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Everything posted by ZallenHunter

  1. Application: Name: Cryptic Azure Mc Name: ZallenHunter Combat skills: Swordsmanship (50) Archery (25) (I hope to improve my Axes and Archery, I also do farming(25) and mining(25)).
  2. Minecraft Name: ZallenHunter RP Name: Zallen_Huntre or Zallen Why do you wish to join The White Ravens? I am in desperate need for food and money for I have been raided by the Undead. Are you against the Undead? Why? Because I want to get revenge on the undead for killing my parents and raiding my home. What skills do you bring to The White Ravens? I use to hunt and sneak up silently to kill prey, hence I can easily spy on people and assassinate them if needed. Do you understand and agree with all of our rules? Yes I understand and have read all the rules.
  3. wazzzzupppp, man :)

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