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Posts posted by Gwonam_Blaze

  1. I have to say, I'm not keen on the new 'No-regen on health with full hunger'. I don't mind a bit of realism, but now, it's becoming more of a challenge on surviving rather than an attempt to produce roleplay. In fact, I'd say it'd interfere with roleplay, because if people can't heal, they'll keep dying from the uber mobs that can see them from the new 64 block range, and roleplay will become impossible because no-one can stay alive. I personally think it's fine as it currently is...

  2. -Gwonam uses his scythe to nail a freshly written out note to a tree, failing as it falls off, then nailing it again. The note reads as follows, in poor handwriting:

    "Greetings, visitors of the Cloud Temple. It has come to my attention that the lands are currently under attack by horrific monsters from The Nether that have somehow found their way in to our world by means completely unknown. I've been ordered threatened asked to warn you and request that you don't panic. These include giant flying jellyfish that spit exploding cannonballs, and freaky looking cultist men with big noses that curse you, poison you, burn you and grant various other afflictions if you try to communicate with them.

    If you are unfamiliar with what we are talking about, here's what you should be looking out for:

    -The images appear to have been drawn with coal... poorly-

    The horrible giant flying jellyfish of spitting exploding cannonballs of fiery doom:


    The freaky looking cultist guy in a purple robe with a big nose that specialises in curses:


    So, if you see anything that looks like either of these, you are requested to not panic, find safety, and continue to panic from there until they either get bored and go away or someone's actually stupid brave enough to slay them.

    Have a nice day!"-

    -Gwonam nods proudly, and shuffles back to the sanctuary plaza, waiting for something else interesting to do-

  3. I fully support Nppeck. He's a very dedicated member of the community, and always shows dedication to his work and jobs. He would make an excellent and worthy addition to the FM team, and I have full confidence in his future work.

  4. Hello, I don't have a name so I cannot introduce myself, but my name is Gwonam. Some people call me Gwony and I don't like it. My mother likes to think I'm called Gary.

    I don't think I have a name, and that's not important. I'm gonna' tell you my stories. I got a lot of stories to tell. I'm not gonna tell you everything, but I'll tell you some of them.

    I'm not ManBearPig. Some people think I am, I'm telling you, I am not. Okay, so the first thing is, I went down to my local postal office to deposit a letter, and when I reached the post box, it looked up at me and asked me how my day has been. So I told him how my day was, and he said to me: "That's quite a day you've had there" and I said "I know that's a day I've had there, I just had that day". So after I posted my letter, I walked back home and got to my front door, but the front door was locked. So I go to take my keys out when some guy comes up to me and asks me how my day was. I said to him: "I just explained how my day was, so I'm not gonna explain it again!". So this guy says: "I am sorry sir, I was just taking an interest to your day" and then he goes off. So I went inside my house but when I got inside, I felt tired, so I went off to bed. But when I got to my bed, it was on fire, so I threw a bucket of water on it and put the fire out, then laid on it, then went to sleep.

  5. Your Minecraft Username:


    Your Monk's Name:


    Have you read and agree to follow the rules?:

    I have read the rules and fully comply.

    Your Monk's Personality:

    Gwonam is of roughly 32 years of age. He’s often quite laid back and forgiving, and loves to make new friends. He can be quite aggressive, when angered, but he’s recently tried to avoid this and remain calm, even when threatened.

    A Very Brief Bio:

    After waking up Asulon, Gwonam found many new friends and fell in love with his current wife, Aelys. After developing a relationship with her and adopting their own child, they moved several times in attempts to avoid several enemies they’d inadvertently made. Eventually, they fled to the wilds, and currently live there now, happily. Due to the lack of violence in the wilds, Gwonam’s begun to grow more peaceful, and as he visits the mainlands more often, he tends to aid the wounded after battles, rather than getting involved with them.

    Who were the Celestial Triumvirate?:

    The Celestial Triumvirate were as follows: Rellenia of the moon, Keldrith of the Sun, and Tariel of the stars.

    A Lost traveler comes to the Sanctuary and asks, "Monk, where am I and how might I find my way?" How do you respond?:

    -Gwonam clears his throat and speaks in his most friendly tone possible- “You my friend, are currently standing in the Cloud Temple sanctuary. Depending on whom you wish to meet, you may take any of these following roads to the lands of the four races.”

    –The stranger nods and responds: “I’d like to visit my fellow humans, please, where would I meet them?”.

    –Gwonam gives the stranger a friendly smile, and points to the south-eastward arch way from the sanctuary, adorned with blue ribbons- “Continue down that road, and you should soon come across a carriage station. If the young man is there with his carriage, he’ll happily give you a lift to the city of Arethor”.

    –The stranger bows a farewell, and says his thanks before journeying down the road to Arethor-

    A Screenshot of Your Monk's Skin:


    Anything else you'd like to say:

    Not much, just hope this application was a good read!



  6. Banned for refering to a decent cartoon series, which its live action movie adaptation title had to be changed to 'The Last Airbender' because its original title infringed the copyrights of Avatar's title, that movie about the giant smurfs that don't wear white hats.

    Banned because you ninja'd me :x

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