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Posts posted by Snoop

  1. Once again OOC drama rips through LOTC, a classic honestly. People are truly acting like this is 'the end'. As if this has not happened a billion times before. As if OOC harassment isn't a common trend on this server. As if the staff team is actually non-biased (lmao). I have not played in years, yet I can already see the same trends. I can easily point to oren as an example.


    Oren has always been ripe with OOC plotting and shitty drama among major cliches. It's why you don't seem the guild section populated with human groups like rangers, mercenaries, or anything cool because it's not even worth it anymore just to get stomped or just OOCly shit on. I remember seeing a new player trying to start a small knights guild in the guild section of the forums and orenian players just trolled the shit out of him making joke applications and mocking him. He quit the server after.


    This stuff has been going on for years, it's really not a surprise. OOC plotting especially is something especially that has been around for years. Vibius literally deposed the chivays after planning in skype with his army, salvus was handed over to the orcs through skype discussion with the oren king, pretty much all warclaims are fought with some form of alts on either side.


    But apparently now it's a big deal for some reason.

  2. Memoirs written in 1428 from a guardsmen and later Lord Commander of the prominent city of Kingston would emerge, thought to be lost with the flooding of Anthos but rediscovered having been saved by scholars within the Empire. David Campos, a Shield of Salvus wrote of his life in the Kingdom of Salvus prior to its partition in 1425 and the major events of the era from his eyes including the Invasion of Malinor, the Orenian Civil War culminating with the Dreadfort Siege, the Orenian-Urguan War, and the Inquisition's Ordos Scrutinati in Kingston as well as the massacring of the city's guardsmen and civilians before the Great Exodus. He also empathized the struggles the Kingdom faced including pressure from notable factions and military orders such as the White Rose and the Flays/Blackmonts, corruption and incompetence within the ranks of the Shields both from the low ranks and the higher ranks, as well as the internal struggles of the Kingdom's leadership primarily revolving around the Hightowers' scandals and the incompetence of the Bedeveres whose leadership would accelerate the collapse of the Kingdom of Salvus to the orcish warring nation.



    A Shield's Memoirs, 1428





    When I first came to Salvus, the beleaguered nation I would soon call home, I was still a youth. At that time, its immediate ruler was King James II of the Hightowers. Today, the name Hightower still carries a controversial reputation, much as it did then. Nevertheless, at the time the family was at the height of its glory, presiding over the most populous and by my account, most beautiful city in Anthos.


    Salvus itself had a reputation in those days too: the most dangerous city on the continent. And not because it sat at the crossroads of all four nations–foreign incursions would be folly, as humanity was united under the first, or “Holy” Oren Empire, then ruled by the ruthless Emperor Horen V. No, Salvus was a hive of thieves, bandits, and other criminals. There was internal unrest within the empire as well; the savage Flays and the far more powerful White Rose lived to the north, and they both held the Hightowers in great disdain. This meant that the capital city of Kingston was subjected constantly to bandit raids from all sides, along with a host of undesirables within the walls themselves. Under constant siege, the royal guard force, the Shields, had long since buckled under pressure and were at the time often unable to fulfill their duties.


    I heard all this as I wandered the streets of Kingston, but perhaps by fate, the first time I saw the Shields was not in an all-too-common moment of ignominious defeat, but in a small victory, as they rounded up and slew a petty thief. As military action went, it was about as simple as I can imagine, but it was more than I had ever seen and thus enough to get my attention. So, naturally, I asked to join. From there, I was taken to the keep, which was as beautiful as the city itself. Architects took a more grandiose approach in those days…

    I mention my initiation only because it was there that I met my friend and mentor, Zandros Waveswept. It was customary for one of the Shields to “welcome” each recruit by fighting them on a sand pit outside the palace, a fight which they usually won. For me, Zandros was the opponent. A thinnish man with a gleam of intelligence in his eyes, he had been recruited a mere six months before me and was already rising quickly in the ranks. The Lord Commander saw in him a protege, as did both lower commanders, and he seemed eager to gain favor with both them and the local nobles. It saddens me to say that his story does not end well. But if I have grown to be an able commander, it is because of his influence.

