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-The Doctor-

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Posts posted by -The Doctor-

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DPYgjWNJ8U

    The year is 1140, and a grand age has dawned upon the known world. Europe has seen the rise and fall of countless kingdoms and much more was in store. The first crusade has been relatively successful but the Muslim scum have once again threatened the Holy Land. The kingdoms of Europe sense another Crusade is in the works, as Zengi forces have been reported to be plotting the downfall of the Crusader state of Edessa.

    In the east lie the countless Islamic states who lie in wait for something on the scale of the First Crusade. The armies of Sultans and Emirates alike prepare for war on the infidel filth that is the Europeans. The Holy armies of Allah wait for the opportune time to take the west with blood and blade.


    What will you make of this time, ruler? Will you forge a vast kingdom? Or will you fall to blood thirsty neighbors? The world is what you make of it. Go forth, and bring about a new era of war, peace, and commerce!


    Note: The Holy Roman Empire will be split up in order to keep the game fair.





    The above map is most of the playable nations besides India. The Holy Roman Empire will be split up, and major nations such as the Seljuks will be controlled by mods for now. We recommend you join our Skype chat to work out details. 



    No powergaming

    No metagaming

    No excessive posting: Example being posting 4 times in one page

    Be courteous to other players, we all want to have fun here

    A mods word is law. However, if you find that their judgement is inherently biased, do tell another mod

    You cannot both move your troops and arrive on the same page. Along side this, prior to the battle you must contact a mod to ask how it may turn out.

    Include "Khaaaann" in your application.



    Skype Name (Recommended):


    Reasonable Starting Military Strength (Ships, Soldiers):

    Backstory (If Any):

    Have You Read The Rules:

    How much of the nations history are you aware of:


    Current Nations:

    Brandenburg: The Doctor

    France: Dirtyhary

    County of Holland: Pok

    Alania: Garukumus

    Venice: Conor

    Genoa: Splitchris

    Norway: TheNorwegianGuy

    Brittany: Masky

    Aragon: DigitalRescue

    Sweden: BradTheImpaler

    England: Xtreme Prodigy

    The Byzantine Empire: Thatpyrodude

    County of Dublin: Heff

    Gwynedd: idiotcozzy

    Bavaria: Bickando

    Morocco: Aelidar

    Abbasid: Gaius

    Novgorod: xboxershortz

    Mosul: Watyll




    The Doctor





  2. [*Prepares to purge filthy False-Asians* And to put some input on the katana... You're going to have to have a master katana maker, that has dedicated his entire life into making them. A katana is not a mass producible weapon as well, it takes a couple years to make a truly strong katana. Other wise its just a flimsy or stiff piece of metal waiting to shatter.]

  3. [Due to some rather brash actions by your almighty ruler Pok, I'll be leaving this FRP. Good luck.]



    The Honshu

    After some time, the Honshu believe that a restoration of a united Asia would be better suited for the area. This proposal is put forth to the Indonesians before communications with the outside world are cut off. before this however, blueprints for all known technology are sent to Australia, Indonesia, and Thailand.


    Long Live Yamamoto

  4. Imperial Honshu Federation




    The colony west of the Panama Strait continued further construction, as basic necessities such as housing is complete. The arrival of several rather rude Cubans was not exactly welcomed with open arms, as hostility is foreseen in the future. Work on several fortresses begin in the colony in order to protect interests within the region. Contact with Cubans are kept to a minimum.


    The colonization of the Philippine mainland by the Cubans would not stand. It broke every standing policy of the Japanese, as well as breaking the Sphere of Influence Treaty set by Asia months ago. Contact would be made soon enough. [Pm rp needs to be done, I request that no further stuff relating to the colony continue until we've discussed this.]


    Type 96 and 45 howitzers have been put into production, producing 5 within 5 months after minor issues are fixed. Production of arms and munitions continue as planned over all, with a steady stockpile of shells being amassed. In other news, with access to more petroleum supplies and with a growing stockpile of oil reserves, the warships are commissioned once more into active duty. The first of several test fires with produced shells goes well, targets on an abandoned Philippine island having been obliterated immediately.


    Word of an advanced civilization within the Tibetan Plateau reaches the Honshu, Thai, and Dragon Empire. No official contact has been made as of yet, however several artillery rounds have been found outside the fortress like mountains, likely the result of test fires. A foreboding feeling floats over the region...


