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Dry Crackers

Gold VIP
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Status Updates posted by Dry Crackers

  1. The tent plugin broke didn't it. . .

  2. Server being dumb, as per usual

  3. Battlenet maintenence. . sigh

  4. So are GMs still moving ships? Or will they at least TP the crew?

  5. Server why! I was going to build a boat!

  6. Hey! No April Fool's post! Yet.

  7. Hey! Does someone know what the rules about having items renamed are?

  8. Artimec are you a Bohemian radical?

  9. WHY VARS. I need someone to make explosives.


  11. Its it just me, or is the website slightly greyed out?

  12. Plot twist--Blume is actually Apature Science Innovators

  13. Can we get the typo in the server subtitle fixed please?

  14. Are pipes craftable yet?

  15. We're only barely hanging on to front-page Minestatus, guys. Vote!

  16. Almost back on page 1 guys! Votevotevotevotevote

  17. What crafting station does it take to make maps.

  18. Nice new main screen, looks muchly pro.

  19. How about that november newsletter maybe hmmm?? *nudge wink wink*

  20. So uhh about that vote spam guys. . . at least its gone right?

  21. Let's chill with the deconnects ok?

  22. The one time in about a week I want to play and well. . . nice job, server

  23. Quick, get me my fedora!

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