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Posts posted by Scipp3r

  1. Treasury Supply Distributions II

    A crate of supplies is sent to the Chapter of the Lion base in ***** ****** ****. Within the crate there are sixty four iron ingots for the useage of armor, weapons, and tools. Attached to the crate is a letter from the Imperial Treasury of the Holy Oren Empire.
    "By the most dear grace of the Rightful Honorable Lord High Treasurer Patrick Denims, the Chapter of the Lion is distributed these ingots to help them fulfill their duties to the Emperor and the most Holy Empire."
    The letter is signed by the Lord High Treasurer and with the Imperial Seal

  2. Patrick sits at his desk after evicting a family of poor halflings out of the sewers. His new slave, Grey, stumbles into his office and gets on his knees presenting a scroll in a purple plush pillow "Your Grace". 


    Patrick picks the scroll up and shoos Grey away. He unfastens the thin string holding it together and unravels it on his desk.


    "Oh well, more money from the Tarus House for me"


    He tosses the letter into the fire behind him and closes his eyes lifting his feet onto his desk and smiles falling asleep.

  3. House Name: Denims-Therving

    House Sigil or Crest: Coat of Arms is shown

    House Standing (Imperial, Royal, Great, Noble, Unlanded, or Exiled): Greater House

    House Lands: Duchy of Corpathia, Earldom of Ager

    Banner Houses or Greater Liege House: Banner House: House Althered, Liege House: House Horen-Hightower


    House Family Members Deceased:


    Geoffrey Denims-Therving


    Elizabeth I Denims-Therving


    Triwathel Denims-Therving


    Colm Denims-Therving


    Herald Denims-Therving


    Mary I Denims-Therving


    Elizabeth II Denims-Therving


    Philip Denims-Therving


    Julia Denims-Therving


    Skyler Denims-Therving


    Albrecht Denims-Therving


    Alexander Denims-Therving


    Rupert Denims-Therving


    Ladasha Denims-Therving

    House Family Members Living:
    Patrick Denims-Therving


    Thomas Denims-Therving (Denims Heir)


    Throdo Denims-Therving


    Valahrin Denims-Therving (Therving Heir)


    Mary II Denims-Therving


    Rio Denims-Therving


    Aurora Denims-Therving


    Henry Denims-Therving


    Family Tree:

    Family Tree is shown

    House History


    Denims History: The surname ‘Denims’ can be traced back to an Oren Guard in the reign of Pampo Perea I. This Oren Guard’s name was Colm Denims. In 18 the First Seed Aegis where Triwathel is married to Colm Denims.. They have a happy life and have an only child Philip. Life went on and and Triwathel became lonely. After his father’s death Philip traveled to the human city and met Elizabeth Therving whom they had one child: Patrick. Patrick was a quiet young man and never expressed his feelings. He devoted his life in studying the practice of arts and more advanced studies. He became under an apprenticeship with Lord High Treasurer Thomas Fust. After the Oren rebellion he moved to  Galahar. He then met his more higher in society cousin Throdo Therving who which was apart of the council in Renatus at the time. Patrick enlisted in the Galahar Guard where he pranced through the ranks until Captain of the Guard. In Auslon, Patrick married Ladasha Amador but she died in childbirth boring Thomas Denims. Patrick has achieved many titles such as Lord High Treasurer, and one of the senior advisers to the Emperor himself. He became the Duke of Corpathia and Western Balamena. After the grandest time of Patrick’s life in Asulon, House Denims and the rest of Auslon boarded the ships to an unknown place. In need of supplies the ships of Auslon halted to where they embarked on a temporary island named Esylium. During the time in Esylium the two cousins Throdo and Patrick met with Godfrey to create the Greater House of Denims-Therving.

    House Therving: The Therving Clan was and still is a group of humans that existed during the early reign of King Daniel Horen of Oren. They were a family rich during the Kingdom of Oren, however their wealth soon dies off.  Although not all Thervings in this early time are known, Geoffrey is well-known as a businessman and fluent during the age of Kingdom of Oren. He was born in 1128 in a home of the Al Khazarian outskirt. King Daniel was but a boy at this time. (More To Come)
    House Denims-Therving: WIP
  4. The Duke Lord High Treasurer Patrick Denims sits to the right of his imperial highness the crown prince. He is seen writing several edicts on the new economy weight system, and the census and looks up glancing around the table then looking to where Uthor and Elene. He grumbles softly noticing Uthor's unshaven mustache and turns to Horen V and whispers "Extra rations and supplies will be arriving to the camp soon. I have also filled in an order of more Hightower Red wine to be delivered as well. Is there anything else I shall send for the capital to deliver?"

