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Posts posted by ULTRA LORD

  1. Grogos, here's the longhouse I made...


    It was really difficult to get a nice look without planks, logs look way too uniform, especially since they are vertical. The beams in the roof also look nice as opposed to a plain wool roof.

    Front view: Fences were used for windows, they look more themed than planks.


    The interior: There is a cooking pot hung over the firepit as shown in your pictures. Nothing burns don't worry. There is a "loft" accessible by ladder in the back.


    Ceiling view: There's a pen under the loft also, I didn't know what goes in there so I just put some chickens in.


    A view from the loft:





    Side view:


    Rear view:


    This is what I have so far. The floor is gravel by the way. I think planks could act as split logs if we used them, they really take away the plain look. Other than that I think I did an accurate job. :D

  2. OgM1Z.png

    This is a forest biome on a large lake, nearby to plains, mountains and a taiga full of pines. There is only a tiny shack in the area, which is possibly abandoned. It is also not far from our old location, and is still close to the Orcs. We could name the lake it sits on as well. I feel like we have much greater area here also.

  3. I suggest no.1


    I definitely agree with you now that we need to be close to the land and have a climate suitable for all of us. However has anyone ventured up there yet? It appears to be surrounded by other structures and tiny villages.

    Especially no. 2, it would be right on those two round houses. I like no. 1 as well.

    About the Volsung, I haven't heart much about them, and I don't think that they have a settlement yet.

  4. About the location, I like the place I found, not only is the land completely uninhabited but it also has ocean access for a ship, and we shouldn't fight with the orcs soon after the beginning, that would easily lead to our demise.


    About the name, I thought of "Rarosdak" which is a combination of the two.


    MC Name: xgecko54

    RP Name: Oddn Dimitri

    Town Name: Norvensdak

    Why are you/your character starting this town? What role will it play?

    I want to start this town to RP a hardy, cold, Northern lifestyle for players who would take interest in that. I could also manage this town very well, as I am frequently online, and have over a years' worth of MC experience. I have always wanted to govern a place like this, and live in it. This fits my character perfectly, as he is a (decreasingly) strong, hardy Northerner who can endure harsh cold.

    My character's homeland was that of a cold, Northern city, it is in his blood. Even though he has lived in Salvus, he still has longed to return to such a place. As he grows old, and his days in Asulon become numbered, he wishes to return to such a place- if only there was one. That is why he wishes to create a place just like this. However, his strength is fading, and he only has just enough to construct a place like this, not even enough to expand upon it. Because of this, players are to build their own dwellings (FOLLOWING ARCHITECTURAL GUIDELINES)

    The purpose of this town is to serve as a place to export furs, meats, pine logs, and other things that can be found there. Also, players wishing to live a primitive, snowy lifestyle of hunting, woodcutting and interdependence would be more than welcome to live here.

    What type of political system is enforced in this town? Is this town under the reign of any other nation at this time?

    The government of Norvensdak would function under a Ruler. The ruler makes decisions for the good of the town. After the Ruler there are 2-4 Nobles, which act as advisers to the Ruler. The Nobles would fill in for the Ruler when he/she is offline. Nobles would also be in charge of organizing defense, and trade. Since Norvensdak was founded by Oddn Dimitri, he would serve as it's ruler. However, Oddn is growing older, so he would not be ruler for very long after it's completion. The next Ruler would be chosen by the Nobles. It could be anyone from a Noble to a citizen who has shown great pride and involvement in the town. Norvensdak is independent, and would not serve under any other nation, but would act as an ally of friendly places in distress. (If the town is constructed, Oddn will pass away shortly after it's birth.)

    What sort of behavior will residents exhibit? (Race relations, nation relations, etc.) Residents of Norvensdak are hardy and well suited for the cold. They would be very well associated with eachother, as their survival depends upon that. They would speak with slight accent/grammar error. They would only become hostile to a race or nation that acts as a threat to their way of life.

    Where would you prefer the town’s region be? Including a screenshot of the land would be nice (of game or map). The town would be associated in a tundra biome in the large snowy part of Asulon's wilderness. Here is a screenshot of it's preferred location: (Take note of the coordinates on the map, they are 1064, 65, -5921


    Any other details (architecture, races, culture, etc):

    Any friendly race is welcome, but Humans and Dwarves are preferred.

    Customs of the Norvensdak people include a diet of meat, be it fish or beef. Most farming cannot be carried out here due to the bitter climate. Pumpkins may be grown, however. The people will regularly carry on tasks such as fishing or farming, and every citizen is required to fend off an attack if there is ever one. This adds to the interdependence RP style.

