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Posts posted by paladist

  1. *Drecar finally gets sick of the noise and gets up from his perch upon the corner of the city wall. He walks into the gatehouse and opens the gate. He walks onto the bridge then down to the entrance into the legion base and looks over the edge studying everything in the nearby area with his eyes.*

  2. Drecar walks by happily, hoping to see a new mali'aheral and introduce them to the fine city.He notices a new note and stops his daily commute to read it. As he reads it his expression fades to nothingness. Once he is complete his expression shows great joy.

    "It is about time the people of this city finally decided enough was enough. Maybe one day this city will once again be pure. However it seems they have missed a few things."

    Drecar gets out his quill, his green ink and some paper and writes down something upon the note.

    To whom it may concern,

    I would like to add an addition to your concern of purity.

    Destroying the natural beauty of ones self is also an act of impurity. Which includes anything that pierces the body, creates a permanent mark and/or masks the natural beauty of ones self.

    The way one fraternizes with other can also be considered a type of challenging purity. You do not verbally fraternize, we use poems.

    After many acts of liberalism, one should be considered impure.

    These are not actually something that makes one impure, simply challenges their purity of mind.

    I would like to formally conduct a meeting of the Tilruir. Discussing what makes one impure, what makes one liberal as well as the punishments.

    Tilruir'Linan Drecar Razier.

    Drecar posts the note upon the board below the current note. After Drecar walks off with increased glee.

  3. Out-Of-Character Details

    Alternate Minecraft Account Name:Hot_to_party69 (I know it's fairly vulgar. I could always buy a new account.)

    Already Accepted Minecraft Account Name:paladist

    How old are you?:15

    In-Character Details

    Character Name:Julius Crokart

    Character Race:Human

    Character biography - Make this at least 2 paragraphs long, which must explain your character’s history, appearance, personality, age and any other details you deem necessary:

    Julius is around 55 years old and with that age very close to death. Currently he is still working as a farmer and pushing his aged body to the limits. He has gray hair, brown eyes and a small gut. He is scarred of halflings size. "They are too damn small to live". He reacts to them with verbal hostility. Julius is a widow, his wife died about 5 years ago from old age.While he was young his parents were very loving. His father was a very skilled farmer. He had little money because of the job however, the man taught Julius all he knew. Julius learned very slowly.

    Julius when he was about 32 finally earned himself a farm. A few weeks after that had happened he was approached by a hungry vagrant, his whole family died in a fire and he was injured and couldn't find an employer that would hire him as he lost a hand because of the fire. Julius gave the vagrant the minas he was about to take to the taxer of the city. It was all the money he had. His farm was taken away and he was forced to work as a hired hand on someone else's farm for even longer.

    What are your characters ambitions?:

    Because of Julius' age he has little ambitions except to live another night.

    Please provide an in-game screenshot of your skin here:


    Is there anything else you would like to say about your character:


    Anwser at least two of the below questions with a minimum of one full paragraph, and detail the scene you are given in the way it would happen in roleplay. These questions should be answered in first person. Be detailed, not short.

    Upon entering the Mighty Human City of Arethor, you come across a shop-keeper calling out to sell his wares to passers-by. The shopkeeper is not a Human, he is a poor dwarf looking to make a living in a new city. What is your response?

    Julius:"Hhhello fine sir, might I inquire what you are selling?"

    Dwarf:"Yes lad, I am selling fine headwear."

    Julius looks through his selection hastily then suddenly stops and stares at a fedora.

    Dwarf:" Aye that is a fine fedora. It would look great with yer..... Hair?"

    Julius laughs

    Julius:"Alright, I'll take it."

    Julius hands him a small bag on minas.

    Whilst walking down the road to Malinor, you stumble upon an old man. His walking stick , looks weak and frail, and just as you are about to ask something, the stick breaks, and the man falls to the ground. As he falls down, a bag of Minas falls to the ground, and splits open. As you watch the multiple coins spill out, you peer down at the defenceless man. What does your character do?:

    Julius scurries over to the man, he offers a hand.

    A halfling runs up and starts collecting the minas.

    Julius retracts his hand before the man can accept it and he picks up a rock and throws it at the halflings head

    The halfling runs off because he is scarred.

    Julius once again offers the man a hand

    The man accepts and Julius pulls him up slowly, hurting Julius' back.