    For the next few years, few things changed. Kingston remained its usual crime-ridden self, and we did what we could to fight it. I learned to swing a sword, to fire a bow, to obey orders and to march in formation. The Lord Commander, Thomas Siegemen, was a fanatic about formations–he admired the primary military of Oren, the White Rose, and wished to emulate them as much as he could. But he was a serious, brutish man, fond of beating both his own men and the odd passersby on the street. He inspired no loyalty or love, and the entirety of the city hated him, with the exception of perhaps Zandros. It was always difficult to tell what he actually thought of people. In any case, for all his faults, the old man wouldn’t accept weakness. His men were resilient, and they steadfastly continued on in the face of more adversity than any other military force that I know of.


    In the year 1408, Emperor Horen tired of sitting idle, and declared war on the neighboring elves to the west. We were told to expect battle, but it never came. So strong was the empire then that the elves surrendered without a fight. The majority of their land was annexed, and the dominion of humanity spread across the north of the continent, meeting no resistance. We gained recruits from the war propaganda and lost nobody. And it was a good thing, for a real war was coming, a bloody one.


    In 1410, after hearing of a series of grievances and mounting tensions between the Teutonic Order and the Flays, (Then known as Blackmonts) the Emperor granted his permission to both vassals for blood to be spilt over the conflict. The resulting civil war enveloped the empire in strife for over two years, and involved almost every faction in the north of the continent. It was during this war that Salvus mustered the most troops in its history. The Hightowers, hoping that a victory would destroy the Blackmonts and thus restore peace to their kingdom, threw us squarely in the Teutonic camp, and through our efforts we were able to raise over 40,000 men.


    The campaign raged across both the frozen hills of the north and the fertile plains of home. The Flays, who outnumbered the Teutonic order but were less disciplined, found themselves crushed in open combat, but struck viciously in raids against anyone who backed the northerners. In time, the enemy was driven to defend their towering fortress the Dreadfort.


    I doubt any man who was there and still lives does not still remember it. 200,000 men stood that day on that bleak field, before a massive castle so large that it was able to hold an almost equal number of the enemy. It took days of siege with all the Teutonic firepower to even begin to bring it down. And in the end, we were driven back, though leaving the Dreadfort a pile of smoldering rubble.


    That was the end of the civil war. With the remains of the Blackmonts on the offensive, backed by their White Rose allies, the Emperor intervened, and for reasons still unknown to me today, the Teutonic order was temporarily disbanded. In the course of all this, Zandros had managed to maneuver his way into a commander rank, displacing one Vectis Vekon. With the second commander of the Shields often away, this effectively made him second in the chain of command. As I remember, he mostly used the newfound power for wenching. He was generally considered an authority among us anyway.


    It was also the end of Salvus as I had known it. In the Imperial capital of Abresi, events were already in motion that would put our very existence in jeopardy. The unlimited power of the Horens had kept us safe, but it could also destroy us at will. After the battle of the Dreadfort, we returned to our home, and we did what we had always did: persevered. But the Emperor and his advisors had grown intolerant of the Hightowers’ arrogance, of the crime rife within Kingston, and of Salvus’ monopoly of the central trade routes running through it. And so Ordos Scrutinati was ordered, and all hell broke loose.


    Ordos Scrutinati was the Imperial Inquisition’s term for a mass investigation. It had been decided that Kingston was to be purified. Where before we had dealt with small raiding bands of Blackmonts and bandits, now we faced the professional might of the White Rose, backed by an imperial edict and working with the Inquisition, which was in those days truly terrifying. It might not have been so bad for us in particular, if we had not just fought a war against the White Rose. But on the day they were handed control of the city, they immediately exacted a gruesome revenge. From the very minute the gates closed, the streets ran red with Shield blood. Only a few of us survived: myself, Commander Waveswept, and some of the recruits escaped into the mountains. The Lord Commander was thought dead for days, and it was difficult to regroup, as we had to stay off the main roads. Eventually, we reached the capital with news of the massacre, and it was only because the Roses acted on their own that we were allowed back into our own city.


    When the battered remains of the Shields returned to their city, it was a much different place. As the crossroads between nations, Kingston had always taken its vitality from the extreme diversity within its walls. But from the moment the inquisition set its banners on the palace walls, elves and halfbreeds were captured and slaughtered along with any that the empire deemed “heretic.” But the city persevered, until the day the White Rose made one fatal mistake, and slew a Dwarven lord within the walls of Kingston.


