

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Posts posted by Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)

  1. Those pictures look shopped!

    If that be the Case i am a Witness and have seen Skippy post these on the lord of the craft.

    Also as for Skippy becoming an FM..

    A. I just dont think he has the Mind-frame to become a forum moderator, Even though he did his Job well on the AT, and still does.. Being an fm may lead to some trouble, Its a -1

    B. Skippy has shown recent Immaturity by expressing thoughts on removing the khajryr and butthurtlotcers, Rather pointless I say!

    So skippy old chap, Need a mind re-set, I do have to say

  2. I would prefer a patch of Wilds, for New players because they usually cannot buy homes in major settlements.

    A small amount of Wilds is needed, Similar to Asulon, Region a big chunk and have a small outline as Yer Wilds..

    I hope mining is as plentiful as you say..

    Thanks Danny, and here is really one more Off- topic thing....

    We need hunger nerfed, Without starving in the New world after 3 minutes Flat

  3. May i add for mac users getting to your .minecraft is very easy... simply..

    Open Finder

    Click "Go"

    Then click "Go to Folder"

    Then copy this word in the go to tab

    ~/Library/Application Support/

    Then you will find your minecraft folder in there!

    Sorry ever, I just.. think Mac users have feelings, so yeah. Hope you dont mind.

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