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Status Updates posted by Ragnar'Trurlock

  1. Been playing LOTC for 4 months and 11 days :D Time flys.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 0000


      Same, but one more month than you^

    3. Ragnar'Trurlock


      ^^Congrats you guys are veterans!

    4. 0000


      My RP was really REALLY bad when I started for about a month or two. Probably more. Luckily I had some time to adjust.

  2. I really hate projects, they honestly ruin my day.

  3. Just had the worst RP of my life...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ragnar'Trurlock


      Tried to but i simply couldn't do it. RP was just to bad.

    3. Trouvo


      strike report then

    4. Ragnar'Trurlock


      how long have you been here for 13 days? you barely even experienced the game yet. Also, a little human charging me while im in full diamond also 2x stronger than you, hmm let me think who is going to win? a little human or giant orc? Giant Orc. Also, what am i not allowed to move while rping? You have anything else to say you can do it through PM's or that "ban report" you already posted.

  4. Nice Donation dude! Aether Vip congratulation!

  5. Time to introduce my new fiend. Say hello to Lamaenor the Dark elf.

    1. Ever


      Hello Lamaenor.

    2. ΚΨΙΞ


      That.. SSSsss a nice Lamaenor the Dark Elf you have there... it would be a shame if anything were to happen to it.. ssss

    3. Ragnar'Trurlock
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