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Chef Welshie

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  1. Who we are: The Blackguard Enterprise is a trade guild comprised of slavers, cannibals, ransom artists, black market dealers, murderers, and torturers. What do we do: Our slavers capture, sell, and buy the people of Asulon for profit. Whether we're dealing slaves to the Black Hand, Orcs, or the Dark Brotherhood, we'll sell and buy slaves for a good price. It's our business. Our ransom artists capture notable government officials and return them to their "loved" ones for higher prices. Our black market dealers sell stolen and valuable goods to those who wish to buy them. The Legend: Guild Leaders: Welshie and ________: The guild leaders share the power of the guild to make sure the other doesn't get too power hungry. They can do everything that someone below is permitted to do. Sects: Our main sects are Slavery, The Black Market, and the Ransom Art, but with have smaller sects that consist of Torture and Cannibalism. Slavery Sect Ranks*: Chattel-Master: Keeps track of current slaves, their condition, and other technical stuff. He may also tell the Slave Hawk what person to enslave. Requires: 4 Slave Hawk: Gathers the slaves and brings them to the base of operations; also delivers and receives slaves from others. Requires: 1, 2a/b Peon Dealer: Speaks with those who wish to buy or sell slaves, and sets up a time, place, and price. He may also tell the Slave Hawk which person to enslave. These plans are given to the Slave Hawk. Requires: 4 Lackey: Feeds the slaves and cleans their cells; and the entire base. The lackey is usually a slave himself. Requires: No evils. *All ranks here are also used for Ransom art. Chattel-Master also keeps track of ransoms and their conditions, etc. The Black Market: Goods Dealer: Keeps track of stolen goods and valuables. Also tells the Plunderer what goods to steal. The equivalent of the Chattel-Master. Requires: 4 Plunderer: Steals the goods or valuables and stores them in the guild bank. Also physically sells them to buyers and buys them from sellers. The equivalent of a Slave Hawk. Requires: 1 Coordinator: Organizes the selling and buying of goods to other people, and sets up a price, time, and place. Also gives the Plunderer a list of goods to steal. Requires: 4 Torture Sect: Pain Matriarch: Tortures slaves; also kills them if they are needed for cannibalism. Requires: 1, 2a/b Pain Engineer: Creates types of torture and traps for the slaves; a master of redstone circuitry.** Requires: No evils. ** The Pain Engineer may also program piston doors and stairs for the base, and other redstone contraptions. Cannibalism Sect: Special Chef: Prepares meals of living or dead slaves for cannibalism. Requires: 1, 2a/b Guild Rules: OOC: To be more efficient in the guild, a villain application for 1, 2a/b and 4 is recommended. The great thing about this is that you don't have to kill anyone, unless your job specifies you to. No violation of any server rules while you are in our guild. If you violate any rules of the guild or the server, you will be kicked from our ranks; or worse, enslaved. IC: You are allowed to be in other villainous guilds, such as the Dark Brotherhood or a bandit guild. We wouldn't want a Peacekeeper in our base, unless they were a slave. No lying or stealing to/from other members of the guild or from those we deal with (slave buyers and sellers). Never mention the name of the guild to others OOC or IC. Ever. Application: Other Information: I am still adding and subtracting things as we go, but for this most part this is The Blackguard Enterprise. If you have any questions, ask here. You can also apply here by replying. We need builders for our base (when our town charter is accepted), and I need a guild master to rule by my side.
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