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Posts posted by Swannick

  1. Username -  _swannick_


    Skype - jack.swannick (Although i think you already have me)


    Testing expierence - well if im honest i havent tested alot. But im classed as highly critical and blunt, so my feedback will be credible 


    How long have you played LOTC - uhm since Aegis, so i think its coming up to near on four years


    How familiar are you with our plugins (Nexus Craft, Claimable Regions, Professions) - Very familiar

  2. Elisa would stride up to the counter removing her hood and looking across to Rekd

    "I need new clothes, If you can get this done in two saints day's ill pay you double your amount"


    MC Name: _swannick_ (You have me on skype tho xD )
    Type of service: New clothes/outfit
    Current Skin (Only if requesting edits or an outfit):   jquNEiy.png     cSnbHc3.png
    Race and Gender: Human, she is a lady
    Description of what you want or a reference picture:   SO i want her to be hooded, and the hood should lead down to a cloak that follows behind her, her clothes would be traditional (Make them up) But the cloak must be a dark red (Like blood red)
    Ideally i want her hair/face to stay the same  please 
      etHDgIy.jpg      HXmDni7.jpg


    ~Recruitment Form~



    MC Name - Nowin3D


    Age (Not Necessary) - 15


    Do you have Skype/TS (Skype required, both reccomended) - Have both.



    Full Name - Gunthar (Title that suits me)


    Why do you wish to join? - To do honorable work while getting free beer.



    What section would you prefer? (If Non combatant, specify a proffession) - Combat



    Why should you be accepted? - Because ill work hard, and wont complain.


    accepted because your loyal and like beer :3


    MCname- IceHelix


    Age- 16 years of age


    Do you have Skype/TS?- Yes I do have both, and my Skype name is helixblast




    Full Name- Felix Reed


    Why do you wish to join? - Because I think a little extra combat training on the side won't hurt for Ranger training


    What Section would you prefer?- I am a Carpenter/Furnisher, and I also deal with Archery and a bit of swordplay.


    Why should you be accepted?- Because I feel like I can offer a unique roleplay experience into the midst, and I also wish to find a new joy into this game. (I played for several years prior to this, and left due to issues, so I hope I can come back on a better note.)


    *reads the application smiling*

    "Accepted, we need archers somewhat!"

    *written underneath is ' Please report to Elisa, John or the Lord for your induction*

  5. ( because i think its relevant )



    **Posters are hung all around Athera, on doors, rocks, trees and notice boards. The only to not see one is if you are dead and even then one might be in your tomb**



    ~Recruiting The Falken Order~


    The Falken Order is recruiting for its Guard and Peace Keeping teams
    We offer the chance to socialise with new people and to earn an honest wage.

    Perks of the job? Well first off you get to come live in Werdenberg with huge fields of food, we also offer you the promise of a living quaters and to become part of a community.

    Finally we offer decent pay of 100 mina to any guard.


    Of Course!

    We also need non combatants, Wood workers, chefs, breeders and much more!

    All of these will be paid depending on how much they produce


    ** The poster has tabs on the bottom with forms to be filled out, each poster will be checked daily and updated if tabs are taken **


    (( want more information? Check out this post on the order here! ))


    ~Recruitment Form~



    MC Name - 


    Age (Not Necessary) - 


    Do you have Skype/TS (Skype required, both reccomended) -



    Full Name - 


    Why do you wish to join? - 



    What section would you prefer? (If Non combatant, specify a proffession) - 



    Why should you be accepted? - 




  6. What defines a qualification for a GM though? Popularity? GMs don't HAVE to be liked by players. They do not HAVE to be popular. If they know how to use the commands and seem to want to learn, that's a good start. 


    A GM needs to be able to do modreqs and have some problem solving skills in my mind, as there's a lot of conflict.


    You don't have to like them, but you're expected to give them some form of respect.


    There may be a logical reason for staff not giving X player the position quite yet. Unless you sit in the GM chat - you have no idea.

    Im saying a GM should be popular what im saying is that a GM app that has sat there since September should be reviewed by now, whats the point in it being there if no one is going to review it? It has support from the community so why shouldnt he get the chance to have a review with the possibililty of joining the team?


