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-The Doctor-

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Posts posted by -The Doctor-

  1. The Prussian-Bavarian Commonwealth

    Kingdom of Prussia



    After several exchanges between Commonwealth delegates and Norwegian diplomats, an agreement has been founded between the two powers. Halmstad would be ceded while the rest of the Commonwealth conquered land would be under their rule. With this agreement in place, Sweden is dissolved and current land still under the heretic king would be ceded to Norway. While Christians rejoiced at the fall of the heretic king, they still held onto a sense of nationalism. Such things may prove to be the regions unraveling in the future. With a majority of the Baltic coast under Commonwealth control, Prussian administrators begin the task of dominating Baltic trade. Meanwhile in the newly acquired Scandinavian provinces, castles begin construction in major city areas including Kalmar.


    Meanwhile, in the Adriatic sea, full force of the Commonwealth lands on the Principality of Serbia's shores.




    1400 Knights
    2500 Skirmishers
    1000 Men-at-Arms
    300 Light Calvary
    900 Ranged
    3500 Peasants
    5100 Knights
    6300 Skirmishers
    5000 Men-at-Arms
    3000 Ranged
    2600 Light Calvary
    6000 Peasants
    6000 Mercenaries
    As the forces land, they quickly link up with Venetian mercenaries and begin the mass invasion of Serbian ports. One by one, the few ports that lie by the sea are taken. With the secondary goal of securing ports for Bavaria complete, the main goal was now under way; the sack and pillaging of Serbian villages, towns, and cities. The first to be hit are coastal settlements which are looted and burned to the ground. From the flatland below the Bay of Kotor, the armies march past the many mountains, intent on gaining the much sought after Serbian gold. Not much resistance is expected, the Serbs having been weakened since the rise of Rascia. 
    [No significant land taken.]
    Back on the mainland, a messenger delivers a lengthy document containing Prussia and Bavaria's joint Casus Belli against the Principality of Serbia. it states that the recent attack on both Genoan and Hungarian controlled islands was a direct threat to the Commonwealth's allies. Once the Serbs had payed for their misdeeds, the force would continue on their way to the Holy Land.
    The papacy states that this distraction would be a minor transgression, however, Fredrick I assures the Pope that this invasion would soon be over. A hefty some of gold is sent to the papacy to further assure them.


  2. The Prussian-Bavarian Commonwealth

    Kingdom of Prussia



    The marriage of the Prussian prince and Bavarian princess had worked to further unite the two kingdoms within the Commonwealth. The gift of Nuremberg had been surprising, but was met with great thanks. Immediately a messenger was sent out to thank Henry XI.

    General work to improve and urbanize Prussia continue. Castles continue to be built.


    The Northern campaign was continued to be a success, another province falling to Commonwealth hands. The armies of the Commonwealth continue to slaughter pagan resistance and liberating the Christian population.

    A band of Teutons arrive in Norway carrying a missive from Fredrick I. They were to discuss the terms of provincial claims.


    Several more provinces are annexed into the Commonwealth.


    A missive is soon sent to the Kingdom of Sicily baring news that the Commonwealth would convene with Sicily to discuss matters.


    Talks with the Holy Roman Empire finish, and surprisingly the Commonwealth bends a knee to the HRE, vassalizing under the Kaiser. The Commonwealth would come to the HRE's aid if it was ever under attack...


    The Crusading sent out some months ago await the Bavarian force in order to link up.



    Mod Actions


    The Papacy gives one last warning to Wales, stating that if they were to continue with their petty war against England, there would be hell to pay.


    Brittany's relations with France improve.


    Hungarian and Polish crusaders make their way through Byzantium, and are soon to arrive.




  3. The Prussian-Bavarian Commonwealth

    Kingdom of Prussia



    To further solidify the bond between Prussia and Bavaria, a daughter of Henry Xi's is wed to the crown prince of Prussia.


    The Swedish war continues with relative ease, and Nykoping falls along side Kalmar. Further movements are not made, and instead Prussian forces simply consolidate their position and slaughter any pagans that happen to show up.


    The call for Holy War was expected, and as such the needed arrangements had been made before hand. Peasant levies are called upon as well, and thousands of eager Catholics flock southwards. The current force that was ready is sent to Venice, where they would be shipped off.


    1400 Knights

    2500 Skirmishers

    1000 Men-at-Arms

    300 Light Calvary

    900 Ranged

    3500 Peasants

    Another 6000 peasants volunteer, and will be shipped off within a month. The crusaders would be led by the best, the Teutonic Knights. Due to the likely linguistic confusion, monks are given permission to come along in order to translate.