    The transgression came at the end of a string of conflicts between the empire and the Dwarven kingdom of Urguan, and the high king Thorin Grandaxe, facing internal resistance to his rule, could not allow himself to appear weak. War was declared, breaking a peace agreement that had existed between humans and dwarves for decades.


    Ordos Scrutinati was abandoned, but Salvus’ troubles were just beginning, and not because of the dwarves: Oren won the first armed clashes handily and was pressing into their territory within a few months. The ultimate decline of our beautiful homeland came from the machinations of our own treacherous Lord Steward: Aron Bedevere. A farmer of Adunian ancestry who had clawed his way to nobility, he was by this time very wealthy, but was known mostly for his lust. The trail of bastards that Bedevere left in his wake was perhaps the largest I have ever seen. But for whatever reason, he was at the time well liked among us, particularly by the commanders. Siegemen had long ago found him worthy of loyalty, and Waveswept had apparently sensed where power really laid in the kingdom.


    In any case, Bedevere ordered a full evacuation of what was still the most populous city in the world, citing the Dwarven threat as justification. The gates were closed to traffand with no populace, the Hightowers’ power base shriveled to practically nothing. I later found out that the steward had carried out the edict in return for a seat on the imperial council. If only we had known at the time…

    Not a month later, the Great Exodus shook the empire to its core. The details of the event are of little concern to me, and many today still struggle to understand the causes. But some half of the imperial leadership set sail across the horizon, taking with them the majority of Oren’s military. Seizing the opportunity, Bedevere used his influence with the then-king Garth Hightower, who defected to Urguan and immediately abdicated his title to Aron, beginning the Bedevere dynasty, the weakest and most mismanaged period in Salvian history.

    Over the next few years, as the rest of Oren fell to the Dwarves, Salvus only further declined. King Aron refused to open the city gates, and despite the complaints of his commanders, Siegemen refused to contest the decision. Instead, we turned our attention to ourselves. We constructed Westwarde Citadel, a massive fortress which, although undeniably impressive, became too large to effectively defend in later years when our numbers dwindled. As Siegemen’s health waned, Zandros pressed his own influence, reforming the Shields into the Legion of the Cardinal Cross. And so as the kingdom itself grew weaker, we grew stronger.

    It would never be enough. Although Zandros soon took control of the military after the death of Siegemen, the throne was still entrusted to the Bedeveres, who continually made the wrong decisions for their own self interest. Upon the death of the Grand King, they became paranoid, believing that the dwarves could no longer protect them from outside invaders. Their concerns were partially warranted: few who manned the citadel trusted their new ruler Dizzy Irongrinder, the “delver king.” But there was little choice but to put our trust in our liege, something that the Bedeveres never understood.

    The issue came to a height upon the unification of the orc clans into a single horde, which subsequently moved to invade Salvus from the west. Mercifully, King Aron had been recently assassinated by bandits, but he left behind the boy king Relenkai Bedevere, who by virtue of inexperience was just as bad. Perhaps, had we acted then to oust the dynasty, we could have averted disaster, but Zandros, despite his reservations, still felt loyalty to the boy’s father. It was a loyalty that would cost him his life.

    Yet he was able to do some good: while we held the orcs at bay, Zandros was able to influence Relenkai and his advisors to reopen the city, and even as the invaders grew closer, Kingston became all that it had once been: a thriving center of commerce and culture. The mood was optimistic, as the dwarves were now fully mobilized, with a large army on the way to aid us. One of our commanders, Tahjeet Mubdee, had been sent to the elven realm of Malinor to gather further allies, and fortifications were being set heavily in place around Kingston. If all went well, it seemed victory was at hand.

    It seemed that way at least, until the very day before the horde arrived at our gates. The Bedevere’s mistrust of Urguan had come to a boil, and without consulting with his advisors or with the legion, he renounced his loyalty to the dwarves and declared alliance with the fractured northern kingdoms that once had comprised Oren. There was no time to act; by the time the news reached us, the orcs were already upon us, and with them the incensed, fully armed Dwarven Legion. No help came from the elves, as the promises we had made them could no longer be trusted. No help came from Relenkai’s precious north either: He had not realized that their populace still detested Salvus, and many of them fought for the other side.

