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big narstie

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Posts posted by big narstie

  1. In Character






    Dark Elf

    Short Biography (1-2 Paragraphs):

    Sindarin, a dark elf born from a wealthy family in a distant land had a decent upbringing, finding solace in his luxuries. In his 120th year, his family fell on hard times. Hyperinflation in the Dark Elves’ grand city caused his families savings to be worth nothing. His father, on a fixed salary, couldn’t afford basic necessities of food and water, and lumbered the family more than helped it. Sindarin saw his luxuries torn from his grasp, and in the vain attempt to keep hold of them, he took it upon himself to murder his father in cold blood, watching as his warm liquid-embrace sprayed across the wall, he smirked. He took this as a lesson that killing others for his own benefits was a grand ideal, his own way of sating his need for greed.

    Although it was untrue to say that Sindarin’s wealth was earned through perfect morals. Sindarin found himself envious of the other families’ in the city, he watched as his peers were given gilded armours and weaponry. It angered him. Sindarin had heard stories of those in the lowborn district of the city, that’d take other’s belonging to survive. Sindarin reflected on this story. It began to dawn on him that this method of stealing could be adapted to suit his addiction for luxuries, and that night, he left his mourning mother to test his theory.

    What are your professions and talents? I’m a talented thief and quick with a blade.

    What morals do you adhere to, if any? None.

    Do you agree to remain loyal to the Syndicate? Aye.

    Out of Character

    MC Name:


    Do you have the following (Not Required):

    Skype (Y/N)


    TeamSpeak (Y/N)


    Which evils do you have an accepted villain application for? (Include a link to your



    1a, 1b, 2a, 2c, 4a, 4b

  2. many people may just be generally uncomfortable with the idea of furries

    I'm sure many people in the Kharajyr would support me in the fact that I do not approve of the "furry" sub-culture in the slightest, and I think i'm rather infamous in the Kha' community for voicing my opinons on the sub-culture, the matter of the fact is, not all, infact not even a majority of kharajyr are part of the sub culture in the slightest.

  3. I've been playing a Kharajyr as long as i've played on LOTC, and I must say that the RP that the Kharajyr provide are often of a much, much higher quality than some nations in particular. It's my honest (and biased) opinion, but I honestly cannot fathom how people have grown this intense disdain for the Kharajyr. I would enjoy reading your feedback on us. We have several threads already up expressing our wishes for feedback. We realise our situation, and do you honestly think slandering our community is the way forward?

    To expand on what Ben has said, it's a rare moment to see a city such as Arethor or the War Uzg empty, however; it is rather common when visiting Tla'Xlassu, you claim that we "spread out the RP" when the RP is more than often not there. The Kharajyr have acted as a unit, have never tried incorperating into several nations, but these do not seem to turn out too well for us. (Not to suggest that people are bringing materialised OOC hatred IC).

    Once again, thankyou again for the small few whom have provided constructive and helpful critisism.

    Links I thought I should put your way:


  4. MC name:



    PvP, Underwater Building, Building, Spleef, Griefing, Castle Wars, Survivalism.

    In particular, I played hardcore PvP /faction/ servers since Alpha, more to the fact, I often dominated the server, I can handle myself in PvP, although get rather pumped before, during and after a battle. I do enjoy such servers a the hunger games, and find PvP an enjoyable thing to do. With building, i'm a real perfectionist, and I find that I cannot often build the same thing twice, i'm not sure if I find it boring or anything... but yea.

    Weaknesses(if any):

    I'm terrible at anything such as pixel art or skin designing, and am a bit of a perfectionist. (not trying to rip off Geo here.)

    Have you read the rules listed in the Olympiad Rules? And do you agree to abide by them?

    Yes I have read the rules, and I agree to abide by them.

    Other notes:

    Sam Brownicle

  5. MC Username:


    Rp Username (be sure to include the correct prefix, look up on info thread):


    Character Skillset:

    Masterful Blacksmith (100)

    Masterful Axeman (100)

    (Ideally) Masterful Lumberjack

    Appearance (age, SUBRACE, gender):

    So'Taurakhan (28) is a huge Tigrasi, commonly being referred to as; the "Kha' Uruk.", his immense size grants him a huge muscular structure and uncommon strength amoungst many denizens of Asulon. His size was granted to him by his mother and father; Skar, and Kizena, as were with his twin brother - Tla'Morthawl, all of the siblings were granted with huge size for their sub-race, considered as a blessing from Metztli herself - perhaps more-so that the first-born is the Tlatlanni.

    Taurakhan is not a vain kha', but his fur is never unkempt, he believes there is a quality in self-respect that must be tended to before respect of others can be gained. His incisors are twisted, making a bite a more bloody ordeal, and his claws extended often, his claw's size making it rather painful to retract.


    Taurakhan was raised to believe that the Uruks were the scourge of the earth, although he takes pride in his nickname, he also takes offense. Raised by his mother, he was taught to respect the female's of any race, taking a particular shine to the Mori. Taurakhan is fiercely loyal kharajyr and would follow his Tlatlanni to the death. He finds alot of clamour for reform and also finds it hard to pull away from someone he holds dear to him.

    Please include a short bio of your character's life:

    Taurakhan was born to Dra'Skar and So'Kizena in a litter of four. At a young age, Skar had left the family to pursue an ideal in the ape land, and Kizena was left to raise the litter alone. The ordeal was tiresome and stressful for Kizena, whom's life would end on the litter's brink of adulthood. The move to the Mori was one that Taurakhan rather enjoyed, having a particular like in the Mori race.