    10,000 mercenaries are hired for the coming conflict. They are to be sent along with the crusaders.


    Several provinces are added to the Commonwealth.




    Mod Actions


    The Duchy of Gelre is ceded to Holland, the Duke having grown old. The great wealth promised would allow him to live comfortably, and he had no heirs, making the opportunity that much more good.


    [Digital has been cleared to write about Castile/Portugal due to myself needing sleep quite soon.]




  4. The Papal States



    Pope Celestine II is announced dead. Pope Lucius II takes his place.


    Holy War is called as word of Edessa's troubles reach Europe. The Second Crusade began now. All Catholics were to send forces to aid in pushing back the the Muslim. Those in Iberia were exempt due to the current Spanish Crusade, while England and Norway were to finish their war with Sweden hastily. France and her allies were to halt their war immediately.


    [Quick post, I need to head off to bed. To note, the Fatimids and Tunisia will not be joining this crusade,]

  5. The Prussian-Bavarian Commonwealth

    Kingdom of Prussia



    Much fan fair occurs as pages and other messengers spread the most glorious news. The Margaviate of Brandenburg, now the Kingdom of Prussia, had declared a merge with the Grand Duchy of Bavaria. The Prussian-Bavarian Commonwealth is announced after the Union of Posen, in which under common interests the two holdings have united. Welf nobles hidden away within the kingdom are quickly executed.


    Two southern provinces enter the commonwealth under Prussia.


    Teutons continue the extermination of pagans in the Old Baltic.

    Construction of castles/fortifications as well as urbanization continue throughout the kingdom. 


    The Prussian detachment continue to gain ground in Sweden and begin the siege of Kalmar. The commonwealth's forces persist, battling rather scantly trained Swedes.


    The Kingdom of Prussia calls for a temporary cease in hostilities in the Anglo-Frankish war, declaring the state of the Far East far more pressing. Such hostilities could resume once Islamic forces had been dealt with.


    The Prussian army moves south in anticipation of a possible second crusade, having been well rested since the Baltic Crusade.



    The Papal States



    Pope Celestine sends a papal order forth for the immediate halt of France's war on England, stating that news of Muslim movements near Eddesa and Antioch may lead to a possible war.




    Mod Actions:


    Carinthia, Württemberg, and several western provinces join Bavaria.


    [Jerusalem doesn't really need to garner papal favor, its the Holy Land, meaning it basically is papal favor.]




  6. Just to make it clear, the Mod team have added another rule. We thought that perhaps it would be observed without having to be told, but what ever.


    From now on, you cannot both move your troops and arrive on the same page. Along side this, prior to the battle you must contact a mod to ask how it may turn out.


    This rule means that crusaders will not arrive as quickly, example being Aragon's fleet heading to aid Genoa.

    This will also be applied to France/Brittany/Wales attack on English territory.

  7. The Margraviate of Brandenburg
    The brutal subjugation and deportation of pagan Prussians continue, Teuton forces leading the cleansing. While the majority of the invading army had returned, the Order was charged with cleaning up any and all resistance. Battles continue to be waged between resisting natives and Teutons.
    The western most provinces of Oldenburg, Westphalia, and the Rhine Provinces are are annexed. With these provinces under Brandenburg, the west had been secured, and no further moves would be made westward. Brandenburg's armies make their way throughout the provinces, touring the west. Castles begin construction in the western provinces coupled with urbanization. Such improvements continue throughout Brandenburg. 
    Brandenburg delegates are sent to Bavaria to convene on matters of importance including Saxony. The Bavarian force of crusaders are happily ferried to aid the Anglo-Norg campaign against the heretical Swedes. Brandenburg soldiers accompany them to further support the war.
    News of a unification movement reaches Fredrick's ears. In an attempt to aid the legitimacy of the movement, Brandenburg declares its support for the Irish cause.
    The French proposal is found most disturbing, but is considered all the same. Fredrick proposes a meeting between the kingdoms. For the meanwhile, French movements into the Holy Roman Empire would be looked upon with disdain.
    The Papal States
    While the annexation of the Kingdom of Georgia was looked down upon, Pope Celestine II lets the move slide. Catholic bishops are appointed and sent to Samartia in order to bring about a more structured Christian kingdom.
    Mod Actions:
    In response to the Swedish pleas, Denmark begins to conduct raids on the weakened pagan Swedes. There would be no aid from Christian kingdoms to a filthy heretic.
    Anglo-Norg soldiers make progress through Swedish territory finally taking a Karlstad. Teuton and Bavarian forces further divert Swedish soldiers as they arrive from the east.
    Carinthia and Württemberg consider annexation, and will likely agree. Word is to be sent soon. [Could you mark on the map which provinces these are? Sorry for my confusion.]
    Samartians take Georgia, however they suffer severe losses. Approximately a half of their forces are wiped out in the war. The last Georgian stronghold lays due south, though they are surrounded by Islamic neighbors.
    Portugal and Castille join in the Spanish crusade as promises of the division of the land reach them. Castille considers Aragon's proposal, but asks for a year or so to consider.
    Atef appears to have be more of a collection of rural villages then a real nation. Resistance would be unlikely. As for Basra, the region welcomes the messenger, and soon agrees upon joining the Emirate of Mosul.
    [Hijaz appears to fall under the Fatimids from maps I've glanced at, however they were rather rudimentary and may have been wrong. If you could produce some sort of map of the region  during this time, I would be more then glad to edit the map.]


