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Gold VIP
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Status Updates posted by Snoop

  1. How do I join the Hou-Zi nation? Also where can I find a skin?

    1. rukio


      Apply on the forums I believe, should fall under creature application if memory serves. Sup Snoop. I guess ask someone good at skins or make a request at a skin shop. 



  2. Can someone link me the dynamap of Atlas?

  3. Should I make an antagonist app for my main character?

  4. Anthos map needs updating.

  5. Salvus once again wins against the orcs. Salvus is unstoppable.

  6. racking up the kills on orcs.

  7. Salvus Reigns!

  8. Why must my modreq rot for so many hours.

  9. Such a joke. Shame people really come back in attempt to blow some steam off in a video game. Since when was this cawl o doody?

  10. Monsters are spawning EVERYWHERE.

  11. When are the mines going to open up again?

  12. Rhaekn the horse whisperer.

  13. How do I make a gate as a gold VIP?

  14. I'm finally an old hat!

  15. Remember David Campos, breaker of Dwarven Lines.


  17. The server down?

  18. Vote Oren for grand king!

  19. Oh god what did I log into?

  20. Damn you server!

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