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Posts posted by paladist

  1. As you walk by, walk outside, walk inside your home; you notice that that is a note attached to your doorway. Being a curious mali'aheral you check the note. It is sealed by green wax with a picture in the center. It is written in a smooth green ink.

    Dear blessed Mali'aheral,

    I Tilruir'linan Drecar Razier, call upon all other Tilruir and the Maheral for a formal meeting. If you are not a Tilruir but a citizen as always you are welcome to listen in on the meeting. The meeting will include the impurity referendum, missing/deceased Tilruir, the housing situation and filling of their duties and what ever else has been awaiting the judgement of us. If you know of something that should be brought up please send a bird to one of the Tilruir. (Forum message us). This is an important meeting and must be dealt with post haste. If you have any question please send a bird to myself.

    Sincerely, Tilruir'linan Drecar Razier.

    ((It's also up to you guys if we skype RP this, MC RP or forum RP.))

    Edit: The meeting will be held at: 7:00 A.M MST. 9:00 A.M EST. 3:00 P.M UTC. 4:00 P.M GMT. On Saturday!

  2. *Drecar smiles at him.*

    Well if I can't sleep neither will you

    *Drecar leaves and fills the bucket with water once more, he returns moments later.*

    The second you try to fall asleep your going to get soaked

    *Drecar giggles.*

    See I cannot hurt you physically but psychologically, you will break down very soon.

  3. *Drecar gets up slowly smiling. As he stands up he stretches his chest and shoulders. Looks over and smiles at Morpheus as he wipes the sleep from his eyes.*

    Be back in a moment I must wash my face.

    *Drecar walks out of the room, grab a bucket and fills it with water. Walks back in with the bucket and takes a seat with the bucket. He cups his hands and fills them with small amount of water each time as he dampens his face. After he is finished he wipes his face down with the hanker chief he always carries around.*

  4. *Drecar goes back to his normal face, with a slight laugh.*

    I am not falling for your silly mind tricks Morpheus. I am no fool. You will be tried it will not be my decision. But personally my choice is for you to sit within this cell and rot.

    *Drecar smiles as he sits back down, content that he saw past the ploy.*

  5. Not just my physical strength, you may have psycological strength however you lack something. That something is courage and the ability to do anything. You lack emotional strength.

    *Drecar laughs*

    You shall not be able to anything from within the compounds of your cell. Fairly pathetic if I do say so myself.

  6. Oh, I have no plans of killing him since he is locked up. However I would enjoy spending more time with him, how about I take over the duty of feeding him and helping him completly.

    *Drecar says in a happy suggestive tone.*

    I give my word I shall not touch him in anyway other than to help him.

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