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Status Replies posted by Repiteo

  1. Becoming increasingly hated because im trying to better the server by stopping OOC... *sigh* some people just don't get it...

  2. I have gotten married in LOTC with Elith

  3. Should I consider joining the GM club?

  4. Will be gone until the 7th, will miss you LOTC!

  5. One of the single greatest days of RP I have ever had...

  6. Oh lala~ Lovin' the new VAT title.

  7. I really want to do some more creative writing for my character but I'm not really sure what to make it about... sad circle.

  8. I really want to do some more creative writing for my character but I'm not really sure what to make it about... sad circle.

  9. Seems I'm the only one who prefers a quiet and quaint new years to a bombastic party... Ah well... *cuddles by the fireplace in a fuzzy blanket, awaiting the ball drop*

  10. Happy birthday to me~! Happy birthday to me~! Happy birthday dear Simon/Erus/Ryder/Bane/Avery... Happy birthday to me~!

  11. Still trying to figure out if I want to kill off Ashur or not...hrmhrmrhmrrhhrm

  12. I feel like my RP in the Mage's Guild is getting better and better..... Booyah! And ask me OOC to be in the mage's guild you will be turned down. :P

  13. foreveramember.jpg ...srsly, y u no work for me FM promotion?

  14. Me- "I'm going to spend my skill credits on cooking!" Bircalin- "Right, because the future High Prince can defend his nation with tasty pork chops" Me- ...AYE!

  15. After you're dead, I'm going to kill you, right after I murder you, before I can rip your heart out.

  16. Im watching The Hunchback of Notre Dame, awww yeaaaa

  17. I'm wicked pumped for 2.0 right now. WHO ELSE! SHOW OF SWORDS!

  18. *insert emotioncon* *make skyrim reference* *achieve comments*

  19. Rep would be nice. :D

  20. *looks at newest member* Ooohhhhhh lawdy

  21. I am pleasently suprised at the number of people celebrating my birthday.

  22. It always amuses me when people "advertise" their villain applications on this update screen.

  23. Ambros said he'd give me a gift and came back with a stone staff. It was the staff that was made by the ancient Druid and passed on to Freya, Cataris, Indel, Aedan, Ambros and much more... Then Jameson said it was a Druid artifact so Ambros gave it to him. Now I am sad...

  24. Dangit Alethion where are you? Im too scared to do anything with the 100k minas you gave me. ;_;

  25. "I was an great Ascended, until I took an arrow to the knee."

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