    Forts continue to be built across the Southeast Asia frontier, with garrisons common in the region. Veterans of the Taiwanese conflict return battle hardened, and training of troops also continues. Training exercises between the newly joined Thai-Burma people and the Honshu bring a sense of security, although the Tibetan threat to the north continues to loom over them all.




    [brief overview/ Manchu event voided]

    The Tibetan people have been almost unaffected by the many maladies of the world after the Last War. Their many intricate bunkers and advanced agriculture have sustained them within the mountains for hundreds of years, a shining star in the dark world. Their past is mostly a forgotten one, with no major documents having been stored away besides a few maps. They field quite a large army for the time period, and the infantry are armed with rifles rivaling Australian rifles. One thing that would soon mark them as a force of fear is the extensive use of mortars and some artillery in defense. Tibet was a nearly impregnable fortress...

  5. The Honshu Republic

    Imperial Honshu Federation






    The onset of winter had finally given the Honshu soldiers the advantage that they so needed. It had been more then a year since the war had begun, and little ground had been taken since. But now, the time had come. The Taiwanese were starving, low in munitions, and generally lacked moral. Meanwhile Honshu forces were well armed, clothed, and fed. The final assault, the one that would end the filthy scum was upon them all.


    The first of several small raiding parties clash with Taiwanese guards are launched in order to the soften the front line. The line manages to hold for a few hours before finally falling in. Their positions were compromised, and the Taiwanese had no where to run. The final battle, which would come to be called the Battle of Nantou, was little more then an outright slaughter as the bulk of the defending army was reduced to rationing what little ammunition they had. Their surrender came at the early hours of the next day, light snow floating down on the white flag that the Taiwanese messenger carried.


    Resistance was practically nullified by the mass starvation that was so wide spread. Occupation would be harsh, but not directly because of the Honshu. For their endless resistance, farms and other essential areas would not be repaired, and food stocks are confiscated. Resistance would not be tolerated under any circumstances, they would be punished severely by nature itself...




    It was time for a new era to unfold across Japan and her territories. With the acquisition of both Australian land and Taiwan, nationalism is at an all time high. The Republic's head of state, Hisahito Ashikino, decrees throughout Japan and her colonies that the imperial bloodline had been traced to his family line. With this, the Honshu Republic comes to an end, and the Imperial Honshu Federation rises with the proclamation of Emperor Ashikino.




    Blue prints to the Type 96 and 45 Japanese howitzers are found filed away in a forgotten museum, with several prototype displays having remained intact. Prototypes are analyzed, and with the blueprints, improvements on the designs are made. It will take several months before a working model can be put into production [1]. Several factories are tasked with producing their shells in the mean time. The shell designs are delivered to the Australian Kingdom as well, in order to maximize efficiency. 


    Forts continue to be built in the mainland Asian colony, with a large garrison stationed in the region. Honshu builders begin to construct forts in the north of Thai land in order to ensure their future safety. Training exercises with the Thai begin as well, to aid in developing a modern fighting force.


    Mining continues to bring rich resources to the empire, with a large surplus of oil being stockpiled. Plans for the first use of the warships are drafted. 




    Several metal clad frigates sail towards the America's, filled with supplies and settlers. They head for the western portion of the Panama Strait, armed with maps from the returning mappers. They arrive in the land and settle down, laborers from Taiwan cutting away at jungle in the area. They now had an established outpost in the region, as well as holding a part of the Panama Strait. Honshu soldiers soon make contact with Havana trade ships and settlements to the north...



    [Crines has stated that I would need to post due to bad internet or something]


    30,000 soldiers and settlers travel to the Guanxi region from Yunnan bringing along supplies. They settle down in the region, and Honshu aid in the form of a steady supply line is sent to the Thai.

    A large wooden galley fleet sails from port Bangkok, hugging the coast of India before reaching Africa where several of the ships head down the Suez canel, while the others travel down further to reach Tanzania where a colony is set up. Contact with the Sikh Confederacy, Ethiopia, and Egypt is made.

