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Posts posted by Mercury199

  1. This is different because the Ascended are those who are descended from the Anguls these were given a gift for what was intended to be a short time (( there were originally 6 )). The power that the Lyresni possess are more based around what we would call magic but the power comes from deep inside them, when this power awakens they are often covered in lines almost like a vine or branches of a tree over their entire body(( or at least the strong ones do ) Also this group does not hate or love the undead or the ascended they are neutral and in fact don't care. By this they are not inherently good nor evil they just exist.

  2. The Lyresni are those who have a great ancestral power deep within them, this can manifest in the form of a fractured soul, strange markings on their body, ancestral aid ect. It would of course be essential that these select individuals who wield immense power, ( the power of all of their past ancestors ) not become evil. So I would like to ask for a place to raise and train these select individuals ( me (( Finiarel )) being one of the first in the Aegis ).

    Core principles

    - Do not ever abuse your power to do so would force us to kill you (9 dont abuse this by power gamming ))

    - Training and hard work as well as studying will help improve your abilities (( you wont start out a master of your skills ))

    - every family and their heritage is different (( just because one of the Lyresni has a power doesn't mean you have it ))

    - we welcome all but not all will be taught how to fully use their gifts right away (( you have to submit an application for this * I will post an application form * ))

    - History -

    Addendum This history is now incorrect See the new thread for correct information

    The original Lyresni were created by Anguls long ago it was meant to be a temporary gift and at the time it was as there were very few ancestors with which to call upon. there numbers dwindled until Dovrin and Selenra ( 2 elves both of the Lyresni ) had a child. This fusion of ancestors was most unexpected and had a very strange effect. The boy ,Marteral, was able to call upon his ancestors. It first occurred when one day lying in his crib he began to cry and as his parents were decent they walked in to comfort him and saw Selenra's Grandmother comforting the boy ( she was dead ). From this point on more and more strange things began to occure until he reached manhood. He realized his place in the world and set out to find what he could.

    * 750 years later *

    His son was named Balgrin after a war hero his son also had the gift, but it was different the lines Marterak hand across his body were a very light yellow green, his sons were blood red. Over time the young boy grew wicked people began to fear his name and the dark robes he always wore by birth his name was shadow but everyone called him shade (( that's where the term shade comes from ))he was a force of evil. But the most grievous transgression he committed was touch the plane of Sve'nerand. he caused havoc for many centuries until one of the other Lyresni Cast him down. Although his reign had been ended there was still much fear in the hearts of those who in inhabited Averarok. With great pain the Lyresni left by ship but As their ship sailed the citizens of Averarok became enraged and torched the boat killing all upon it however this was not the end of their order one of them had been hidden a young elf named Finiarel. he now seeks to rebuild his kind and helo all those of his ilk in the aegis.

  3. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name:[mercury199]

    -How old are you?:[16]

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: [united States Of American Eastcoast]

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:[yes]

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:[i am a Student and I am 16 years old. I seek to help others but realize that goal cannot allways be acheived. I have allways been fascinated with fantasy and RP, and love shakespear.]

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?:[2-15 hours]

    -How long have you played minecraft?:[1 year]

    -What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?:[Role playing is where you pretend to be someone you are not, ussually with a bunch of other people. I have been doing it off and on for 2 years mostly D&D before minecraft, I know that durring roleplay you are your character, in the RP worrld you nor nothing out side it exists.Not be sucessful at RP you have to see the world through the eyes of your character. ]

    -What do you expect this server will be like?:[Organized not as cahotic as most, and it will have alot of people on it. Overall fun and good]

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:[Znations, they were too small and the moderators were abusive with their power]

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?:[i understand the rules and for the most part the lore]

    -Name the 4 races on this server. Human, Elf, Orc, Dwarf

    -How did you hear about us?:[i saw my freind Srm956 playing on your server]

    -Did you vote?:[yes]

    -What was your favourite Law?:[No greifing]

    -What was your least favourite Law?:[You have to use one of the default skins]

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?[mercury199]


    -Character Name:[Finiarel Alfakyn]

    -What is your Race?:[Elf ]

    -Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account:[Mercury199]

    -Biography:[i was a scollarly elf studying the art of magic archery, and of swordsmanship. My parents had left shortly after I was born something about fate and the stars. I had a happy life living in a small hut in the woods, till one day war reared it's ugly head upon mine doorstep.It's true that we were on the farther reaches of the elves territory, but still those humans should not have been carrying swords when they did reach our abode. We offered them food and refuge but they refused and cut down my master where he stood. I felt a force build in me that I had never believed pausible. It coursed through my every fiber of my being and like that the men were gone. I blacked out, when I came to it was raining.In a puddel I saw my reflection, the power had stayed leaveing blue lines across mine whole body. But rather than be consumed by my hate, I forgave the men. even though they took the only father I ever had. Now I wander seeking those who I may help and trying to find the next step in my journey. Rumor has it that one of those men is still alive. ]

    -Character Age:[178]

    -Character Appearance:[Fair hair, deep blue eyes, long pointy ears, and blue lines the run the course of my whole body]

    -Character Personality:[i am one to give everyone a fair audiance, and will listen before taking action or life, except when in the preservation of life. I will not hesitate to act if those who I hold dear are in danger, but will not be so hasty as to put myself or others in danger. I am extremely persistant and obstacle will not stop me. i am bright but not overly boastfull about it. I believe in the preservation of life above all things.]

    -Your ambitions:[i wish to finish my studies as I am still youg. I want a home near a large city but not in it. A small farm and a place to collect knowledge. I also have a need to find the man who killed my master. Not to kill him I am just currious of his motives.]

    -Can your character read or write?:[yes]

    -Can your character mine?:[yes]

    -Are you a capable builder?[yes]

    -Can you wield a sword?:[yes]

    -Enjoy Farming?:[i enjoy it more than killing and more than most other tasks, yes]

    -Does your character have any special skills?:[other than an aaffinity for magic, no]]

    -A screenshot of your skin:[http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/689/20111021164328.png/]

    -Other Information:[i think elfs are awesome]

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