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Posts posted by Mankaar

  1. 19 minutes ago, OpaqueGlass said:

    But shouldn't this be the case? Weapons and armor should be treated valuably like they were in mideival times, not thrown about in any skirmishes they can get into


    While I'm all for some realism in muh rp Lotc is not a real life simulator. Sure we have some similarities to Medieval times but we're also a server of Elves, Dragons, and Cat people so when it comes to making fun over realism I think most of the server can overlook it. Nexus, while a cool concept is just still way to restrictive and skill plugins that restrict so much always leads to triggered masses over losing minemen pixels. If war would be more enjoyable for all parities and people took loss less seriously because of the time investment then i'm all for further editing Nexus in conjunction with War Zone changes.

  2. 19 hours ago, 吳憾戰士14 said:

    Those wards aren't up because of specific people coming back over and over (although that's part of it), they're up because there are simply too many different groups of special spook and evil-doer to handle individually without getting burnt out. They all want their individual slice of conflict RP, and they all come to us. They only deal with one group, the defender. We, the defender, deal with every single one of their groups.


    Hmm.. I understand where you're coming from and I wonder why said evil people aren't spreading the love more? Surely the Wood Elves aren't the only group on the server that could benefit from these groups rp.

  3. Not a professional on the matter and if it's only been recently you could just be feeling down however I don't see how it would hurt to point out that it could be S.A.D (Seasonal Affective Disorder) it kicks up during the Fall/Winter months and affects many, many people. If you think taking a break is for the best then do what's best for you and don't be afraid to reach out to others (family, friends, medical professionals if need be). Taking time off is often a nice reinvigorating experience and please don't be so critical of that behavior you think you're expressing as often times we are to hard on ourselves, Have a happy new year and I wish you the best in 2017!

  4. Quote

    every city has a golden barrier before it preventing those from entering.


    Just wanted to address this first, while I'm returning to the server from a very long break and may not understand much about the modern dynamics of Lotc I need to ask is this legit? There's a villainy blacklist right, like one that deals with peoples constantly harassing Nations, towns, ect? Why is something so rp inhibiting (If this is true) so widely spread? I can see certain holy areas but many cities having legit "magic" walls preventing any sort of spooky people (Wraiths/undead/ect.) in sounds like an ooc **** storm/cop out waiting to happen. This map is built to support cliques enough and something like damn magical holy walls must only accentuate a the problem, right?


    Speaking on the balance of the two I've always thought good guys should have the advantage as long as it doesn't completely stomp out roleplay with undead/necros/whatever. In my old days I nearly exclusively played villains as well as a dread knight and I simply expected to lose/die in battle or confrontations as personally I view the villains job as a sort of conduit in expanding others stories and ensuring the other parties fun over the villains personal character development or power gain. Why not focus on creating fun and entertaining stories for the majority instead of maintaining winning and power plays as key (which sounds like an issue seeing as it's leading to ooc confrontations)? Someone already mentioned it but why not collaborate with "good" groups and try and make fun events for the most people, I mean the overall goal here is to have fun. The holy dudes could also throw the opposite side a bone once and awhile as goodie two shoes stomping evil every which way can lead to some dull ass rp. Just as an ending note while plain good and plain evil are fun and arguably necessary it would be cool to see some groups (both holy and evil) focus on morally gray complex characters instead of one note ponies, hell what made some of the old Undead so cool was that it had some fantastic gray backstories.

  5. 5 hours ago, Space said:


    the test isn't very in depth, my views are more democractic socialist than like anarcho-socialism or whatever. value the persona liberty that capitalism provides while also not wanting people to have shitty lives


    If I were to label myself I'd be in the same boat as you (in my case I support a heavily restricted "free" market and place individual liberties quite high), seems we both ended up with nearly identical political landings as well (at least according to this test). Again it's not 100% accurate and i'd argue a few of the questions (like the art one) really don't add to much in the ways of legitimacy to the test so I doubt many are as Socialist as the test presents them to be.

  6. Carrie Fisher was a truly inspirational woman and broke ground with her portrayal of Princess Leia in the Star Wars saga, she will no doubt be dearly missed. If you haven't I'd suggest taking the time to watch her play/documentary Wishful Drinking if you want to know more about the woman behind Leia. In the documentary Fisher presents her life pre and post Star Wars in both a play and traditional documentary form, it's really interesting to say the very least. Fisher has dealt with everything from divorce to mental illness and addiction and has been very open in discussing her struggles and how she overcame them, she was most certainly an individual of immense strength just like the character she played. 


    4 hours ago, The Sloth Emperor~Galendar said:

    If she didn't ruin herself with plastic surgery, I'd be genuinely upset she was gone. I'm rather indifferent but it certainly is a lost. She can have a candle. [*]


    According to you Fisher's personal choice to get plastic surgery for herself somehow makes her a less worthy person for compassion in her passing? Pathetic and shallow are terms to civil for such drivel.