    News start to spread that the young queen of Burma has been staying at the Grand palace at Ayutthaya for a extended period of time[Days],and that a marriage has been discussed there. This news would likely reach the Honshu, Indonesians, and Australians.
    Mod Stuff
    [DirtyHary: Tone down research of weapons, you would not have semi-autos and shotguns. Try rifles/ muskets at this point. The siege weaponry looks okay from what I saw.]
    [Draeris: Most stuff needs to be toned down. You lack the proper ships to do most of the exploration and colonization that you've been doing. You do not have access to alternative energy, and oil is not abundant. Finally, you do not have cars. Its not possible that they run on bio-fuels, especially when you lack alcohol in the first place. I might also add that a helicopter is sort of ridiculous.]
    It appears that this sort of technology is far beyond the capabilities of the current inhabitants of Russia. The researchers are advised to scrap the project as the computer is effectively destroyed from attempts at disassemble.
    Those nearest to the eastern border can feel... something. Something large is coming their way.
    New Haven
    Yelling in some odd dialect of Russian, the sound of metal bouncing is heard. A sudden explosion knocks several men off their feet, and a group of 9 raiders appear from the shadows outside of the tunnel. They open fire on the rescue crew before making a swift retreat, disappearing into the underbrush of what appeared to be a thick forest.
    The salvage groups luckily find several pots in mostly good condition, and set about their gruesome business.
  6. The Honshu Republic




    Opposition in Taiwan continues, both sides showing no signs of giving up. But the Honshu still knew that they had a major advantage. Control of the sea meant that they had access to the Republic's vast supplies, meaning that while the Taiwanese whittled away at their own resources, the Honshu could continue to restock. Several raids are conducted as well, each time taking down a significant food or supply storage depot.


    Mean while in the newly acquired territories within Australia, drilling and mining operations across the outback begin.


    The Sphere of Influence Treaty has finally been completed. Several Honshu officers laugh as one of the terms for Brunei is for a supply of comfort women to be sent to Indonesia as soon as such as supply was available. It would have to stay credited until future conquests however...


    After talks with the Thai are complete, it is decreed that a portion of currently colonized Laos/Cambodia would be ceded, in exchange for a currently secretive payment. Meanwhile, three islands, two of which were formerly Malaysia, and one which was a small Philippine island, are colonized. Preparations for drilling of oil in the region begins.

    [Map below shows lands currently owned by the Thai in southeast Asia, as well as the colonized islands.]



    Forts continue construction in the Korean and mainland Asian colonies. The training of the Honshu armies also continue, expecting some sort of attack. Word of a power within Manchuria comes to the attention of the Republic, and fortifications are also built within Manchu settlements.




    In secret, the Honshu Republic has also supplied the Australian Confederacy with resources and goods to settle the east of the Red Sea. This colony would officially be under Australian control, however it would be supplied by Honshu stockpiles.

  7. The Honshu Republic



    [Really Quick Post]


    The situation continues to be a stalemate in Taiwan, as both sides try and wait each other out. However, it would be Taiwan's down fall, as waiting would only continue to spend their valuable supplies.


    Negotiations with the Confederacy and Indonesia are successful, and the outback is split into three, half of which would go to the Confederacy.


    Rough Map of Australian Landholdings.



    The Dragon Empire's demands for the Honshu's colonization efforts to stop are declined. Such things would not stand, but further diplomatic talks could be pursued if wished.


    Talks with the Ayut-thaya Kingdom begin, as the Sphere of Influence Treaty is enacted. Landholdings such as northern Vietnam would hopefully be handed over, in exchange for a price named by the Thai.

  8. The Honshu Republic




    The Taiwanese offensive was perhaps not the best in terms of efficiency. Although the midnight attack was initially a surprise, the Taiwanese appeared to have been prepared, having been able to thwart several burnings. As it stood, Honshu forces controlled western Taiwan, the coast of Taiwan with the many Republic outposts, and the oil rig. In the west, small guerrilla movements are observed. Suppression of such movements begin as Honshu forces round up those found guilty, putting them in temporary prisoner camps. Execution would likely only prove to further the guerrilla cause. On the Eastern front, Honshu forces simply wait out the attacks, relying on the Taiwanese's lower munitions capabilities to prove their undoing.


    In Australia, a sizable chunk of the Outback is claimed, halving it. The western portion is gifted to to the Indonesians as a sign of good will. Although the Honshu had claimed the land, no word of surrender is heard from the Outback. The claim was simply to assert that a portion of the Outback would be annexed by the Asian powers. Honshu forces continue to wait at the border, firing only when opposing soldiers approach.




    In other news, a Sphere of Influence Treaty is under way between the Honshu, Indonesians, and the Thai. This treaty would hopefully end any further border and colonization disputes.




