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Posts posted by Aodran

  1. Emberhard Posts a sign

    Just a reminder, the discussions between Barias and the people are due to resume this evening, I expect all that we present last night to turn back up again


    ((Can it be in 40 mins?))

  2. ((Where did you learn that? Because, as far as I know, only undead know that spell...))

    ((undeads and the bloodmages.


    Tempir, you got to teach me to do that. The Trial was canceled, becouse only Cethis was there. We'll try again later.

  3. Here is one thing that needs to be telled to everyone. Black magic, sacrifices, cursing someone etc. Is illeagal in Aliquam, so if anyone of you will see this kind of events, you have premission to jail that person. Just wanted to make this clear, becouse there aren't any previous mentionin about it.

  4. ((won't be able to play if it's an later than an hour or two.))

    Aodran, I need to talk to you...privately..

    EDIT: Is it alright if Rae Bloodcrest applies for the Head Guard position as well?

    Why couldn't he apply?

  5. We have a new cook in our guild. I gave the position to Salvalia.


    Cethis told me that he is still going to try as a new headguard, so the trial between Alymer and Cethis is going to be 15.30 pm GMT.

    Double edit:

    I give an order to particiapate to the simulated battle. For every raven that can please, help us in this.

  6. For everybody to know, the battle shall be fighted with swords. And I am asking every raven to help us in this test. It will look a lot more realistic if there are shall I say, 5-10 enemies not just 1 or 2.

  7. I taught about some tests for supplicants and here is the result:

    1. 1 vs 1 battle ((Rp and regular))

    2. Simulation of a battle situation that the headguard shall lead.

    3. Diplomatic skills. Can you prevent the battle?

    4. And the last, This kind of a situation: Your superior is dead. You have only few soliders left. The Town has been surrounded by an army. You must act as you see the best.

    Remember, you MUST act like the tests would be real battle situations. The First trial shall be in two elven days.

  8. Your'e right. The Headguard should be a person who stays in here. There shall be trials between every guard who wants that (not recruits). After we have only 2 supplicants left, the council shall vote for between them. Is this okay for everyone?

  9. Uhh... Teacher of what...? I think perhaps we should speak about what is to be shown how to do in the school before we pick teachers.

    your'e right. You are the bishop of knowledge, so you should only name and lead the teachers. Be a principal.

    Since Markus has disappeared, Aodran you should talk to the new leader of Ascella Evinger. They have already agreed to trade and a road with us.

    I am going to talk with him about few things that were left unfinished with Markus.

  10. I have something tto say to every White Ravens.

    If Markus doesn't contact us before the battle, we must really consider our alliance with them. Also I forbidd ravens to take apart to the battle against Seventis.

  11. Aodran runs out from his house to the king of Andromeda. He reaches the gates of Ascelle and shouts the name Markus. He walks to the throne room. "Markus! This is outragous. You have been insulted our guild by saying that Seventis betrayed you and insulted Marius. I know about the Axis and it's goals. No order should be controlling the world alone. And we can't help you to conquer some innocent land." Takes a deep breath and calms down a little. "I am asking you to call off the attack and to leave the Axis. Please."

  12. ((Hey guys, I am the head of operations, Alvaska gave me the rank himself, could someone tell me who is above me, and who is below me in rank? Would appreciate it alot, thanks. :razz: ))

    ((I think you are responible from giving missions to guards, paladins etc. You can't diretcly command ayone, but you can assign them to go on some mission.

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