    I still remember Zandros’ roars of anger upon hearing of how Relenkai had destroyed everything he’s worked for. Many did not survive the battle the next day, as the horde broke through our walls meeting almost no resistance.  The Lord Commander was among them. Kingston was lost, the bridge between Westwarde Citadel and the city was demolished as per my orders. I alone was forced to protect what remained of our forces and lands as the next in line for Lord Commander, as all those who proclaimed themselves as our allies had abandoned us. The Bedevere's had fled into the fractured Kingdoms of Oren having betrayed Urguan's trust and the elves from Malinor had never come. Our city, its citizens, and our history had truly come to a tragic end. Perhaps I should have fallen in the siege with Waveswept, for I have been left with a burden worse than death itself.







    Serving as the last Lord Commander of Salvian Forces after the partition of Kingston. David Campos according to records would later serve as the representative for the remaining Salvian territories in return for providing military aid to Emperor Siegmund I.  After reformation in the realm of humanity he'd become a prominent military officer in the Imperial Army under the newly formed Third Empire ruled by the Peter Chivay. While his disdain written in his memoirs leads to confusion on his willingness to serve the blood of a White Rose who openly slaughtered many of his own, it is referenced in the witnessed accounts of the Vibian Coup in 1467 that the elderly Salvian stood beside Lord Vibius de Sola, Imperial Marshal of Oren in the ousting of House Chivay from the Orenian capital in Athera and their removal from power and is considered one of the few Imperial Officers to have done as so.





    (( This was written 8 years ago in 2014 by Zanderaw (Zanderos Waveswept) and I after we decided to recount the events of a turbulent era from the eyes of a Salvian living day after day in the city of Kingston (my first character) while it was all still fresh. A mere guardsman in a realm filled with uncertainty, internal conflict, and war among many major factions, military orders, characters, and nations with Salvus/Kingston seeming to be surrounded and inching closer to being torn apart due to its popularity among all other cities and its struggle with internal feuds. I think it would be nice to have something like this on the wiki however I understand humanity is run by people frankly I don't know or recognize anymore, and I have no idea what the process for adding to the wiki is.


    Regardless, I hope this gave an insight to events that happened 9 years ago and an insight into the Kingdom of Salvus when it still existed. I also hope I arose some nostalgia in some of the older players still around. ))



  3. Nah, sorry. The only way to ever actually interact with anyone involved in magic is to be involved in their OOC skype/discord circle. Same way for anyone to get taken as a student for any type of magic. This is why magic users seclude themselves from a majority of the server, because if it isn't done their way then they won't interact with you. Meaning if you want a quick heal badly because you were attacked and mutilated by bandits the day before and have an important RP you have to do that day your screwed because that mage is too busy RPing with their friend circle or already has a group of friends lined up to heal first via paragraph RP.


    Though I am a fan of some type of legitimate rule revolving around perma-kill if it has legitimate reasoning. But that's a topic for another post.

  4. From the walls of Marna, Darwin Alers would stare quietly into the distance at the church whilst the bells rang throughout the kingdom at the announcement. For a moment he dipped his head and began to sign the cross, as did the small group of Lucienists he was leading.


    "Rest easy, your holiness. We will all join you one day when our duty is done just as you have completed yours."


    Darwin would then begin to depart from the walls and make his way towards the church to join the Order and the citizens of Marna in what would be a long day of mourning for the holy pontiff's death.

  5. OOC:
    Minecraft Username: Snooper44
    Timezone: EST
    How active you can be (semi/always/neither): Always
    Why are you interested in joining: I've known a lot of the folks in the guild from previous days on LOTC. I like how you guys conduct your roleplay and want to get back with a group that actually cares about its roleplay
    Name: Darwin Alers
    Age: 30
    Race: Human
    Gender: Male
    Noble or Common Lineage: Common
    Experience and Knowledge of Canonist dogma (None/Semi/Fluent): Semi
    Religious Affiliation (Atheist/Canonist/Xionist): Owynism
    Willingness to serve for life upon taking oaths of entry into the Order (None/Complete/Semi): Completely

  6. MC Name: Snooper44
    Character's Name:  Seng Jing
    Character's Age: 30
    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable): N/A
    Transformed form: Hou-Zi / Fei-Zhu
    Creator's MC Name: Snooper44
    Creator's RP Name: N/A
    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature: 


