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402 Incredible

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  1. Totally didn't just put your reputation up to 400!

    Come back soon Sythy; I miss your passive-aggressive ways.

  2. Hope to see you back soon!

  3. Yes, in fact for people we are close or friends with, its preferred that we reference rather than accept.

    Friend or not we can still deny. As a good friend of mine IRL found out! :D

  4. Is a VAT member allowed to make references? xD


  5. Hey since you seem so keen on complaining about orcs can you pop me a forum pm with screens and the such. This would probably be better then gossiping etc

  6. *A letter is sent to the great woods and forests of Malinor by a Halfling courier.*


  7. Aeryines, I found you pillaged a wild island under me, with no warning, no conquest war-claim?

  8. Dang, you have the most well written and thought out posts ever. Not that I've... Been stalking them...

  9. After the work that the GMs put into restoring that forest, I doubt they are going to allow it to be damaged again. Even Malinor isn't even oocly permitted to do anything there.
  10. ...Come online, pweez? I need to talk to you. Please?

  11. Now your added....

  12. Sorry about that, you have been added to the google doc.

  13. Would you like to become Master of the Order?

  14. *looks to below post*

    ...Ahh, good times~

  15. Well I spoke to Native about it months ago, and he said it was up to the individual characters/player to take the myth and use it how they wish. I remember RPing with an orc who acted like a gentleman (spoke in proper common and all that) and whenever he lost his temper, he 'blamed' it on the curse.

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