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Everything posted by BLOXER111

  1. hard to be active.

  2. built an AWSOME pirate ship on mine craft.next up a quaren class republic cruiser,then a booster class republic cruiser then acclamantor then venatar.

  3. hard to be active.ps3

  4. if you play ps3.add me im cloner38.

  5. My sould was saved by Jesus.

    1. BLOXER111


      BEST CHRISTMAS EVER!I got a ps3.cant hook up to internet yet though.and a web cam.


  7. Merry Christmas....and a sad year to me.

    1. BLOXER111


      man brantley alabama 7th grade students are the WORST EVER!

  8. If anyone plays star wars republic commando im working on a roblox base.post what planet my base should be.im already pondering about umbara.

  9. AAHHH.Somthings biting on my arm.Could it be the rare vampire mynock?AAHH

  10. OH NO CALEB IS GONNA RAID US!What should i do?im a jedi in greyhounds group.

  11. Cant help but to build a Sith Temple...

    1. realslimshady


      Lolno, people will think you're an undead dude.

      This isn't a freebuild server.

    2. BLOXER111


      Im not talking about that.talking about a nother game.

  12. Oh dey sey nevo te lose howp.bot howp ees llhaust.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BLOXER111


      Well I still have my love Admiralsharp.

    3. BLOXER111


      great my spir has been killed.nowe im going to hell when i die.

    4. BLOXER111


      Well since I cant be in LOTC im making my own server.Gonna be famous once im done.

  13. i should problobly just give up on lord of the craft.

    1. 0000


      No, don't. It's a very fun community, and with enough effort, you can make it. Keep trying man :) Good luck!

    2. BLOXER111


      thanks but the way they turned down my 5th applic

    3. CommanderCaleb


      Its like, writing a school paper.

      You need good grammar

  14. sent my 5th application.

  15. oh builden.im builden.builden a base for rgr.

  16. Soo lon hov ye weted.noew ye face yer fete.(Mandalorian tounge:So long have you waited.Now you face your fate.

    1. BLOXER111


      I love that hoty Commander sharp.

  17. y so msny peeps veiwing my file?well im glad comana caleb is.(commana is what i call my rl commander)

    1. Pliz


      I get random people I denied.

  18. thanks to one of the forum moniter guys i now have anger issues.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BLOXER111


      fine ill look at em again.

    3. Yamnothere


      Mate: personally ( i dont know you or dont pretend to know you But yeah ) I flamed the GM's after being banned myself, i was banned for several months before i found myself back in playing, what you have to do is: Give the specific reason you where banned E.g, : I was banned on the day so on so forth, for Meta gaming, I had meta gamed for such and such reasons, and am very sorry for it, so on so forth, i would like to apologise to the Victim of this meta gaming, to the staff, and to whom ...

    4. Yamnothere


      Personally if its just the Applecation's in which to not be a wondering soul your looking for, inbox me, and i'l see what i can do. Inbox me, your charactor name, and what you want your occupation to be and so on. ( plus your private OOC detail parts of the app )

  19. sent my 3d application.

  20. hey its me Cloner38.well...bik111 to u.

  21. finaly sent my application.ii hope i get accepted.

    1. Blackdragonhole


      Cation now. May take a couple of Applications before you get accept in.

    2. Blackdragonhole


      Cation now. May take a couple of Applications before you get accept in.

  22. dnt know how to join.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Eledyr


      If you want to join, make an application

      All the info can be found in the application part of the forum

    3. BLOXER111
    4. BLOXER111


      Can some one post a link in acomment to apply?

  23. hey caleb sir its me cloner38 how do i go into the game?

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