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Posts posted by Mercury199

  1. See's the note frowning through his plague mask.

    Cures are not easy to produce. Some even have to be specifically tailored to the individual. While I can treat and likely cure some infected, the cure i have would have limited use to you.

    - Kolyat Alfakyn

  2. A small not Sits on the gate the hand writing shows elegance and grace though the paper is tattered and worn

    "Cousins in Normandor I have discovered a Method to cure the plague. In Haelun'or we reside, seek out the quarantined zone, if you need treatment."

    - Kolyat Alfakyn

    (( GM approved but the plague is mutating fast, if you don;t come soon the cure will likely go ineffective. ))

  3. Outside the Quarentine gate a note can be seen, flapping in the wind as you approach you can read

    Brothers And sisters I have found a cure to the plague that befall many of our Mali'ame cousins. Through weeks of tests and long nights in the clinics I have devised a way to treat and cure the plague. If you wish to know more speak to me I am in the clinic.

    -Kolyat Alfakyn

    (( This is GM approved, but it only treats one strain and one of the mutations, ( the only one in Halun'or ))

  4. (( I don't know how you can protect yourself from the plague. Dez and I have heard of attempts to quell the plague, but all of them aren't RP likely or aren't justified. Care to elaborate? :P

    The sole purpose of this event was to stretch on the roleplay for a long time, as it seems there is some quality roleplay occurring at this moment.

    Ah, I see. That makes sense.


    (( Sorry for taking so long on this

    Koylat used a bottle 2 sheets of red stone he ripped from note blocks blaze dust and glow-stone dust to make a kind of filter for the air. The air moving disturbs the sheet of red stone causing it to move, and bring electricity like forces through the blaze and glow stone dust. This causes the blaze dust to become much hotter than normal and it kills everything n the air, and when it passes through the next veil the blaze dust cools down. This works when breathing out as well. However the glow stone dust is there to let the user know when to change the dust mixture ( ever 1-2 IC days ) it stops glowing and you need a change within an hour ( about 5 min )

    also only the HE have these masks and they are not easy to produce and Only Kolyat can produce them, unless you got one of his and figured it out. So you don't have one of these unless you have been to Haelun'or and he Doesn't really help outsiders too much. ))

  5. ((Well, you're not quite the very first. Still, the first ones to actually do some serious diplomatic role-play, I suppose. Tell the Kharajyr mission that in Alras we like to burn kittens alive for entertainment. That could be the occasion for an interesting Alras-Kharajyr tension. Just a friendly silly suggestion. You're high-elves, so you could act with hauteur and say "Huh, a city of humans, dwarves, and elven mongrels built upon greed, it's no wonder their ways are so barbarous. They don't have slaves, they stain their hands with dirt and gold, and a farmer regularly sits in council with their king! They're not even inbred, I mean, pure!" :P ))

    (( we don't have slaves ))

  6. Brothers and Sisters

    I write this with elation coursing through my flesh

    We the Mali'aheral are the FIRST the FIRST to invite the Kha to us, the FIRST to receive an invitation in return, the FIRST to land peacefully on their lands, the FIRST to make friends among them, the FIRST to dine with them, the FIRST to be in the presence of their sacred ceremonies. We are the FIRST because we are the greatest, we are the gifted, we are the Mali'aheral

    -Kolyat Alfakyn

  7. How does one apply for these positions? I wish to apply to be the servant of the blade.

    You do not apply per-say, you must post a note stating your intentions on the public domain ((Please reply to the original servant thread and don't post a new topic)) and you shall be taken into consideration.

  8. This will serve as a list for all who have applied For A servant position. No-one has been chosen as of yet.

    tilruir’Mali (Servant of the Elves):

    Lucion Sullas

    Ellir Elsiol

    tilruir’acaln (Servant of the Gold):

    Celia Sullas

    Talias Elsiol

    tilruir’sil (Servant of the Blade):


    Arthane Lazul


    tilruir'llirn (Servant of Friendship):

    Kolyat Alfakyn

    tilruir’san (Servant of the News):


    tilruir’nor (Servant of the Land):


    tilruir’leyun (Servant of Beauty):





    If I missed you Please post a small note letting me know

  9. Smiles as he slowly turns the scroll that is the invitation in his hand

    "We shall see who goes Lucion ... We shall see, will it be the one who is close freinds with those in power, one who knows better their customs and ways, one that knows who thety are, one who Negotiated with them, one who is not extremely Racist ? Or the one who goes to "Study the kitties" ? I suppose we shall see Lucion."

    [[ I Think I can make any date this weekend ]]

  10. I like this Idea quite a bit I would how ever caution anyone seeking to attempt these to ensure they role play them extremely well. These could easily fall apart into a debacle and turn sour. So do not takes these on lightly. But that does not mean do not take them on. Best of luck anyhow.

  11. Reads Celia's note

    " Yes you and every other member of Haelun'or , and besides the position should not be decided by who has the most money but instead by who has proven them self to has leadership and organization when it comes to securing and fueling the economy. Current economic standing should have no sway in this. And also is it wise to give to people who are wed a seat of power. I feel power would be too consolidated then. I must meditate on these topics . "

    Kolyat walks off

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