    The Dragon Empire's diplomats are greeted by a force of 400 Honshu Soldiers armed with rather advanced weaponry compared to the Dragon Empire's own. A diplomat makes his way through the guard force, looking over the Chinese forces.


    [smoof, you will not be able to make such a large fleet in 20 turns. You do not have a ship yard, you do not have the materials, and lastly you do not have the tech.]


    Forum Name: Quite speaks for itself, doesn't it?

    Faction Name: The Holy kingdom of Myanmar

    Have you read the rules?: Praise Pok

    Where on the planet are you (country/region): Myanmar/Birma


    Accepted, next time don't post without getting accepted first. 

    As for population, 5 million is unacceptable, and has been reduced to 350,000. Keep in mind you will have low tech and a lack of factories/ supply caches in your area.

  10. The Honshu Republic




    The rejection of the Republic's offer for Taiwan's annexation was most troubling, and is taken as an insult to the highest degree. The mobilization of Taiwan's meek military forces proves further that they were ungrateful to the Republic's generous backing of their war effort. All Honshu militant forces stationed in Taiwan are either called back to their outposts on the island, or remain occupying the western portion of the island. Detachments of patrol boats begin to circle key points, as orders are given in the dead of night. The Taiwanese were weak both in supplies and moral. They had just gone through a grueling war and had only won with a greater powers support. Now was the time to strike, and needless bloodshed would mostly be avoided.


    Days prior to the attack extremely flammable materials are placed in key areas such as storage warehouses and farms. As midnight descends upon the island state, soldiers march their way out from their outposts, positioning themselves at their assigned areas. The signal is given, and the operation begins. Soldiers torch warehouses, granaries, and farms; anything that could even remotely aid the islanders in a siege situation. As most key regions are lit ablaze, the soldiers retreat back to their outposts by the shore, watching as the fires left in their wake consume everything in their path. Patrol boats also seize the oil rig. Any who attempted to stop the raiders are shot, although such occasions are minimal at the current time. Now all the Republic would need was to wait them out.




    The typhoon effects areas already bogged with swamp as predicted, and effects to the population are minimal due to the land being uninhabited. Never the less, the Honshu's denizens retreat to their bunks or further inland in case of such emergency. Contact with trading partners and the Republic's colonies are lost for the duration of the storm. While the Honshu government is holed up, plans for further colonization are made. When the clouds clear, the many vessels of the Republic make their way out into the deep blue, but report rather disturbing information...


    The Indonesians had beat them to the chase, colonizing the rest of the major islands in the Asian sea. This would likely lead to disputes later on, but such things would be attended to later on. The colonials simply divert their course, and settle down in secondary positions. Contact is made with a civilization known as the Kingdom of Ayutthaya, as well as with the Dragon Empire. No formal diplomatic envoys are sent, and instead the settlements wait for official contact from the civilizations. [southern Vietnam and Cambodia settled, land south of Dragon Empire settled, Korea/Manchurian region settled.]


    In Korea, the cannibals are finally culled. With this, diplomats are sent to the Korean civilization, informing them that Korea would be under Honshu protection.


    Military outposts are organized across Honshu territories to police the regions. Factories are complete across mainland Japan and the Philippines. Munitions, weaponry, and shells for warships continue production. The battleships and destroyers have completed repairs, passing initial tests. Oil from Taiwan and Australia will be able to fuel the majority of the ships, but stockpiling will continue, meaning the warships will remain docked.




    Meanwhile in Australia, the Confederate offensive is noted. Soldiers stationed in the Australian colony move in from the north into Outback territory while their militant forces are drawn south. Decisive blows are dealt farming regions, and looting is observed. if any large force were to head north to fend off the Honshu's encroaching forces, they would fall back to the safety of their outposts at the border. The Confederacy's offer is accepted, and several armed explorers board their trade ships, mapping equipment in hand.



    -Mod Actions-


    Highland Tribes:

    The outsiders stand confused as the diplomat barrages them with questions until one finally steps forwards, apparently speaking a common tongue as the Highland Tribes. He informs the diplomat that they come from an island to the west, not too far from their current location. He tells the diplomat that they have no clue what this 'radioactivity' is, but does tell him that there is civilization in the western isle. Mapping was restricted to the island, and the coast of the Highlands.


