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JJ Switch

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Status Replies posted by JJ Switch

  1. I don't know if I should quit my current character, or leave the server, because I just lost the only RPer I had left to RP with. I'll miss him very much. Anri can only RP with so few people, so just finding a new place to RP is not that simple. =/

    1. JJ Switch

      JJ Switch

      Yeah- speaking of Alstorous, The Collection is further disbanded. Due to 'two' recent bannings. One for false X-raying (strip-mining), and the other for false mob-farming (Training recruits).

      Anyway- good luck with Anri, it's been fun.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  2. I feel like every idea I have is powergaming....

    1. JJ Switch

      JJ Switch

      Don't let the man keep you down. Unless it really is powergaming >_>

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. Whats with all this bureaucracy and parliamentary governements on this server, I mean c'mon surely were not that advanced into history.

    1. JJ Switch

      JJ Switch

      I know, it's crazy. That's the number one thing I dislike about the server, is all the advanced civilizations among a world of simpletons and barbarians. I understand that there should be a few 'slightly' more advanced systems- but only a few. That's why some of them need to be killed off, which is why I'm here ^_^

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. Just bought out the location of a family/house that has a reputation for cannibalism from a member on the inside. I'm a bit hesitant on what to do on the matter. So far- I think I'll send a scout or two their way and see what we're up against. ^-^

    1. JJ Switch

      JJ Switch

      Also- Negotiation may be a possibility, as long as it is IC (I dun wan any meta ere') :3

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  5. Just bought out the location of a family/house that has a reputation for cannibalism from a member on the inside. I'm a bit hesitant on what to do on the matter. So far- I think I'll send a scout or two their way and see what we're up against. ^-^

    1. JJ Switch

      JJ Switch

      Not necessarily 'wanting' to see your full power. But it'd be fun to see if we can catch you fellows off guard :3

      We'll have a fun time, I can assure you ^^. And if we decide to step off of the whole thing, we can just sell the paces taken. And since the events of Solace- people are paying 1000 minas for the head of each Thyone. I wonder how much they would pay for the location of the headquarters..

      Anyway- it's all in good fun and RP :)

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  6. Just bought out the location of a family/house that has a reputation for cannibalism from a member on the inside. I'm a bit hesitant on what to do on the matter. So far- I think I'll send a scout or two their way and see what we're up against. ^-^

    1. JJ Switch

      JJ Switch

      It's quite magical, actually- having this knowledge spread throughout several of my members.

      And as for dinner...

      I prefer dessert ^_^

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  7. :3 Who's next... Hmmmm!

    1. JJ Switch

      JJ Switch

      Me. I vote me.

  8. Villain Application ACCEPTED :)

    1. JJ Switch

      JJ Switch

      Trust me, I have. :) Oh what fun! Fleeing from guards, and dodging arrows. It's a real joy to be apart of the villainous world of Aegis.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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