    Long ago the Daemon known as Metztli who'd later create the Kharajyr that populate and serve her today, wished to try her hand at uplifting life for the first time and from it came the birth of the Hou-Zi, a primate species that resembled humanoids. Metztil had chosen to gift knowledge to the alpha-male of the primate species who'd become known as Hou-Shen. He'd been gifted the task of spreading the knowlege to his breathern and working to create a civilizaiton. With Metztil's blessing Hou-Shen would be extremely successful as he birthed a nation that would rise into a vast empire and he'd declare himself the God King. The Hou-Zi empire stretched across Axios uncontested aside from their one rival, the children of Malin. Driven by desires of conquest Hou-Shen led the first war against the children of Malin, conquesting the dark elven city of Magara'lin. Although he was successful this proved to be their greatest fault as they underestimated the children of Malin and when Hou-Shen led a second war against the children of Malin the battle he engaged in ended in disaster with many Hou-Zi killed and Hou-Shen himself being slain in the battle and leaving a great wound on the Empire who now was without their absolute ruler. It was from this point the Hou-Zi declined as the elves saw the opportunity and banded together to drive back the Hou-Zi into their homelands and eventually wage a total genocide on the race.



    The Hou-Zi found themselves also falling victim and having the final nail set in their empire's coffin to an ancient deity known as the Poison, who had been responsible for causing the downfall of multiple civilizations who'd overstayed their peak and he'd no reason to overlook the Hou-zi's weak state. Without warning he'd flooded the main city of Jing-Taiyun that caused the golden palaces to crumble and every other structure, destroying their only home and crushing their last moral. The few that remained retreated deeper into the forests and remote mountains of Axios in order to survive, remaining in hiding until even the long living Elven people forgot of their existence.


    The Hou-Zi at their peak were unique and regarded their wealth highly. Power was important to them along with absolute loyalty to their god king Hou-Shen. Also, unlike other races of the realm Hou-zi were well known for their martial arts and some often trained in the art of chi, allowing them to draw their inner spirit and turn it into power of their own to use.

    One other unique factor concerning the Hou-Zi is its three sub-races which were created by Metzli,  The Laobai-Zi which consisted of the most populous of this three, and strongly resembled chimps, they were well known for being recognized as the peasantry of their remnant society and bear the shortest lifespans. The second  is the Fei-Zhu being most like baboons or orangutans, living from 150-250. And the largest of Hou-zi are the Hei-zhu, appearing like silver backed gorillas and living the longest at 250 - 300 years.


    When it comes to religious faith the Hou-zi once looked upon their creator Metzli which they called 'the awakener' when their empire was still grand. However since the decline they'd commonly refer to their creator as 'the doombringer'. In the modern day all Hou-zi mainly worship their past god king Hou-Shen who they pray will return to lead them back to greatness. Their only main fear aside from the elves and other races finishing them off is 'the Poison' which brought their empire to its knees and destroyed any home they once had.

    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: No
    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yes
    Do you consent to accepting what may happen to this character?: Yes
    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: N/A

  7. 9 minutes ago, sdm said:

    ((Why do you even bother to comment in 'rp' everything you say is painfully toxic and out of character 

    (( Honestly,  anything anyone comments on the forums anymore is painfully toxic and in some way OOCly directed at the other side. ))

  8. Having played a human for so long, i've become interested in trying something new. I thought since the orcs could use some people i'd like to possibly try and make a character. The issue is I lack any decent information and knowledge on the orc culture, language, and also I don't have a skin.

  9. 5 minutes ago, morrisaye said:

    Ashton nods along with Oliver. 


    "These people are the true heathens. To fight the servants of God who do nothing but heal the innocent and give homes to people for free. If that's what cults do, I'd much rather the world be run by cults than people like these 'petitioners.' Power hungry, all of them." 

    The unknown man wearing a large robe wonders how exactly this city of heretics could classify themselves as servants of god considering they lack a church in such a largely populated city that claims to house the belief in his holiness. Their only priest is a princess who has the entire so called 'free' nation worship herself and her appointed cabinet that essentially operates as a cult to those below him. Not only that, this city of blasphemy keeps its libraries closed to the public, denying any of the residents access to holy scriptures and any knowledge of the canoist faith.


    "The city of Suctia is a faithless nation of disgust and blasphemy. They side themselves with the Empire and claim to be 'neutral' in this world and respect the canonist faith, yet the Princess herself is constantly twiddling her fingers behind the scenes with plans to take the side of the victor to further her own gain and probably would pledge loyalty to the Urguan faith too if it mean saving her own skin. Absolutely disgusting. Though I am not surprised, it seems the city is always empty, perhaps these heathens hide themselves in the sewers as it would be a worthy place for their filth."

