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Iron VIP
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Posts posted by Swannick

  1. *After you looked at the posters of a merchant selling goods (( https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/139339-selling-all-items/ )) you got in touch with her to find out prices*

    Iron - 3 mina per ingot
    Gold - 5 mina per ingot

    lapis/redstone - depends on quantity brought

    Diamonds - 25 mina


    Oak,Spruce,Birch - 0.5 mina per log

    Dark Oak, Acacia, Jungle - 1 mina per log 


    Hay Bales - 0.5 mina per bale

    Carrots, Potatoes, Wheat - 0.5 mina each

    Sugar Cane - 1 mina each


    Enchantments - Prices vary on what you want 


    All prices are negotiable according to quantitiy being brought.




    Pm _swannick_ or send me a forum pm to start trading, or post below



    * A team of Hobbits would be tasked with hanging posters across the lands, on various noticeboards, tree and rocks*

    *The poster reads*




    I can acquire items of your desire or need.
    Items that are so rare people have died looking for them.

    Or i can get items of a more common value such as your ores, woods, weapons and tools!

    Not only can i get this, i can also provide you with items from any profession at a cheap and reasonable price.


    Woodworking, Enchanting, Alchemy, Lumberjack, Mining, Stonemason, Fishing, and more...

    Any item is yours to buy


    Send me a bird or come and find me in my home town of Sutica


    *it would be signed Emily Headsted*



    Send me a PM on the forums or in game! My MC name is _swannick_ and we can arrange to meet in RP or discuss a trade deal through ooc or the use of birds!
    Alternativley come to the town of Sutica, Located in the Caliphate. Take the Caliphate Wagon and the Blue one straight after it!

    Or for a Challenge, find me in game!


    edit: All prices are negotiable according to quantity and type of item.



  3. MCname: _swannick_


    Forum Name: swannick


    Skype Name: jack.swannick


    Timezone: GMT 


    Do you feel you have a solid grasp on our lore and an understanding of the standards we have for applications? I belive i do. Since i joined in Aegis the lore has changed in many ways and i often find myself reading it to brush up on parts i didnt know to solidify my understanding of some parts.


    Why do you want to be an AT member and do you have the ability to work with others? Ive always wanted to help out the server and i thought one way i could achieve this is by becoming a GM (Long shot i know) and so instead ive decided to help the server by helping/guiding those who are new to it. I have recently helped a few people with their apps onto the server, through pm's on the forums and through the WS chat. 


    Given i play rugby and am numerous town chats, i do belive i can work with others and communictae. I also like to say im not afraid to ask for help if i feel its needed in anyway.


    Do you recognize that you will be given extra responsibilities such as working on the LoTC wiki, assisting the AT in creating guides and helping new players with their questions upon logging into LoTC? Yes i do recognise this! Working on this wiki would be something i'd look forward to if accepted. Creating guides is part of my IRL job and so doing that would be natural. Aside from this i do help out in the WS when im on at various times between 10-8 GMT, and also like to help through forum pm's.


    Is there anything else you would like to add? Pm me if you want links to my GM apps i can provide them is neseccary.

  4. *Note pinned around Athera are bright and colourful*


    "Dear All I am selling my quality books that contain runes in order to better your weapons and armour! Currently I am working from home but I am looking to expand to a shop. If you have a shop please contact me! It must be in a popular area however. " 


    *Another Note is pinned below*


    "A price list for my Enchanted Runes are as Follows"



    Efficiency 50 mina

    Lure 50 mina

    Un-breaking 150 mina

    Luck of Sea 100 mina

    Feather Falling 150 mina

    Aqua Affinity 100 mina

    Silktouch 50 mina

    Smite 150 mina

    Fortune 100 mina

    Looting 100 mina

    Respiration 100 mina

    Fire Protection 100 mina

    Punch 100 mina

    Knockback 100 mina

    Blast Protection 150 mina

    Flames 250 mina


    "And here is my Order form, Please send this to me by bird or person"




    All order forms must be paid for in Advance to Elisa Balor. Enchantments will start as soon as payment is received and depending on quantity will be delivered ASAP



    [THE FORM]













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