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Amrud Kalanor

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Everything posted by Amrud Kalanor

  1. OOC: MC Name: 33basse33 Forum Name: Amrud Kalanor Timezone: +1 GMT Denmark Time spent weekly on LotC: at least 1 hour a day Method of contact: Email mostly, but also forum Guild Experience: Only a little, but it was in WoW What is your Roleplay Experience: I have played live action role-play (LARP) 2 years. I also play dungeons and dragons once in a wile so I know how to interact with other people in a rp manner In Character: Character Name: Amrud Kalanor Race: Elf Combat Experience: i can wield a sword Other Skills: I want to join your guild as your blacksmith (I am level 50) Short Bio: i am a blacksmith without a place to work, why not help the army/a guild :D Recite the Vanguard Creed: I will always protect Malinor. I will never except defeat. I will never leave a fallen comrade. I will never quit. So help the grace of Malin, I swear.
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