  10. 14 minutes ago, Hedgehug said:


    They pick a deserted island as far away as possible from other nations.

    Their own little group, own little island, own little military. Highly doubt we'll see much from them but BR's of bow PG


    The entire Ranger thing, is supposed to be woodelven culture.

    It is more wooded over there, which is why I believe they chose it. If it is bad a mod can simply recommend a closer position. Also, rangers were never a wood-elven thing. I don't know who put that concept into your idea. ranger groups have been around even for humans. Notably I recall one human ranger group of rangers fighting in the battle of the dreadfort on Anthos against the flays and white rose. They can be a range of things, rpers suriving and hunting in the forest, a fast moving and hitting force.

  11. 9 minutes ago, AGiantPie said:

    1) You can establish yourself as an effective nation as a vassal state in Oren fairly easily. The Elves maintain their cultural identity and domestic politics in this manner, but don't claim to be independent from everything else.

    2) From the PoV of someone already on the server, this foreign invasion gives off an extremely hostile vibe, especially considering the secretive nature with which this land claiming has been done. I wouldn't be surprised if resident nations attack you almost immediately due to this, which is why I give you fair warning.

    3) Some of the stuff I've read on your website has really not painted your group in a good light (people copying applications/having other people write them for them, examples of poor Rp, past servers not fitting with LotC vibe, etc), and that this entire group is planning to implant their own history into our Rp environment without learning of LotC's in-universe history has me concerned, especially since no effort was made to try to integrate with any existing groups. Though you say you're starting from a blank slate, by virtue of the fact that you've come here to make the next version of your community nation is proof otherwise.

    I don't want to jump to any conclusions, but my first impressions are definitely negative. Hopefully the group can prove me wrong and become valuable additions to the community.


    As someone whom was convinced to join LOTC from another rping minecraft website, i'd say there really shouldn't be a problem in bringing a new community into the play. Back in Aegis other communities had one member purchase diamond VIP to get a plot, and then they'd build a city/town/castle or whatever. Guilds were wild back then and it honestly allowed more flexibility and creativity among the playerbase and its different communities to do things that were fun. The Teutonic Order and other knightly orders that had their own codes of chivalry, various holy crusaders/paladin groups that declared to wage a crusade against the undead, bandit groups that simply raided the main road, or even actual merchant groups that'd just sell things without any major allegiances to any nation. or  It was fun and the best part was that the community was not always centered around nation drama, but rather did their own things and it was not always the boring and repetitive such as the same wars we have seen fought, 'fifth oren-urguan war' or 'civil war in oren, vassal against vassal. But now it could be paladins against forest rangers. Or merchants against a barbaric tribe. And eventually the guilds that survived proved their worth such as the Teutonic Order and even the White rose whom started out as a small monster hunting guild in Aegis before becoming the super military power that they were in Asulon for Oren when nations became bigger and more important then they once were in LOTC. Meanwhile other guilds that failed to hold their own were destroyed by bigger ones whom they managed to piss off because of a stupid move. Guilds hold more meaning then meets the eye for a lot of LOTC, it was a big factor that led to the diverse nations that we have come to know in modern LOTC. Salvus was formed in Aegis as a small town charter. Teutonic Order and White rose formed the kingdoms that led to the holy oren empire. All of these groups came to LOTC as friends and started out as small guilds/towns, met and merged into the community and made an impact with their group because they managed to prove their dedication and willingness for future ambitions. Maybe these forest rangers coming from a new server could do the same and shake things up a notch. Some new spice into LOTC that is quite needed.


    In light, many of us in LOTC after so many years are fearful of these new communities coming to merge into us because we have been used to the same people and ideals for so long. But this is a chance for us to shift from the same opinions we have been debating for so long and get the opinions of a bunch of new people whom have come to this server to have fun and rp just like we have done all these years, along with open us up to new opportunities which we have been hoping to see on LOTC.

  12. David Campos arches an eyebrow.


    "You murdered two people, none else. I don't see how this can be considered a slaughter at all. The Salvian Massacre by the White Rose was a true slaughter, this is a failed attempt to make yourselves look as if you made an accomplishment."

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