    Ethiopian Kingdom

    The Etheopians are greeted with a rather hostile band of raiders speaking in some foreign and devilish language. They scream something before opening fire with somewhat crudely made muskets, most of the shots missing their target. Any further movement into Iran is proven to be rather hard due to the native peoples and the harsh climate. 


    Horned Men of Iceland

    As the library is sifted through, a book in particular is found, detailing of some sort of earthly energy, The book, called The Wonders of Geo-Thermal Energy lists the many benefits of the "green" energy. However, as the Icelandic people read further, it informs the reader that they are costly to maintain, need certain advanced materials such as porcelain to keep efficient.


    Scavengers of New England

    The hunting party finds the area thriving with wild game, from deer to bears. The woods are bustling with creatures of all kinds. Suddenly, a snarl is heard behind the hunting party. the party appears to have stumbled upon wolf territory. With a cruel bark, the wolves advance.

    Books of interest found in the library consist of mainly hydroelectric books at a 4th grade reading level, as well as several books detailing the American Civil war's strategies of sending droves of men as meat shields to die in the battle field. However, a book about fishing tactics was also found. It would likely improve fishermen's techniques.


    Kingdom of Ayutthaya

    Laos: After some consideration, several small villages send word that they will join the kingdom with open arms.

    Vietnam: While the fortress dwellers lacked numbers, they made up in weaponry. The poorly equipped Thai forces are slaughtered, and are forced to retreat. Any sort of siege proves counter-productive, as getting anywhere close enough led to further mortalities. Settlers also find themselves beaten to the chase or pushed out by some sort of people by the name of the Honshu Republic. They appear to be rather seclusive in nature, not sending any form of diplomat.

    Cambodia: Diplomats find the region to be colonized by the Honshu once as well. Contact would likely be the best option.


    Texas Rangers

    The attack goes smoothly, with minimal casualties. The gang however retreats, taking pot shots when the opportunity shows its self. The main force is crushed, but resistance continues at the heart of the city. 

  11. The Honshu Republic




    The Chinese ships had been spotted hours prior by several patrol vessels , and the guard force was alerted. It appeared that the blood thirsty Dragon Dynasty wished to make contact with the Republic. Such would be the case, although it would be far more favorable for the Japanese. The unsuspecting opposition were mostly in wooden boats, with a couple in salvaged and rusted patrol craft. And the trade boats would be easy pickings.


    As the Chinese boats neared the Japanese islands, a detachment of heavily armed patrol vessels move into intercept them. As they slow to a halt, the patrol crafts open fire with mounted guns and an assortment of conventional gunnery. Within minutes, the military escort is slaughtered, with some only able to fire off a few rounds before being riddle with bullets. The gunfire comes to a smokey stop, and as the air clears, the scene before them is gruesome. Most of those aboard the boats were either dead, or severely injured. A few sailors board the ships and sift through the deceased crew's items, taking things of interest. The merchant ship is of particular interest, and its goods are taken aboard the Honshu's boats. None of the Chinese crew would have had radios for such a long distance, and if they did, the raid would have been too quick to respond to. To remove any evidence of the event, the salvaged patrol boats are towed away for scrap, while the Junks are set ablaze and left to disintegrate.




    With Honshu aid, the Taiwanese battle for the elimination of Western Taiwan goes well, with minimal casualties.Within weeks the west surrenders to the superior armed forces of the Honshu and Eastern Taiwan. With the defeat of Western Taiwan, the Honshu Republic extends an invitation for Taiwan to join under the Republic. Current officials would be kept, with the added benefit of protection by the Honshu's militant forces.


    Vessels are sent to the Philippines and the middle of northern Australia, and colonies are established. The Philippines would serve more as a way to open trade farther west, however industrialization of the region has been put into motion. While explorers relieve bunkers of their valuable resources, workers begin to construct factories. The factories are expected to be finished within half a year [2 pages], and will be powered by the coal from New Guinea and the Australian mines.


    The colonies in northern Australia border the Indonesian's and soon explorers come across the Republic of the Outback. Tensions appear high as the Outback appears to wish to drive out the colonizers. The Honshu would likely take hostile action if further attempts are made. Mining and drilling operations are set up, and will take half a year. From this outpost of sorts, the Honshu would be able to maintain contact with the Australian Confederacy, and to oversee mining and drilling operations within Confederacy territory.