  8. Minecraft Name: xX_supors0ldir_Xx
    Skype: sory i dont hav skype caus last tim my computr got hakked
    Age: 11
    Soldier or Villager: can fhgt adn farmer twiec
    IC name: Lo'lallt'he E'g'y
    IC age: 26
    Race: Elf
    Reason for joining us: u guys r cool and stop eval and stuff and my parnts wer kill by orc asasin so i wan revng
    Main Skills:  I cn 360 bwo shot but can also b god @ makng farming and im good at pvp i 1v1 a knight and beet him lol
  9. [i'd like for this sort of thing to be kept to the OOC thread. The Africa thing has been attended to. Likewise, the Fatimids will not accept an alliance at this time. You just seriously asked to annex several kingdoms all the sudden without prior negotiations, they split off for a reason.]

  10. The Margraviate of Brandenburg



    The Old Baltic Crusade had started approximately one and a half years prior. Led by the Teutonic knights, the Brandenburg army marched into the pagan Baltic tribes. The Germanic force swept through the Baltic, Teutons fighting with ferocity not to be seen again till the future crusade. Minimal casualties are seen as the approach the last of the Baltic Prussian strongholds. Aided by native nobles aligned with the Brandenburg cause, the last of the resistance was crushed under Teuton boots. Over the next few months, native Prussians who do not baptize are subjugated, executed, or exiled. Chronicles are written of the Prussian invasion, detailing the ferocity of both sides, one excerpt telling of Prussians roasting knights alive in their armor like chestnuts.




    While the initial conquest was over, resistance would be common for many more years. The Order keeps an iron grip on the region to destroy and root up rebellion. Slowly, the Prussians would assimilate with the Germanic culture and Christianity. To note, native nobility who were loyal to the Teutonic cause kept many privileges. Deportation and slaughter could quite possibly lead to most of the population being of Germanic decent.


    Urbanization of the whole of Brandenburg begins. Several castles are in the midst of planning in the mean time.


    The Bavarian request for alliance is tentatively accepted, however the arrangement would prove to be fragile if they were to move into Brandenburg's interests. 


    The French declination of alliance was rather... disappointing.


    Welf nobility are taken into Brandenburg, allowing them refuge in secret.


    A delegate is sent to the County of Holland to offer vassalization under Brandenburg.



    The Papal States



    Pope Innocent II blesses the Islamic expulsion from Spain, praising those who have aided Aragon in the current situation.

    Pope Innocent II passes, and the papacy is passed down to Pope Celestine II.




    Mod Actions:


    The County of Tyrol vassailzes under Bavaria.


    The Kingdom of Georgia prepares its armies to defend against the Alan onslaught. A missive of refusal is sent to the Alans.


    Valencia surrenders to Aragon.


    The Pechenegs accept vassalization due to their current state of weakness.


    Atef refuses the Abbasid proposal.

    The Fatimids scoff at the idea of absorption by Damascus .


    Those contacted in Africa refuse the so called offer, refusing absorption into an Islamic entity.

    [Note to Islamic players within the Middle East; refrain from invading a crusader state until page 10, at which time you are clear to do so. For now, either conquer land around yourselves, or prepare.]




  11. The Margraviate of Brandenburg



    Fredrick I stepped forth onto his balcony, several of his advisers standing behind him. He overlooked his grand kingdom in the making with pride before nodding. He stepped back inside to attend to the matters at hand. On a table lay a map of the known world, showing key locations of interest. The Holy Roman Empire was brittle, and its dissolution would come soon enough, but before such things could happen, he would build a grand Reich from surrounding lands. A good standing had been kept with the Pope due to Fredrick's strong ties to the Empire, but it never hurt to solidify it some more. A convoy is sent to Rome bearing gifts of gold in Fredrick's name.