    The marketplace (seen in the pictures below) would serve as the main hub for hunters to sell their meats & fish, lumberjacks to sell their wooden products, and other things the residents have to sell. Hut prices would begin costing no minas. However, you must pay in service to Norvensdak by completing a task, such as catching some fish, helping with construction, or cutting a tree or two. Again, due to it's isolation, Norvensdak's survival depends solely around it's residents and trade. You can expect many RP experiences here, also.

    The architecture of Norvensdak would be round, wooden huts. The outer surrounding wall would be made of pine logs cut to different lengths. Inside the huts, the floor is gravel. You could create a fur-pelt pattern from wool, or a carpet. Here are pictures of what I want the town to look like:










    Players who have agreed to sign this charter (15 name minimum):

    1. Oddn Dimitri (Ruler)

    2. Tryggvi Hackonsson

    3. Fionn Frostsword













  6. (Pictures of my work will be added to this topic soon)

    I had this idea after completing some of the quest tombs in Skyrim. I started thinking about LOtC. What if we had these kinds of things on the server, for players to raid and put their combat/puzzle skills to the test?

    For instance, I have been working on a burial tomb in single player creative. It consists of many passages with coffin rooms, soon to be filled with zombies and skeletons. It also had a few large, open sanctuaries, crevices in the roof, and some puzzles. If these kinds of things were on the server, it would give a whole new meaning for quests.

    "Retrieve an artifact/treasure from _______ temple." You would begin descending into the depths of the structure, battling all sorts of dark horrors and undead who were previously laid to rest there. Once you complete the tomb/quest, a GM (Or someone who specifically works on quests) resets the tombs for the next adventurous player. Just a fun idea I had. I personally would enjoy charging through dark chambers smashing undead heads with some friends, and make it out alive.

    And these would not be lame little 1x2 tunnels you follow with some dispensers and spawners. These would be flat out huge, detailed underground barrows with many foes. In some, you would be forced to bring companions due to the difficulty, or sheer amount of monsters.

    Now for a little bit of Lore behind this... *Note: This is only a concept*

    "The ancient peoples of Asulon, long before the settlers of Aegis arrived, were under a great threat. A disease was sweeping across their lands. They could do nothing to fight it, other than stay away from the contaminated. Bodied lay scattered across the fields, especially Salvus, causing the ancient Salvus people to flee for safety. The order of the ancient world resorted to a way of dealing with the issue. Massive, deep catacombs were constructed, so deep that nothing could possibly escape, not even the disease without help. Then, contaminated beings were forced to carry all bodies of the plague into the chambers, never to be touched or seen again. The contaminated were then locked inside the chambers for the good of ancient Asulon, and the chambers were sealed off. The disease on the surface world was eliminated. Hundreds, or even thousands of years after the last beings (except Mori) of ancient Asulon had died out, the Aegis settlers arrived. Years and years after their arrival and colonization, a tomb is unearthed by a lucky explorer. Word breaks out, and Asulon is obsessed with the newly discovered tomb. Many explorers and warriors are sent in, only to be killed by the undead creatures that still wander the halls, or the tortured sould of the contaminated locked into the tombs to die. One day, an adventurer manages to escape the tomb, after reaching some of the deepest, darkest parts. The disease managed to escape with him, and Asulon is now under a threat new to the people, but old to the world."

  7. ((There was a rebellion in Salvus led by Lorethos and there has been a lot of junk happening like riots and attacks in the streets. So Lorethos got a bunch of people on his side so a bunch of war claims happened. The nation of Hanseti declared war on Salvus and are striking at a bit of land, the nation of Alras is attacking and are going for a piece of land, same with the Orcs who are being aided by Malinor and the halflings (lol), and Seventis is coming as well, and the rebels are attacking a territory, and a collection of Renatus lords are attacking another piece. So it is 8ish factions against Salvus, like the good old times against Renatus.)

    ((Wow. I missed a LOT!!! So Salvus is basically going to collapse? Maybe a mod should lock this topic because it's clearly outdated. EDIT: Is there any way to join the rebels? My character has been opposed to the queen for a long time now. It would actually be lots of fun.))

  8. *As you are wandering near the main road into Solace, a piece of old, weather-worn paper is tacked up to the door of a small farmhouse, the first one you pass as you enter the city. The home is occupied by a quiet man, Oddn Dimitri, as the sign above the door reads. Curiously, but in no shock, you approach the door that has been opened and closed for a mere 15 years. The note on it reads,*


    Attention Reader; I have left Salvus for better lands. I don't know where I'll end up, but I believe it will be better 'fer me there. I will miss some of you dearly, and others, not so much. Farewell.

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