    In Korea, hunting parties continue to take action against the savages that run free in Korea, in hopes of both removing a nuisance and keeping relations with the Korean civilization well.




    Several months later, the food reduction of food production is noticed, although its impact is largely wavered due to the advanced agriculture and stockpiles of food. The fishing industry gains traction after the lower production of harvested crops as the potential of possible failures could lead to a dependency on a strong sea based food reliance. Months proceeding this event, the earthquake sends minor trembles in Japan, and New Guinean mines are temporarily shutdown in case of cave in's. Shortly after, the typhoons develops. Trade will likely be disrupted for several weeks, and flooding in lower lying regions are expected. On a side note, engineers put forth a proposal for some sort of sea wall to possibly be built in the coming years to combat flooding.

  12. Me-thinks im a bit late to come to this particular FRP, or is it still early enough that i'll be capable of joining and catching up? If so, that would be fantastic!


    EDIT: Oh yes, and south america? Is that also infected with the numerous diseases, or a somewhat untouched rain forest continent? 


    Just a reminder to anyone looking to join; tech wise, it'll take close to page 30 for anything major to happen. So no one will likely be left behind.

  13. Mod Post


    Everything was running smoothly in Hong Kong, it was an advanced civilization among the world of darkness. It had everything; wifi, television, and infinite clean energy sources. It even had ships armed with laser cannons, ships which could travel at almost the speed of sound. Yet something was... wrong. A distinct smell was washing over everything. A smell of... manure.


    Xi awoke in his small hut, the smell of sh*t wafting through the air. Getting up from a straw bed, he looked outside to see peasants shoveling horse manure. It appeared that this fantastic world where Hong Kong attained such fantastic technology was all a dream. It was odd that such things were thought of. What was this thing called television? Or for that matter, factories.


    [Warning you Draeris, Hong Kong is gaining a lot far too fast. Energy would not even be a thing known to the Chinese people. and these ships suddenly popping up with advanced weaponry, all the way over in Africa? No. Just, no.]




    After months of scouring, the Australian scouting parties find three coal mines mostly intact. One appears to have some minor structural damage, another seems quite unstable, and the final one is ripe for the picking. All the Tribes would need is the workers and the proper tools, and perhaps a place to fend off the countless creatures roaming in the abandoned country side...



    The Honshu Republic




    After a brief meeting with the aboriginal scouting boat, both part and head off towards their respective countries. Several days later, a small detachment of trade and patrol vessel leave port and head towards the Confederated Tribe's position. These boats were carrying precious cargo including oil drilling equipment. As the Republic's soldiers and sailors arrive in the Australian port, the equipment is dropped off. A majority of the crew would stay with the equipment to maintain and teach the natives, as well as keep an eye on what would be mined in the area.


    Another detachment of explorers and soldiers depart for the former lands of Papua New Guinea. Armed with maps detailing of the island's rich resources and the mines that would extract these riches, the Republic sets about with the colonization of several of the Guinean islands. The soldiers are well equipped and heavily armed, their primary objective being to secure the position for further mining operations. [Three of the northern islands settled upon.]


    Outposts are set up in the friendly regions of Korea and East Taiwan. The primary objective is to establish easier trade routes to the regional civilizations, although a secondary objective is to clear the area of hostile forces. Soldiers stationed in Eastern Taiwan begin to aid in the fight against the Western portion of the island, pushing back the under equipped warriors. In Korea, hunting parties are dispatched periodically to sweep the area for barbarians.


    After several months of negotiations, Hokkaido joins the Honshu Republic. Although the north did not offer much in terms of raw materials, it causes an influx in patriotism as the Japanese islands are once again united. With this patriotic fervor, further training of the Republic's militant forces begins. The policy of soldier-farmers are dissolved and replaced with a structured standing army system. This drastically reduces the military's size to 200,000 soldiers, although in times of emergency farmers may be called upon.


    Factories continue to produce much needed munitions, although the geothermal plans appear to be slowly degrading. Alternatives such as solar or hydro power is looked into, but coal will likely be the resource needed.


    Renovations on the Republic's destroyers and frigates are complete in terms of the exterior, with the rusted hulls being replaced. The inner systems will need further repairs however, and will not be ready for some time. Several faulty patrol craft found by salvage crews are repurposed with sails and in turn become fishing boats. Development on the fishing industry begins.

