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Posts posted by DragoonCrow

  1. ((Knox, do know that even I smacked about the ET/Antags who thought the silly idea of "lololol we gonna freeze ya'll in -40 weather and auto-win this one! That being said, I want to know what you mean by "no spawning items in". Especially for the ET, we dont have separate sets of items for our Antagonist characters, so we will inevitably be armored up and readied to go by "spawning items in". I will also say that Im on your side when it comes to ET/GM abuses as I saw and heard from old Cloud Temple battles, so have any and as many of your guys running Bandicam or Fraps so I can get concrete evidence on hand if and when abuse occurs.))



  2. Bob the skeleton builder sits with mini-Bob in his dwelling in the North. Everyone who met the poor soul has heard his heart-wrenching story about how he came upon this profession. Having his wife leave him when a rock smashed his right toe when working on construction, his insurance didn't cover it and he was forced out. He saw no other way to pay the bills, than to sign up with Setherin. Growling as he realized the lying Harbinger won't give him a race, he looks to little mini-Bob. Who is in desperate need of diapers. A tear would roll down his eye if he was able to as he walks into the cold...

  3. Berendan Thorne growls loudly as his right pauldron is beaten off his shoulder by the charging Bohra warrior, muttering a curse as he throws a punch with his remaining gauntlet, breaking the Bohras face. He takes out his dull war-pick, throwing a swing towards the Bohra's shoulder, breaking it. He delivers the Coup de grace, bashing in the skull with the pick. 


    He looks to his mangled armor, his chestplate dented, and many pieces missing. He looks to the Bohra, going on with the messy business of removing edible meat with his improvised bone knife. He yells another curse as the bone knife breaks, throwing the useless bone to the ground. 


    He takes a deep breath, before leaning towards the nearest wall, his armor scraping against the wall. His helmet falls to the ground as he looks at it, the entire helmet being mostly ruined. His breath starts shallowing, his entire body feeling weak and cold. His eyes starts closing as he squints his eyes, a light appearing in front of him! 


    He sees a lovely sight, a hall, filled with ale and meat. Armored men sit around the tables. The black cross being seen on their old tabards. He could see some of his old comrades, Sten, Marco, and others. Two of them turns to walk towards him, their hands outstretched. He could recognize the figures of both Mirtok and Gaius. A low rumble could be heard from Gaius's helmet, muttering a simple "Welcome home brother." Mirtok turns towards him, walking in his direction. He bends down, whispering into his ear


    "Meinae shekels." 


    Berendan's eyes shoot open. 


    "**** this ****, I'm not dying here." 


    He looks to the door that locked him in. Screaming a war cry, he rushed at the wall with his shoulder, his towering form smashing through the old stone. He dusts his shoulders, picking up his broken gear as he heads off. 


    ((Unbanned, I am back. 

  4. "Again, you Insult my king. Be gone heretic, and take your fake Knights with you. They'll only get spear and sword should they come to Oren."


    Crowley reaches down from the magical place called ban-land, angels crying as he descends from the stairs of light. He places a hand on the Decterum knights shoulder, his voice deep and powerful:


    "Fight him, he'll ******* wreck your **** mate." 

  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cp02n3PMm0U


    OrdenMarschall Crowley was sitting on the toilet when he got a vision from the creator. He quickly wiped himself and pulled on his uniform, putting a small note on his desk saying "I'll be back in a couple of days, remember to feed Grant." He packed his cold weather gear, taking his parka and giant ass backpack, filling it with food and other essentials for a small expedition. He makes his way outside, not bothering to wake the sleeping Sariant on guard duty, walking down the steps to the Kings Road and heading North from there. Crossing the Orcish bridge, which is less superior to Mirtoks in all, he looks upon the ruins of Greywynn. His old home, wiping off a tear of Nostalgia, he swears he could see some of his brothers running around, shaking it off as a part of his lively imagination. 


    He looks upon the great arch leading to the North, yelling all kinds of curses at the heresy that moved the entire Northern gatehouse. He knows where to go, his vision leading the path. Through Tundra, snowy mountains and caves he went, slaying a couple of cultists here and some Bohra there. He makes his way to the ruined city, looking for an ambush, or ghosts, he heads into the ruined shrine. 


    Downstairs he walks into the catacombs, knowing his way from earlier encounters, he lights a torch. Erul had told him about what he found, the shaft of a warhammer. Crowley was sure he could find him, and bring order and stability back to Anthos...Or at least a decent war. He finally finds the chamber he's looking for, fumbling around for a hidden switch, he finally manages, the door opening in front of him. 


    He was disappointed to say the least, hoping to find the most glorious Hochmeister, he only found another tunnel, leading further in. He sighs and takes a step forward, startled as the door closes behind him. He frantically tries to find another switch, to no avail. He's stuck. Sighing he taps his helmet, waving his torch around. He could see skeletons, but nothing he recognized. Moving onward he entered the labyrinth, hoping he could find some way out. 


    ((So yeah, banned bbl kthxbai


    Mainly what Grant said, and seeing how he's done such a great job on the ET, it might be best if he stays there. -1

  6. OrdenMarschall Thorne goes up to Bishop John, making the sign of the cross as he delivers a large folder of reports. They describe in detail all the battles the Teutonic Order has fought against the Scourge, all the ambushes and expeditions they've launched against the grand enemy. How they've infiltrated and destroyed Scourge in their own base, spilling their blood and retaking loot friends and foes alike has lost. How they stuck around Malinor, seeing it was a hot-spot for both Necromancers, murderers, assassins and scourge alike. 


    He speaks towards the others gathered around, raising his voice:


    "We have fought humanities enemies in the shadow, we have bled and shed blood in the Creators name. Do not shrug away our sacrifice, because we have destroyed your enemies since landing on this Continent, even if you all have not seen it."

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