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  1. is there an asulon downlod map

  2. is there an asulon downlod map

  3. I don't understand why they didn't do this stuff before, why do it the day after the promised release date

    1. danic


      a lot of this stuff could only be done on the main server, so there was originally going to be some downtime, its just there was a lot of plugin issues that happened and the person needed to fix it wasnt around, so they have to wait

  4. this transition rp is a waste of time

    1. jamesb


      It actually sounds very fun.

    2. Makram12


      its the same thing every time man, at least do somethin unique

  5. Anyone wondering what happened to Omithiel? The former Grand King of Urguan? https://twitter.com/OmithielCorrupt show him some love by following him on twitter!

  6. Anyone wondering what happened to Omithiel? The former Grand King of Urguan? https://twitter.com/OmithielCorrupt show him some love by following him on twitter!

  7. what happened to teamspeak

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