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Everything posted by infinity46

  1. Posting so I do not have to reapply.
  2. Minecraft Name: infinity46 RP Name: Martin Why do you wish to join The White Ravens? I want to join a guild that is successful and start to have some real fun on the server, I would say I am a great RPer for this server is the first time I have RPed. I also want to meet some new people (RPing and non RPing). Are you against the Undead? Why? I am extremely against the Undead, they destroyed my home city and I will never forgive them for that. I seek vengeance on the Undead and will not stop until I get it. What skills do you bring to The White Ravens? How will these help us? At the moment I do not have any skills that are high in the least becuase I have only recently joined the server. I plan to become a successful merchant as my character bio suggests and I could help the guild gather money. I have been a merchant on other non-rp servers so the RP is new to me but I love it. The skills I actually plan to level up and max are Archery to 100, Farming to 100, and Blacksmithing to 75. So I plan to be a merchant and an extremely skilled archer. If I cannot become both I plan to be a merchant or archer, whichever you would prefer. My archery could help the guild during wars and battles with the undead. My farming could supply the guild with an abundance of food because I am great with making effeciant farms and I can make them RP like if needed. Also, during war I can blacksmith and repair peoples armor whos have broken in battle. Do you understand and agree with all of our rules? Of course, without rules everything would be chaos and unbalanced.
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