  14. The Honshu Republic




    It was truly a barbaric world outside of the islands of Japan. What the scouting vessels had found in Korea was horrific to say the least, but the trade offer is accepted with the regional civilization. Taiwan on the other hand, was a far more interesting tale. The island was split, with the Eastern side seemingly more civilized in terms of reception. The deal for oil in trade of aid is immediately accepted. While shipments of guns make their way to East Taiwan, Honshu explorers arrive en mass, with a single goal; to find the rumored bunkers. What had been found among a pile of documents back in the Honshu bunkers was a map detailing of several other underground safe havens. Safe havens filled with supplies so desperately needed. The same is planned with Korea, although the cannibals would be a problem that would need to be dealt with.


    Word that a new power in Asia to the west reaches the Republic via Korean emissaries. They warn of a barbaric and war like state that has consumed another civilization on the coast. Such things did not bode well, but the Republic would hold back barbarians with ease with their superior weaponry.


    And finally on foreign affairs, scouting vessels depart for the Philippines, it too rich in a resource that the Republic grasped for. Although it had a minimal numbers of bunkers, it had been a key component in the legendary empire's production. Factories filled with goods from common day items to military hardware would be stored in underground warehouses, safe from the greedy hands of any barbaric natives. On the other hand, large amounts of scrap metal would also be left strewn about, leaving an opportunity to scavenge further. Well armed and supplied,  the explorers arrive...


    Factories continue to spring up, and with salvage crews returning with more supplies such as scrap metals, construction hastens. Exploration of the newly drained areas of the former coastal cities continue to reveal signs of the storied Indo-Japanese Empire. Maps and official governmental documents reveal that this empire incorporated most of the eastern part of the continent known as Asia. The "Indo" also referred to a nation known as Indonesia, and evidence pointed to a jointly ruled empire with these two nations. 


    Geothermal energy plants topside reactivated once more with minimal effort, although only a few were left undamaged. Power is restored only to essential areas such as the more advanced factories.


    Contact between Hokkaido and the Republic is established once more. Negotiations begin with the regional rulers. Key proposals include the addition of advanced agriculture to the Hokkaido farms, which were already lacking. This would ease the threat of mass starvation, and the Honshu Republic's mostly united people would serve as further protection from outside forces.




    A single trading vessel en route to Taiwan intercepts an aboriginal fishing vessel, its wooden make seemingly devolved compared to the dull shine of the Honshu patrol vessel. Republic sailors look down on the dingy, scanning over the rather heavily armed men. 

  15. The Honshu Republic




    The first of the bunkers had finally opened when news that waters had receded reached leaders within. What they found was appalling, towns across the once legendary united nation that was know as Japan were warring with one another for resources. Not in close to a thousand years had Japan been in a state of hostility among its own citizens. However, even more surprising to the underground dwellers was the lack of technology. Not only were these warring regions lacking in supplies, but they were all under constant threat of famine. Determined to unite Japan under one ruler once more, Hisahito Ashikino set about with superior weaponry and supporters to back him.


    Soon, all of the Honshu island fell under a single flag; the Japanese standard. Those that managed to hold back the forces of the Republic soon succumb to mass starvation, and eventually gave in, receiving the almost god like technology that had blessed the Republic; enriched agriculture. Work to restore the land had been forthcoming, with the first of many factories having been restored. Groups of explorers continue to find the ruins of the legendary cities of the storied Indo-Japanese Empire. Salvage teams comb through the waterlogged coastal ruins as well as inland areas for scrap and pre-war technology.


    A small fleet of ragtag ships from before the Last Tribulation have been amassed, including smaller patrol vessels. The prize ship of the fleet, a destroyer, although somewhat renovated, is lacking in fuel. Rust has also effected the vessels, ranging from minor to catastrophic levels. These ships have been tasked with patrolling the shoreline, aiding salvage crews, and making contact with neighboring states. Korea and the island of Taiwan have begun small scale trade.


    The population of Japan as a whole stands currently at an estimate of 2.2 million. The current population under the Republic is an estimated 1.8 million. The standing army maintains a soldier farmer status. Military supplies are generally kept at capacity, although ammunition has been pointed to as a needed supply. Factories are under way to attend to this situation.


    The government as a whole is lead by a council of sorts, with the election council members being conducted every two years. Only five member's are permanent,  Hisahito and his Ministers. The military plays a rather key role, with more then half of council members being prominent military personnel.


    All is well under the Republic's watchful gaze...

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