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Everything posted by Snow

  1. -Minecraft Account Name: CaliMkali -How old are you: 13 -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: eastern -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I play minecraft a lot and i play two musical instruments also I play one sport which is basketball and I'm on my computer 24/7. -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Yes I do. -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: Everyday, all day -Do you know how to use Teamspeak and are you willing to use it?: Yes, all the time -What do you know about roleplaying? In a military/guild setting?: To always aboey the rules and you commands. -Have you read, understood, and agreed to our rules?: Yes I have and yes I do In-Character: -Character Name: Shadae -What is your Race?: Elf -Experience in militaries/guilds: I was guard for kal'Urguan and I was in the legion army. -Has you ever been in a military/guild/clan in LoTC?: Yes, Iv'e been in: *The Rangers of The Forest *Kal'urguan gaurd *Legion army *Architect team That's about it. -How did you hear about us? (TeamSpeak) -Do you know where our Headquarters is located? No -Biography -Why do you want to join the Wardens? Well I was wondering on the day when snowy fields got attacked and as i was sprinting to the gates to enter everyone was dead and thye all lost there family's and friends also i wanted to change that for the future to protect our land of Laurelin and make the city as safe as it could be. -Do you accept the duties of a Warden; to be honest, mature, brave instead of arrogant, moral, obedient towards your superiors, and loyal to the Wardens and to Malinor in all situations presented?: I accept
  2. Happy Birthday!!

  3. Fine forget my app, just forget it.
  4. No I changed because, my forum accounts are getting banned for some reason and I'm waiting for a ban appeal so give me a chance
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