  4. Drecar reads all the notes carefully. He then writes his own note.

    I have very much so enjoyed the iron armor you gave me. I was wondering if you could make me a few things.

    -Very strong gauntlets.

    -Very strong chest plate.

    -Very strong leg plates.

    -Very strong boots.

    -Quite a few buckets.

    I need the armor and gauntlets for hunting. I've been attacked by far too many hostilities and caused way too many close calls via insufficient armor. Also when people enter the city and no guards are about, I will be able to take matters within my own hands.

    The buckets are for the innkeeper. I am willing to pay as much as needed.

    -Drecar Razier.

  5. *As you (monks only) walk towards your room you notice a sign beside Talar's door. It reads "To whom it may concern, I Talar have given up my pursuit of becoming a monk. I simply cannot accept the Triumvate into my life." You hear a thud inside his room as you read the sign. You open the door to see as he was gathering his things from his chest he fell unconscious. As you take a closer look he is very pale.

  6. Talar runs up to her room to ask her a question as he does ever so often. As he knocks on the door he realises she is not in. He continue this a few more times that day until realizing something is wrong so he asks around and eventually one of the other monks tells him she resigned. ((who's going to teach me magics?))

  7. an unknown person puts a note under all of the current notes.

    Dear Mali'Aheral..

    I feel if you leave the gates open all the time... Nobody will attack. People attack you because they feel insulted to not be within such a grand city... And so they decide they will break in and pillage while they're at it... Also just so you know your "Greatest Guardian" has many flaws and you should definitely modify it.

    Sincerly, Anonymous

  8. Your Minecraft Username:paladist

    Your Monk's Name:Talar

    Have you read and agree to follow the rules?:Yes I read them and I agree

    Your Monk's Personality: Talar is timid but can easily get over it in emergency situations.

    A Very Brief Bio:Talar recently changed his name. He used to be Drecar Razier a man whom people love and many people hate.

    Drecar's most recent job was as Tilruir'linan of Healun'or a position of government and respect. But he made a few very bad mistakes and abandoned the silver city seeking refuge from his past, as a monk. Trying to redeem himself.

    Before Haelun'or Drecar was part of a small rebel group who eventually got captured by orcs and put in prison to be executed in front of everyone as a special event... I managed to escape with two others and we parted ways never speaking again.

    In Talar's early years of life his parents were neglectful and very mean/poor they taught him to steal and take whatever he desires. He made friends with a wolf cub, finally bringing him home to his parent after being friends with him for months. He went to bed that night and woke up to his cub dead, being cooked. He ran away and never spoke with his parents since.

    Who were the Celestial Triumvirate?:

    Lord Keldrith

    Lady Rellenia

    Lord Tariel

    These three were representatives of the sun, moon and the stars (Keldrith-sun, Rellenia-moon and Tariel-stars)

    A Lost traveler come to the Sanctuary and asks, "Monk, where am I and how might I find my way?" How do you respond?:

    Talar: You are at Cloud Temple my fine sir!

    Man: How might I get to Alras?

    Talar thinks for a moment

    Talar: "Come with me there is a boat!"

    Man nods

    We both walk to the docks and I direct him towards the boat

    Talar: "This boat here will leave soon and it goes to Alras and back."

    Man: "Thank you."

    A Screenshot of Your Monk's Skin (Robes must be one of the three colors and similar in base to Posted Image with or without a beard):It won't let me upload it... ((Used 487.92K of your 500K global upload quota)) But a Kha monk saw me today with my skin you can ask him about it I'm not changing it. It already has gold tint.

    Anything else you'd like to say:I also like long walks on the beach!

  9. MC Name: paladist

    RP Age: 19

    Link to Application: ((i have no app for this character so heres a description.)) Baylee is a 5'6" human with long chestnut brown hair and emerald colored eyes. She isn't muscular but slightly lean, her weapons are always lightweight and sharp.

    Type of clothing[Descriptive]: NOTHING SKIMPY. Very little chain mail armor. With cloth underneath some of it. Maybe shoulder guards and maybe light bracers.

    Color of shirt?: Light brown, Light gray, light blue, maybe a green. Your choice!

    Color of pants?: Your choice!


    Noble/work?: Raider/assassin/cook

    Gender?:Female, human.

    Who would you like to make the skin?: Your choice I guess (sorry if thats getting old.)

