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Posts posted by youlovesocks

  1. Name: [+mc id] Jakob Akton
    Race: Human
    Age: 41
    Sex: Male
    Other Affiliations/Loyalties: The Raev
    Any notable talents, trades: Fairly good with a sword. Excellent with money.
    [skype:] you've got it already
    Binding Oath:
    I, Jakob swear to honor my pact with the Order, to go about my duties with vigor and enthusiasm, to the High Crown, Syrio.
    I, Jakob swear to strive to become a very paragon of strength, Justice, and mercy. To stand stoic against corruption and sin and slander, to the best of my ability.
    Until the day I am set free from my duty, either by discharge or by death.
  2. ^^^


    I don't know what you're all complaining about with Aegis pvp system.   The amount of times I died in aegis from *Bandit rips out sword and swings* click click dead, was unbelievable.   The one thing I do not miss about Aegis.  The only thing that has changed is the player base.

    When I first started this server, I was 16 years old and in like grade 10.   Now I'm almost 20, working full time, and it's probable I'm getting married soon to the girl I'm with now.   I'll be the first to tell you how I rp and how I treat this server now compared to when I was 16 is drastically different along with all those people who started three years ago with me.  Some players wish to have the Aegis mindset back, and some people like myself just accept that it never will be back.  The server is ever evolving.


    I think it is mainly how slowly the server actually gets new players, and how unaccepting the "veterans" are to those noobs. Our community is almost entirely based on Aegis/Asulon people.


    I mean who wants to be the guy that teaches the noob how to do basic stuff that they've already been through... This may not be you, but I personally love bringing in noobs. Keeps things fresh, plus, it gets them intigrated into the game so the community can actually have some fun, rather than being 400 18-20 year olds with half of them having a stick up their ass.

  3. I don't think it's the losing of items that annoys people about PvP, it's the fact that we're anxious -while playing a game- is what annoys us, not to mention the fact we are PvPing because a guy ran up to you shouting "GIMME YER MINAS" and counted down. It's not the loss of the items, it's for the loss of the experience of roleplay, and roleplaying with a villain. We do realize it's a game, but games are meant for enjoyment of the player, and multiplayer games are meant for the enjoyment of all players, not just a few.


    Though, I'm rambling now.

    I see where you're getting at: When I said anxious I meant not knowing what was going to happen next which I thought was great. The community has lost sight of character based personal plots and don't sit back and ask themselves, "How would [insert named here] react to this normally?" Or hell... maybe they do and they just believe their characters to be mindless shits who kill a man for a simple insult. I'm a hypocrite to say these things but whatever. At least I'm aware. 

  4. pvp default happened. thats what


    The PvP system back in Aegis was "worse" than it has become, actually. You could literally emote *takes out sword and attacks Jake! and start PvP'ing without countdown. There was less bitching and it kept people anxious. Less attachment to those precious custom named sticks. People recognized that what they were playing was in fact a game

  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JKVanqVvVw

    "If you're reading this...


    This is day 76 of the plague...I was woken up, hoping I was having a reoccurring nightmare. Me and a few others spent nearly 16 hours trying to locate a safe haven for us. With the local wildlife becoming sick, their meat was unsafe to eat, so I've been told. We finally found our way to a safe haven, only to be ambushed by marauders. Half the men with me in my group were eaten alive.. I managed to stay alive by hiding under a colleague of mine who was being devoured on top of me... His name was Brian. My emotions are dulled, and I grieve for none of them. In fact, the only emotion I feel is that of joy. I feel joy because..Brian had a better sword than me. I took his sword and felt like I could take on the entire plague myself..The sick air is beginning to get to my head. Any time I feel like we've made some headway to a settlement the guards are either dead in the gatehouse or telling me to run around in circles at the foot of their walls.."

  6. I fully support SirSnowman's application and find him fully capable to fulfill the duties presented to him if he is accepted into the ET. With the right motivation, he can accomplish nearly anything, and has shown that through his leadership and creation of one of the most active military orders, The Decterum. +1 sirsnowfag

  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QiDD_20bsM


    Han grunts walking through Ivybend as night falls upon the halflings. Looking around and seeing nobody, Han ties up something from a tree branch with a piece of parchment pinned into it's soft texture. It could not be made out until the following morning, which by then, the blood had dripped from Amelia's petite severed hand and created a small pool of crimson blood. The parchment reads,


    "Dear citizens and justices of Ivybend,


    It pains us that things have escalated this far, but we feel your lack of cooperation has forced us into a corner, or for comical relief, a cave. It is a jest to think you will deliver the men and women of the free-folk justice when only that of our Gods can do so. You've undoubtedly seen the hand that this note is pinned to, and it unfortunately belongs to the beautiful miss Amelia, a girl that misses her friends very much. 


    My morals are not to be questioned, as they are already set in stone. If any hostile action is taken upon where we take refuge, we will burn your people living and add their skulls to our collection - Do not test us. You have exactly 4 days to reply with the previous requested actions fulfilled, and to begin peaceful negotiation. If you fail to do so, more Amelia will follow.


    Sincerely, Han 'The Bitchfit' Flay"

  8. Jakob receives word of the Maer elections and frowns. Taking out a quill and paper, Jakob begins to write a letter to his dear brother, Brom.


    "Dear Brom,


    It has been many months since i've seen Vekaro, but hopefully all is doing well. I have forgotten about my Maerly duties in my absence but hopefully soon enough the Raev people will come to accept me back! I'll be back from my trip soon - sell many meats!


    Sincerely, your big brother, Jakob"

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