    Character's ambitions:

    Taurakhan's ambitions'd be to pursue a life of the warrior, and to marry a female worth his mettle. He finds great solace in the slaying of Uruks and'd particularly want to pursue this way of life.

    _---Situational Rp Questions---_


    As you travel through the Karakatuan jungle, you spot a human trespassing on your nation's lands. He approaches you, obviously distressed, and asks for any food, water, or shelter that you can provide, then tells you that he has been lost in the area for days without any proper supplies. How do you react?:

    Taurakhan pushes his tongue over the side of his mouth, examining the Human closely, watching the movements of the hands intriguingly. As he does so, he thinks of the possible uses of the ape, how it could, how it /must/ help the building of the new empire.

    "Ukke." a says calmly "A' cun 'elp yu."

    The human begins to beam with excitement at it's apparent savior. Taurakhan throws a loaf of bread clumsily at the human's head, the human picks it up from the floor and reaches down to devour it, exposing it's long neck, as the rim of the ape's teeth crush against the crust of the bread, Taurakhan exclaims:

    "Bawt furst!"

    The ape turns to the towering Kharajyr eagerly, waiting to have it's first decent meal in days.


    "Taurakhan wunt yu ta' du uz - da' kha' un favour, ukke? Taurakhan say 'dat yu 'alp da' kha', an' yu cun eat lyk' 'dat ull' yur' lyf'... yu' refuse an' yu' die. 'Dat simpul."

    The ape grimaces, and swallows it's saliva.

    "Y-yes, anything!"


    As you romp through the lands of the "apes", you come across a tavern. Inside this tavern, a Dwarf notices you and starts gawking at you, then begins to speak.

    "Oi! I gots a bowl of cream for you, Kitty! Ha! I'd bet you would make a nice throw rug, wouldn't ya, ya mangy furball?!"

    He continues act generally as racist as possible. What do you do?:

    Taurakhan growls angrily, turning to the Dwarf with bared teeth. Blinded by his drunken hubris, the Dwarf slams his palm on the table, strutting over to the huge Kharajyr.

    "What da' matta' eh' cat got ye' tong'?!"

    The dwarf slams his hand on the table again in a hilarious fit of laughter. Taurakhan reaches down, snarling angrily at the dwarf as he lifts him to his face.

    "Ay', whut'cha doin' furball ae?!"

    Taurakhan growls again, choke-slamming the Dwarf though the table, send it out old. Taurakhan struts over to the dwarf, stamping his foot on the dwarfs head, crushing the brain beneath his weight. Taurakhan turns towards the door, a drop of saliva splashing against the floor. Upon leaving, Taurakhan decides not to apologise to the Ape Barkeeper - the Dwarf deserved it.


    One of your fellow Kharajyr and a close friend of yours comes to your dwelling in the middle of the night and begins to pound on your door. After you let him in, he confesses to killing another Kharajyr over a slice of cake. What do you do in response?

    Taurakhan pulls himself from his chamber angrily, stumbling past the doorway and unto the porch. As the friends revelations come towards him, Taurakhan rubs his sleepy eyes, then begins to smirk a little. Taurakhan asks where the body is, and provides an interesting alternative to a dirty ditch, a dungeon, if it appeared he had been teared apart by a zombie, there would be no suspicion. Right?

    His friend traveled to the dungeon as suggested, only to find several Do' there to arrest him, murder, was not acceptable, even over cake.

    Do you swear to follow the Tlatlanni and uphold his law, and do you swear to hold Metztli and all of her actions as sacred?

    I wear to follow the Tlatlanni and uphold his law, and to swear to hold Metztli and all of her actions as sacred?

    Please include a screenshot or 3D render of your character's skin

    ~Without MPM


  6. It isn't my place to write here, but it'd appear there are alot of "Nog"s around your application, I just thought i'd point this out as it seems like a copy and pasted application, considering the application is for a kha' named Do'Razaar Khalahr.

    Thanks. ;)

  7. Skar tears the letter from the bird's talons, ruining the parchment, he takes a single look over the the text, and takes a single bite from a burnt porkchop nearby. He'd not seen Tiazar since Malinor, and Dato since before that, word from them was good 'specially the news that they brought.

    Skar relaxes his muscles and ruffles through a small -duffle bag- finding his proud heirloom and his armour, taking another bite from the porkchop, and throwing it away. Skar set off to find his kin.

    "Shud b' fun."

    Proceeds to strut about the ape city of Arethor. Watching as the 'nobles' and the 'knights' of the city openly abuse the ones they are sworn to protect. His faith in the apes ever wavering.

    Skar sighs.

    "'Lotta fun kill'ang ape'z... lawtz."

  8. Skar smirks as he unfurls his plans before Tiazar. Skar was not fool, he knew a battle with the 'green apes' was not one to be won. But with Skar's intentions accepted, he could kill many without even being present.

    He looks to Tiazar blankly and his face falls into thought and desperation. Skar smiles, and ventures downstairs to the moonblade quarters, on his return he exclaims;

    "Skawr hass'an wittul ide'uh..." he says, revealing the Orc skins and heads, that he'd claimed through hunting with Tiazar. "Let'z put 'dese up, 'wen 'da plan unfurlz?"

    He smirks again, "'Da Uruks 'weel regrut cumm'en 'ere, Tla'Tiazar."

    Skar then ventures outside on all fours and rallies his friend Kija, "We gut wurk ta' du."

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