  5. Treasury Supply Distributions I

    A crate of supplies is sent to the Inquisition base in ***** ****** ****. Within the crate there are sixty four iron ingots for the useage of armor, weapons, and tools. Attached to the crate is a letter from the Imperial Treasury of the Holy Oren Empire.

    "By the most dear grace of the Rightful Honorable Lord High Treasurer Patrick Denims, the Inqusition is distributed these ingots to help them fulfill their duties to the Emperor and the most Holy Empire."

    The letter is signed by the Lord High Treasurer and with the Imperial Seal



  6. Letters are sent out to the most important and notable figures of the realm from Patrick Denims to attend his tea party.


    His Imperial Majesty Saint Godfrey first of his name, by the grace of the Creator Emperor of Oren, King of Renatus and Seventis, Defender of the Faith, Protector of the Realm, Regent Enternal of the Kingdom of Haven leader of the House Horen-Hightower

    Her Imperial Majesty The Emperor's Consort Empress Duchess of Norjun Rose of House Horen-Hightower

    His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince Horen the fourth of House Horen-Hightower

    Her Imperial Highness The Crown Prince's Consort Princess Ari of House Horen-Hightower

    His Imperial Highness Prince Henry the second of House Horen-Hightower

    His Imperial Highness Prince Patrick of House Horen-Hightower

    His Majesty The Most Reverent and Right Honorable His Eminence The Prince Archbishop King James of House Horen-Hightower

    Her Majesty Queen Kyral of House Horen-Hightower

    His Highness Prince Lancel of House Horen-Hightower

    His Grace The Duke Alexander De Stolistes

    His Grace The Duke Shas'O Kais Ishikawa

    The Right Honorable Count Throdo Therving

    The Right Honorable Count Grand Ser Uthor Silverblade

    The Right Honorable Count Great Ser Peter Chivay

    The Right Honorable Count Great Ser Thomas Chivay

    Great Ser "Fluffy" Imperial General Grimbeard

    The Right Honorable Marquis Augustus Flay

    His Eminence High Pontiff Velwyn Ashford


    The Royals and Nobles arrive at the tea party at the Imperial Party Plaza building just built. They step out of their carriages and tea Imperial Guards stand at the door ready to defend. Music plays as the people gather into the central room and servants begin to serve tea.


    (Talk politics, mingle, try to get married, and drink tea)

  7. New tithes and taxes for the temporarily empire of New Oren

    Currency- Wheat; Grid_Wheat.png

    One wheat is worth 1 mina. Ten wheat is worth one Horen.

    The Horens;c182859a18d5c4e52f96bc13d1bc1898.png?1356050843

    The Horens are cut from the golden bricks which strive in the proud New Oren Settlements. On the front side is the Horen Sigil and on the back is the Denims Sigil(Will change on depending on the house of the current Lord High Treasurer)

    Horens are worth as much as the 10 minas are.

    Horens can be collected off the mysterious hostile pigmen or cut from gold bricks.

    Gold Brick; Grid_Gold_%28Ingot%29.png

    Golden bricks are equal to one hundred and ten mina(110 Wheat).

    New Tithes-Settlements and vassals

    Tithes on settlements of new Oren will be enacted as well as tithes on vassals.

    Settlements inculde and are not limited to: Castle Edward and forts of the Holy Oren Empire. Owners of these settlements are required to pay the tithe of 10 Horens a week, no exceptions.

    1Capable nobles are required to pay the treasury 50 wheat (or iron in equal) a week in fulfillment of their oaths to thy emperor.

    New Taxes- Homes and farms

    The people of the town of New Oren, New Salvus, and future towns must pay a tax assigned by the Lord High Treasurer. Farms not owned by privy councilors are also taxes depending on size.

    Businesses of New Oren and Salvus - 30 wheat per week

    Normal Homes of New Oren and Salvus - 25 wheat per week

    2Noble Homes of New Oren and Salvus - 45 wheat per week

    Farm owners should seek Patrick Denims to see how much tax they must pay on farms.

    1Capable house lords include lords under the age of 70. Privy Councilors do not count as capable house lords

    2Privy Councilors exempt

    *The Privy Councilors of the realm make their signatures agreeing to the doucment

    Lord High Chancellor Alexander De Stoileas

    Alexander De Stoileas

    Lord High Steward Nicolas Silverblade

    Nicolas Silverblade

    Lord High Treasurer Patrick Denims

    Patrick Denims

    Lord High Sheriff Kais Ishkawa


    Lord Grand Chamberlain Throdo Therving

    Throdo Therving

    Lord Grand Marshal Mirtok Denurem

    Mirtok Denurem

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