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Everything posted by Ragnar'Trurlock

  1. Why are they taking out the undead? They add in my opinion a better role playing experience.
  2. where do we sign the charter? Can i have a link?
  3. I don't know if you application acceptors seen it yet but there are about 2-3 apps unanswered (last time i checked) in the previous posts.
  4. oh alright i could probably give you about 7,000
  5. Ok so if we want to do a nation charter we need to raise 500,000 minas, am i correct about this?
  6. In my own opinion i don't think we have enough people in the guild for a region.
  7. i got like 4-5k :/maybe more haven't checked it in a while
  8. Wow, the city looks amazing, if you need any help at all let me know.
  9. yeah i believe he should be accepted because, i think ogedi isn't going to be on until the new map.
  10. Do we have a training ground for warriors and archers? Also, where do you think our whereabouts are going to be in the new world?
  11. Oh ok i get it now. Oh and btw when are you guys on? I haven't seen one other white raven online haha.
  12. i don't know why but, i don't really like having only 4 archangels, if they are going to be an elite army there should be a good amount of them.
  13. I think instead of a set up ritual, it should be you sacrificing yourself in battle, or in the name of good, without it being an act.
  14. yeah I'm having pretty bad lag right now on the server, and no i don't know it sorry.
  15. Yeah I love this idea, It will only make it fair for everybody. Also, what do you think of going threw tests for becoming an archangel? For example, like going in the nether and surviving or some other crazy stuff. I also believe the skill required should be 30 for becoming a squire, 45 to become a recruit of the paladins (basically just accepted in, but didn't quite pass the test yet) Then becoming 50 is, your a paladin and can train a squire to becoming a paladin, then at 70, With a handful of missions and courageous battles won, you can start your Archangel training. For the final skill level i believe it should be in the range of 85+ because they are the best of the best. I also think if you have other good combat skills like archery at 50 or something, the required level is dropped a little bit because you are trained well with a blade and a bow. So lets say, 90 to become a recruit of Archangels, and if you have another high combat skill it can be dropped down to like 85. Then finally to become a Archangel you need 100 in any combat skill and if you wish you can take in squires of your own to train them for the test and what not.
  16. Yeah i understand, just what are they mainly doing? fighting wars and fighting battles? (I'm talking about the warrior ranks)
  17. I like the whole going threw a test idea. If this is to be an elite rank you will have to survive the roughest, most brutal environments and battles, right? I also think they should be like a superior race amongst the white ravens, (kind of like ascended) Who do special missions, like to infiltrate and take out an undead lord or something without being noticed, or the opposite. So basically, This rank is like being a spartan, and before this rank, like a peasant to them. (Not making any offense to the other ranks just putting out examples.)
  18. Well anyways if it is what I'm thinking of, then i think it should have several different ranks (paladins, Archangels, Bishop, etc., its own building for the members, a new skin for each rank, and A symbol that goes on the skin (like the crusaders did in the Middle Ages). All i can think of at the top of my head at the moment i will post more once i can think of more.
  19. So is the Ordo Mundi going to be branch of ranks, kind of like the white ravens? Or something else.
  20. oh ok just wondering, because the place seemed deserted, and btw, theres some sort of password needed for the raven door to be opened, are new recruits allowed in?
  21. So when are you guys usually there and when do we get assigned missions and such. Sorry for all the questions just trying to get the details.
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