  10. What's your MC name?


    What kind of events are most interested in? (Playing as a temporary faction, creature, Antagonist etc..)

    I am willing to do any jobs that needs doing but I would prefer being maybe a temporary Protagonist to help other fight the antagonist or really anything of that sort..

    What kinds of influential RP has your current LOTC character been involved in?

    Infuential RP? Well my current character Drecar (high elf)is a member of the High Elven servants (government) he used to be the innkeeper. He is hard to make mad but when he gets upset you'd better watch out, he is very close minded and actually doesn't mind some people in other races.

    What in your opinion, makes a good event?

    Something that is exciting without making it impossible or frustrating for the person we are RPing for. Don't make it so he has to kill an entire wolf pack by himself, unless he loves that kind of impossible challenge it won't be fun at all.

    Let's say your playing as a wolf, wandering outside a village and you smell cake from within a bakery that seems unattended. Inside the bakery the cake sits on the counter. What do you do and how do you emote?

    I slowly prowl into the city trying not to be noticed. Once I am noticed (Because it would be hard no to be noticed)As he person tries calling for help I sprint at them full speed, I bite their shin and they cannot chase me because of the excruciating pain. I continue sprinting towards the bakery but the get stopped by an armored guard. I leap at him to bite his throat, but he was too fast, he swung his axe as I leaped.. I lie on the ground barely conscious weaving for air.... Until I slowly die.

    You're playing as a necromancer hiding out in a graveyard, in search of a relic. Two armor-less players enter the graveyard to revisit an old friend. What do you do to create an experience for them and how do you reveal yourself?

    As I hide behind the tomb I watch their every movement, waiting for them to not be paying attention.The men get to the grave they went there for. I use my abilities to reanimate the corpse of their fallen friend. After two minutes of the corpse clawing through the ground. He finally reaches the surface. Reaching his hand through the fresh grass and pulling himself out. I cannot hold in my laughter any longer.They look over to me and I then tell my new minion to attack. I'm still laughing hysterically at the men and they start running away. I continue my search for the relic.Later the men come back and this time they brought armor, and a few city guards "Stay back! don't make me hurt you." I would shout. I would use all my energy reanimating new corpse minions but alas I cannot keep them off of me for that long and I have to run away leaving them with an army of zombies.

    You're playing as a drunken sailor. You have to tell players rumors of treasure but accidentally, how do you go about doing this?

    Sailor enters the tavern.

    Bartender "Can I get you something to drink?

    Sailor "A bottle of rum and enough glasses for the fine lads at this table here" Proceeds to sit down with them.

    Man 1 "Hey thanks we were getting low on drinks" he then lets out a half drunken laugh

    Man 2 "Aren't you Jack?"

    Sailor "Errm No..."

    Man 2 "Yes you are, you were the laughing stock of the city" lets out a hysterical laugh at the man

    The bartender brings over the drinks

    The Sailor gives the money to the bartender and a small tip while he fills his glass

    Man 1 "Remember when you would go around the city screaming about a treasure map" says as he's still laughing

    Man 2 "Wasn't it called the treasure of Los'Dormis"

    Man 1 "Haha, Yup"

    Sailor Slams his drink."Your not going to make fun of me when I find it..."

    Man 1 "Oh... I'm sorry I didn't know you knew where it was please go on" Says in a sarcastic tone

    Man 2 "Oh please do!"

    Sailor "Yea well I did find it."

    Man 1 "Oh really prove it."

    Sailor is now furious"It's in the McCreagan river" Screams proving his point.

    Create a small paragraph describing a quirky character that could provide roleplay for players.

    A rather short northener who is also quite fat and very clumsy. He has millions of stories about himself in wars and such, also how he was the general of a secret service and he killed one of the rex's of War Uzg. He has quite the temper and will storm off in anger if someone questions him.

  11. *As you walk by the message board you notice a new note. On stationary paper you've never seen

    before. It reads:

    To whom it may concern.

    I, Drecar Razier have returned from my outing in Oren. It was of short notice but very important. I spoke with a good friend of mine and a Lord of the Soulblades and he has agreed for the soon to come war he offers all residents of Haelun'or a refuge during the battle and future battles. He will also speak with the leaders of other families about not helping the uruk, and also stated he will consider it but he may lend us a few troops and himself on the battlefield!

    Maehr'sae Hiylun'ehya

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