  7. 6 hours ago, xDK said:

    Wtf is wrong with a bit of communism or collectivism? Better teach those "liberal" fucks a thing or two about collaboration, but watch out, you might learn something. Can you just fly back to your own country on that bald eagle of yours, instead of having "peace-keeping forces" in every corner of the world, *******  'muricans.


    I think the general joking nature of this thread is going abit over your head there friend...


    Speaking on the inclusion of shields GiantPie even if it does slow down combat you at least have to admit it's a cool idea, I wonder if it's possible for a plugin to be created around making shields viable and fun without completely removing them. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Jonificus said:

    You bolsheviks better stay off our internet. You don't see us talking communist country languages here do ya? No russian, no chinese, no french, no nothin'.




    1.9's combat is slow as hell but I really like the concept of shields, new blocks, and the nerfs on various enchantments and armors... it's pretty bleh and to be honest i'd rather have Anthos Nexus combat over 1.9's weird combat design and that's saying something.


  9. Why, after the Halfling mess have the staff not taken action in regards to other Nations/towns with extremely low playerbases? You claim to hold everyone to the same standards yet Dark elves (Have a nation sized plot) and Orcs (Also a nation sized plot) have yet to be touched. These two populations do not warrant their massive plots if we consider the new playerbase rules. However their land remains untouched and I've heard no word of any "Activity ultimatums" akeen to the ones that the Halflings and Kha were held to.

  10. A more simplified magic categorization has been needed for a long time now, any magics that seem redundant should either be combined or removed all together. Dark arts magic, for example is all extremely similar there must be a way to simplify it to just a few subtypes.


    While not mentioned in the original post I'd propose the LM and MAT work together to overhaul the magic system (The process of obtaining it) as well. The return of magic applications from the past with barely any edits to it is astoundingly irritating. You're starting with a broken, flawed system and trying now trying to simplify magic and that's just going to end poorly. Look at the flaws of the current system (Clique magic, difficulty of the teaching process, freedom of roleplay, ect.) and work on finding an actual fix instead of a copy paste. There was a reason it was removed in the past, because it didn't work and it had many issues now's the time to fix the mess magic has become once and for all.

  11. implying that's a bad thing?


    roleplay is centralized in towns.

    fast travel allows you to always find roleplay.

    world isn't cluttered with **** taverns all along the roads.


    every last person in this thread is sperging out over nothing.


    tbh it should be an automatic sign of approval if cyndikate doesn't like something


    Asulon was a good thing? That's news to me.


    Cyndi (While obviously "brash" to put it lightly) brings up a good point, it's like this is Asulon 2.0 and its issues are going to return. This staff team has heavily moved backwards in regards to the progress made from Anthos to Athera, it's disheartening to say the least. Many things that did not work before (lockpicking, charter system, glass case mentality, huge world) are being implemented once more and if I remember correctly all of these things were major issues with Asulon. Instead of evolving it's like a massive backwards trek and old problems are just coming back. We'll see how this pans out in the next few months but my guess is that many of these things will be fought over again (Look at this post and the charter post they both have heavy resistance). 

  12. - Remove the charter system and instead attempt to implement something similar to nexus regions but on a smaller, more player oriented scale. The map is a massive glass case that no one can interact with at all, it's insanely stagnant and boring outside of nations.


    - Work on an actual story line for the map, and or attempt to introduce some sort of minor antagonist.


    - Fill up the massive gaps of nothingness and (if going with the nexus regions like plan) open up a very select few areas along the roads for tiny builds such as inns or ruins. 


    - Devise a new magic system, the return of the MAT was a lazy solution to the bloated magic issue. It has the same issues it had before and needs to go through some serious changes.

  13. Guess that means whitelist applications are a restriction to. Lets become Massivecrafft!

    It can still be tweaked as needed, give it a chance, see where it goes and adjust as needed.


    Okay.. let me get this straight you're comparing an application that is essential to the server because it weeds out the extreme trolls and acts as a bit of learning experience for new players before logging in to this utter nonsense? wat.


    There's no comparison, this is another pointless hindrance to roleplay that requires people to get on to the forums instead of you know roleplaying. I thought the main stride from Anthos into Athera was less forum use and more rp thus the implementation of something like nexus regions, which in my opinion just needs some tweaking. Also why give it a chance when we've seen it fail before? Was this not a thing in Asulon and did it not crash and burn? It just boggles my mind that no ones learning from past mistakes and instead they're backtracking this hard.

  14. Essentially, unless your a guild or approved by a nation you can't obtain any form of land for yourself outside of capitals? Holy cow does this feel like crapsulon, excuse me Asulon. If you're going to do it this way why not implement Vip plots again? or add small areas of free build across the roads that can switch between owners for dynamics sake? It just seems so pointless to leave so much land untouchable and ugly it leaves the whole world horrendously stagnant.

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