    Having amassed forces, a Teuton led army arrives within Pomerania bearing terms of absorption. With Papal authorization, the Baltic state is requisitioned. With Pomerania out of the way, the main goal would soon be realized. A Baltic Crusade would be conducted upon the Old Baltic tribes, who still the old Gods. Forces amass at the border, an ultimatum being sent forth. Accept Christianity or face God's blade. As expected, Old Prussia declines. The assault would commence soon enough.


    Ship yards begin to construct ships to strengthen the navy.


    To the south lay Bavaria, a fellow Holy Roman state, but one that was looked upon with much distaste. They're existence proved to be a thorn in his side, as no doubt there would be disputes over a thousand things. No, they had to be dealt with, but perhaps some other time. For now, a diplomat is sent to Bavaria to discuss trade terms as well as land claims.


    The Venetian caravan is greeted with open arms and directed into Brandenburg an der Havel, its gifts unloaded and carried off. The delegate is ushered within a secluded room, and talks begin. By the end, an agreement is struck between the two, and the caravan leaves for Venice.


    A diplomat is sent to Genoa to strike up trade terms.


    An envoy departs to the Kingdom of France to discuss a possible alliance.


    In support of the purge of the heretical Scandinavian state of Sweden, gifts of gold are sent to England and Norway along with a missive of good will.



    The Papal States



    The recent renunciation of God and the Christian faith in Sweden, coupled with the execution of Christians, was most disturbing. Pope Innocent II officially declares Sweden to be a heretical state, calling for surrounding kingdoms to retake the heretical land. Any who support the cause either through funding or man power would garner favor. English and Norwegian attacks are praised for taking initiative.

    The Venetian gifts are received along with the promise of conversion attempts in Africa. Ancona is granted to the republic.



    Mod Actions:


    The Bishopric of Utrecht cedes to Holland after talks between diplomats.


    Dehuebarth joins Gwynedd after several threats of invasion, as well as the threat of further English incursions.




  12. The Margraviate of Brandenburg




    The slow collapse of the Holy Roman Empire had been a sad state of affairs, but the order were opportunists, and such a moment could not be wasted. Claims are put forth on a swath of land to the North east of the HRE, and soon Brandenburg had been formed. Ties were still kept with the unstable Holy Roman Empire, but other matters had to be dealt with. The state of the military is as follows.


    90 ships
    2500 Knights
    1100 Heavy cavalry 
    800 Light cavalry
    7000 Skirmishers
    8000 Man at arms
    2100 Archers
    3000 Peasants
    With this in mind, Fredrick I puts forth a call. Preparations for the possible Holy War are to be made, and the men readied. 
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DPYgjWNJ8U

    The year is 1140, and a grand age has dawned upon the known world. Europe has seen the rise and fall of countless kingdoms and much more was in store. The first crusade has been relatively successful but the Muslim scum have once again threatened the Holy Land. The kingdoms of Europe sense another Crusade is in the works, as Zengi forces have been reported to be plotting the downfall of the Crusader state of Edessa. The Holy Roman Empire has also been the scene of several uprisings, having had several counties split. Outright civil war is unlikely, although peaceful secession is more likely
    In the east lie the countless Islamic states who lie in wait for something on the scale of the First Crusade. The armies of Sultans and Emirates alike prepare for war on the infidel filth that is the Europeans. The Holy armies of Allah wait for the opportune time to take the west with blood and blade.
    What will you make of this time, ruler? Will you forge a vast kingdom? Or will you fall to blood thirsty neighbors? The world is what you make of it. Go forth, and bring about a new era of war, peace, and commerce!



    Skype Name (Recommended): harrison.oleary69


    Nation: Kingdom of England


    Reasonable Starting Military Strength (Ships, Soldiers): 100 longships, and near 250 of smaller ships such as Frigates and Brigs. 18'000 footman 11'000 peasant levies, and a few dozen mercenaries (300 or there a bouts


    Backstory (If Any): Upon the death of his father, King Henry of the House of Normandy, Prince Stephen of the House of Blois rose to the English throne.


    Have You Read The Rules: Yep





    How muchKhan of the nations history are you aware of: Quite a bit, since it's my own countries heritage and documentation :P


    Bring down your footmen and frigate count. 


    Sorry to not make this clearer Cj, but everything east of the Seljuks will not be present in this game.

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