    Also Zero is so level headed he has been a great AT member and if you speak to him rp'ly or ooc'ly you will see how much of a good person he is! He is always considers both sides of an argument and gives a level verdict in our town skype chat and in rp this is also reflected through Gorn


    Personallly i dont know them but ill aplaud them for getting the job of course im going to show respect! How do you get the impression im not going to?  Because ive posted my opionon about reviewing an app from a long time ago?


    Im not in the GM chat no, but it would be nice, once again if they reviewed apps that have been there for quite a while


    Nothing against you Sky your a great person but this whole time im on about Zero

  7. Going back to this


    Out of curiousity, why is a highly +1'd application, former GM, current ET/FM not being added when you let in far less qualified people, in this case, lolita (I support lolita, but like, Sky is far more qualified and has been proving himself these past months >:I )


    I'd of really thought that zero's application would have been accepted given the time its been up there and with the support its had

  8. A note it pined around Athera


    "I have many rareties to trade, i seek either a fair trade or a fair price, get in touch with me to find out what i have"


    it is signed off with Elisa


    (( I have the usual of diamonds etc, but i have rare items so hit me up on here or ingame at around 6-10 pm gmt))

  9. Laurinia

    Character Name: Laurinia Headstead
    Nicknames: Laur
    Age: 147
    Race: Wood Elf
    Status: Alive and Healthy

    Physical Appearance

    Height: 5’5
    Weight: 125lb
    Body Type: Curvy
    Eyes: Dark Sea Green
    Hair Colour: Auburn
    Skin: Pale Pink
    Markings: A scar on her left shoulder
    Health: Good
    Personality:  ~ Likes to speak her mind
                            ~ Can hold a Grudge
                            ~ Not afraid to fight for what she thinks is right
                              ~ Her biggest insecurity is she is concerned about what other people think about her, she is very self-concerned and although she acts confident she isn’t, it’s a front

     Inventory: Iron Armour, Axe, Dagger

    Life Style

    Alignment: Lawful Neutral
    Deity: The Creator
    Alliance/Nation/Home: Werdenberg
    Job/Class: Tavern owner
    Professions: Blacksmith, breeder
    Flaws: She doesn’t tend to think things through, she acts on impulse meaning she enjoys gambling, she lies a lot as well to make herself seem better than what she is as she lacks self-belief and self confidence


    Fighting Style: She tends to get in close and land blows with her dagger
    Trained Weapons: Small dagger and Battle Axe
    Favoured Weapon: Battle Axe
    Archery: Being elf you would expect her to be good at this, however she has never attempted it and so is not good at it.

    Short Biography

    Parents: Unknown
    Siblings: None
    Children: Eloise
    Extended Family: Headstead’s



    Laurinia was young when the transfer from the Verge into Asulon happened, her parents were carrying her as they were making their journey through Elysuim and Kalos her father fell within the masses of people and dropped her onto the floor, they carried on running intent on saving themselves leaving Laurinia to die.
    It was then that two people picked her up, she was confused, screaming and panicked. Those two people saved her that day and after taking her into Asulon to the town of Nuremberg.


    It was here that she grew up her mother explaining to her the world and where she came from, how she was different to the people that she lived with. Her father was a noble within Hanseti and soon it was time for him to go to war, with their goodbyes said he marched off to fight the undead in a tragic battle of which he died.

    Her mother was a fair women who would often take her to the nation of Malinor into the city of Elandriel the forest of wood elves, it was here Laurinia learnt who she truly was, and she wasn’t a human but an elf. Soon after the visits she would start to go by herself as her mother got a Job in Salvus as a medic.

    Later on Laurinia developed herself within the bustling life of Elandriel, over time she moved as with the people following her fellow elves from to realm living as they would and emerging herself within their everyday lives.

    Now she is in Athera, her mother died some years back and while mourning her memory she came across a man, Calvin. He took her to a small farming town and showed her what she had lost, the happiness and passion in her life. It was decided then that would try to make something of their lives and as Calvin got down on one knee he vowed that they would achieve something big together.

    Now she owns a tavern in Werdenberg while Calvin is a sergeant in Petrus, she lives in hope that soon she will expand her business and hopefully her Family


    Charcater Art



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