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  1. Name: Sev_Sld_Finnick_Steelblade Age: 220 years Reason for Joining: He has been a part of the military for a while now, and is looking to move up the ranks. His life has been dedicated to serving Seventis, and only wants to help in every way. Biography: Before the boats left for aegis, he lived with his brother Taurren and Demetrius. They lived in their own town called Clearview along with other friends. Sadly though, their father Artemis chose to remain in Aegis and somehow repel the undead in their attack. Finnick knew his father wouldn’t survive. From the boats, he watched his father fight valiantly; slaying every undead in his path. His comrades couldn’t hold the undead back, and they became too much for his father, swarming and killing him. Disheartened, he secluded himself for years to mourn the loss of his father. Now, Finnick has rejoined his family, minus his father, and assists Taurren with the army in his town of Enismor. Weapon styles and abilities (with levels): Smart like his father, he knows which enemies to attack and when; almost always getting his kill. ((Swords- lvl 100 Archery- lvl 31)) What sets you apart from the other candidates for our Legions?: Finnick has been trained by some of the best in the business. He is experienced and selects his prey wisely. What are your life goals?: He wants to the best he can in avenging his friends that have fallen to the undead. What morals do you have?: He respects those in the ranks above him, and doesn’t degrade those below him. Along with being honest, Finnick is a person people like to be around. Lastly, though not required, are you a citizen of Seventis?: No, but I soon will be. (OOC PORTION) IG name: jaredv213 Sev_Sld_Finnick_Steelblade Time you can be on per day: Around 3 to 4 hours
  2. So the ravens are against Seventis?
  3. So the ravens are against seventis?
  4. Are the white ravens fighting with the platinum guards against enismor? I've been hearing rumors......
  5. I agree with this as well. I would like to help the ravens in any way possible. Please let me know if you want me to help. I haven't been doing much lately and need something to do.
  6. Are any quests being offered right now? I could use the money.
  7. ((ok ill try my best to get it))
  8. ((No. Im not that stupid. lol))
  9. Where can I apply to be an assassin? If you need more, i'd be more than happy to help.
  10. jaredv213. Signing for the roll call.
  11. Application for the Guild Mc name- jaredv213 Ic name- Finnick_Steelblade Do you have a villain application- No What will you contribute to the guild- I can provide heavy infantry support and assist in building and farming when I am called. Do you agree to follow and obey the rules?- Yes What previous Experience do you have?- I was a warrior for the nation of Kal’Urguan and a guard for Lunavara. What have you done to promote the ideals of Aeriel?- I have ravaged undead bases and scrapped them for items with my friends. Once in the guild, what branch will you belong to?- I wish to belong to the Ordo Purus What is your level in the skill the branch uses (for merchants write N/A) – Swordsmanship-71 Archery- 33 Have you signed our charter?- Yes
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